In print
- First Degree Entailment with group attitudes and information updates (with A. Tedder and V. Punčochář). Forthcoming in: LORI V-II. Springer, 2019.
- From positive PDL to its non-classical extensions (with V. Punčochář). Forthcoming in the Logic Journal of the IGPL.
(pdf) (link) - Hyperintensional logics for everyone. Forthcoming in Synthese.
(pdf) (link) - Term negation in first-order logic (with K. Šebela). Forthcoming in Logique et Analyse.
(pdf) (link) -
Modelling sources of inconsistent information in paraconsistent modal logic (with O. Majer). Forthcoming in: H. Omori and H. Wansing (Eds.): New Essays on Belnap-Dunn Logic, Synthese Library Seres, Springer, 2019.
- Substructural propositional dynamic logics. In: R. De Queiroz, R. Iemhoff, M. Moortgat (Eds.): International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC) 2019, pp. 594-609. Springer,2019.
- Substructural logics for pooling information (with V. Punčochář). In: A. Baltag, J. Seligman and T. Yamada (Eds.): Logic, Rationality and Interaction. Proceedings of LORI-VI, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 407-241. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2017.
(link) - Substructural logics with a reflexive transitive closure modality. In: J. Kennedy and R. de Queiroz (Eds.): International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC) 2017, pp. 349-357. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2017.
(link) - Non-classical PDL on the cheap. In: P. Arazim and T. Lávička (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2016, pp. 239–256. London: College Publications, 2017.
- Epistemic extensions of modal distributive substructural logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 26(6), 1787-1813.
(link) - Propositional dynamic logic with Belnapian truth values. In: L. Beklemishev, S. Demri, A. Máté (Eds.): Advances in Modal Logic, volume 11, pp. 503-519. London: College Publications, 2016.
- Substructural epistemic logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 25, 256-285.
(link) (pdf) - The semantics of empirical unverifiability. Organon F, 22, 358-377.
(link) (pdf) - Action frames for weak relevant logics. P. Arazim and M. Dančák (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2014, pp. 267 - 279. London: College Publications, 2015.
- Relating logics of justifications and evidence. In: V. Punčochář and M. Dančák (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2013, pp. 207-222. London: College Publications, 2014.
(pdf) - Inter-model connectives and substructural logics. In: R. Ciuni, H. Wansing, C. Willkommen (Eds.): Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic (Proceedings of Trends in Logic XI). Trends in Logic, volume 41, pp. 195-209. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, 2014.
(link) - Logic and cognitive science (with J. Šefránek). In: V. Kvasnička (Ed.): Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science IV. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology Press, 2014.
- J. Dejnožka, The Concept of Relevance and the Logic Diagram Tradition (Review). Organon F, 21, 126 - 130.
- An outline of a substructural model of BTA-belief. Organon F 20 (Suppl. Issue 2), pp. 160-170.
[Link] - Information, awareness and substructural logics. In: Libkin, L., Kohlenbach, U., de Queiroz, R. (Eds.): Logic, Language, Information and Computation, LNCS 8071, pp. 266-281. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer, 2013.
[Link] - From pair points to pairs of models. In: V. Punčochář and P. Švarný (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2012. London: College Publications, 2013.
- Justifications, awareness and epistemic dynamics. In: S. Artemov and A. Nerode (Eds.): Logical Foundations of Computer Science. LNCS 7734, pp. 307-318. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer. 2013.
- Boxes are relevant. In: M. Peliš and V. Punčochář (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2011. London: College Publications, 2012.
- Neomylnost' a logika (Infallibility and logic, in Slovak). Organon F 19(1), pp. 239-254
[Link] - Prirodzená dedukcia, či analytické tably? (Natural deduction or analytic tableaus?, in Slovak) In: L. Dostálová (Ed.):
Organon VIII: Calculemus , pp. 53-61. Pilsen: University of Western Bohemia Press, 2012.
- Moorean sentences in update semantics. Organon F 18(2), pp. 142-153
[Link] - Logics of Moore's paradox (with J. Podroužek). In: M. Peliš, V. Punčochář (Eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2010. London: College Publications, 2011.
- V čom sa nemôžete mýlit'? (On what you cannot be wrong about, in Slovak). Organon F 18(3), pp. 351-362.
[Link] - Čo dokáže filozof? (Prove to be a philosopher, in Slovak) In: L. Dostálová (Ed.)
Organon VII aneb Nihil Novi , pp. 23-29. Pilsen: University of Western Bohemia Press, 2011.
- Justification logic as dynamic epistemic logic? (with J. Podroužek) In: X. Arrazola,M. Ponte (Eds.): Proceedings of the Second ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication, and Action (LogKCA-10). Donostia/San Sebastian: The University of the Basque Country Press, 2010.
- A new notion of meaning connection and the logic of simple processes (with J. Podroužek). In: M. Peliš (ed.) The Logica Yearbook 2009. London: College Publications, 2010.
- Saul Kripke a oživenie metafyziky (Saul Kripke and the Resurrection of Metaphysics, in Slovak) (with P. Ježík, D. Kamhal, P. Sýkora). Pusté Úl'any: Schola Philosophica, 2010.
- Poznanie, verifikácia a logika jednoduchých procesov (Knowledge, verification and the logic of simple processes, in Slovak) (with J. Podroužek). In: M. Zouhar (Ed.): Kontext a význam (Context and Meaning). Bratislava: Aleph, 2010.
- C. I. Lewis on possible worlds. History and Philosophy of Logic 30(3), pp. 283-291.
[Link] - Implikácia a tri druhy obsahovej súvislosti (Implication and three kinds of meaning connection, in Slovak). Filozofia 64(4).
- Náčrt logiky jednoduchých procesov (An outline of the logic of simple processes, in Slovak) (with J. Podroužek). In: P. Sousedík (ed.): Ozvěny Fregovy filosofie (Echoes of Frege's Philosophy), pp. 111-123.
- Majú mená prirodzených druhov konotáciu? (Do natural kind terms connote? In Slovak) Filozofia 63(4), pp. 297-300.
- C. I. Lewis a sémantický prístup k modálnej logike (C.I. Lewis and the semantics of modal logic, in Slovak). In: M.Zouhar (Ed.): Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy (Individuals, Universals and Meanings) pp. 173-178.
- Kant a Frege o analytickosti (Kant and Frege on analyticity, in Slovak). Filozofia 62(4), pp. 336-347.