Patricia Martinkova
I am a researcher at Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences and principal investigator of Center for Educational Measurement and Psychometrics at Faculty of Education Charles University. I am also Fulbright alumna and 2013-2015 visiting research scholar with the University of Washinthon, and an affiliate assistant professor at UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences and at UW Department of Statistics.
My research focuses on developing models and estimators to improve the quality of rating and measurement in various fields, such as in university admissions or hiring. I use simulation studies to demonstrate better properties and advantages of newly developed methods and estimators over those traditionally used in daily praxis. My apllied research uses these methodologies to analyze real data, mainly from selection processes, educational testing and health measurements.
I am big fan of reproducible research and freely available software. Part of my research is exploited in interactive online application ShinyItemAnalysis developed with a team of highly devoted students, which is now being used in many research fields all around the world.
My teaching interests cover various topics of applied statistics and psychometrics. I teach course NMST570 Selected topics in psychometrics and Seminar in Psychometrics NMST571. I also taught course on Item Response Theory and a course of Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Social Sciences. I am interested in incorporating active learning techniques into teaching.
Recent news
Workshop Introduction to Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis with R and ShinyItemAnalysis will be held at AEA-Europe conference in Lisabon on Nov 13, 2019. Registrations are open!
R package ShinyItemAnalysis Version 1.3.1 on CRAN now!
New version of ShinyItemAnalysis app is available online.
Doctoral positions and post-doctoral / junior researcher positions available in Prague. Submission deadline is June 22 , 2019. E-mail me if interested in position related to computational psychometrics or statistics.
Article ShinyItemAnalysis for Teaching Psychometrics and to Enforce Routine Analysis of Educational Tests has been printed in The R Journal.
International workshop on Psychometric Computing Psychoco 2019 will take place on February 21 - 22 in Prague, Czech Republic. Registrations are still open.
Article Disparities in ratings of internal and external applicants: A case for model-based inter-rater reliability has been published in PLOS ONE.
Course NMST570 Selected topics in psychometrics is scheduled on Tuesdays 3:40PM.
Project presentations for NMST570 Selected topics in psychometrics are scheduled on Tue May 22, 3:40PM.
Article "Physiotherapeutic interventions in multiple sclerosis across Europe: Regions and other factors that matter" by Martinkova, Freeman et. al, collaboration of researchers from 14 countries, has been published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
Article Detection of Differential Item Functioning with Non-Linear Regression: Non-IRT Approach Accounting for Guessing, a joint work with Adela Drabinova, has been published in Journal of Educational Measurement.
First lesson of NMST570 Selected topics in psychometrics is scheduled on Tue October 10, 3:40PM.
Czech article ShinyItemAnalysis: Analyzing admission and other educational and psychological tests, a joint work with Drabinova and Houdek has been published in Testforum.
Video of useR!2017 talk on "Teaching psychometrics and analysing educational tests with ShinyItemAnalysis" is ONLINE now! Enjoy!
Article Checking equity: Why DIF analysis should be a routine part of developing conceptual assessments by Martinkova et. al, has been published in CBE - Lifesciences Education.
Article Development and Validation of the Homeostasis Concept Inventory, a joint work with McFarland et al. has been published in CBE - Lifesciences Education.
Article Validating a conceptual framework for the core concept of "cell-cell communication", a joint work with Michael et. al, has been published in Advances in Physiology Education.
© 2018 Patricia Martinkova / Template design adapted from Andreas Viklund