Copyright ©2007 by P.
Soudek |
- Quantitative and qualitative determination of secondary metabolites in
Coffea arabica. Universita Hamburk, (1991-1994) T. Vanìk
- Fate of the pesticides in the soil and environment. Project EC COST, COST
66.20, (1993-1998) T. Vanìk
- Study of production of taxol and its analogues by plant tissue cultures,
Grant Agency AS, No. 555114, (1993-1995) T. Vanìk
- Biotransformation of xenobiotics by plant tissue cultures, Grant Agency
CR, No. 204/93/0836, (1993-1996) T. Vanìk
- Influence of exogennous carbohydrates on their endogenous levels and
production of biologically active metabolites in plant cell cultures. Grant
Agency of Charles University, No. 102 1994, (1994-1995) T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Production and biotransformation of biologically active compounds by
plant cell cultures. Grant Agency CR, No. 203/94/0644, (1994-1996) T. Vanìk
- Biotransformation of xenobiotic compounds by plant cells. Swiss National
Science Foundation, No. 7TPR J038652, (1994-1995) T. Vanìk
- The development of integrated system for large-scale propagation of elite
plants using in vitro techniques. Project EC COST, COST 822.20, (1995-1999) T. Vanìk
- Studies on taxol preparation by plant tissue cultures. Lachema Comp. -
Lachema 95/1744/51 (1995) T. Vanìk
- Research on Stevia as a source of natural non-saccharic sweetener. Grant
Agency CR, No. 503/95/0249, (1995-1997) T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Production of taxol and its analogs by in vitro cultivated plant
cells of the taxus species. Grant Agency AS, No. A5055601, (1996-1998) T.
- Studies on mechanism of regulation of cytokinine content and their
activity in plant cells. Grant Agency CR, No. 204/96/1429, (1996-1998) T.
Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Preservation and reproduction of gene sources of the main types of forest
trees. Grant Agency CR, No. 522/96/K18, (1996-2001), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Optimalization of technologies for growth, genetic material selection and
screening of the content of active compounds in tonizating plants. Czech
Min. of Agriculture - NAZV EP7227, CZU, (1997-2000) T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Preparation of Taxol and its analogues. Czech Min. of Industry and Trade,
No. PZ CH/33, (1997-2001) T. Vanìk
- Study of secondary metabolites with anticancer activity from medicinal
plants of chinese origin. Grant of bilateral czech - chinese cooperation,
No. 34-04, (1998-2000) T. Vanìk
- COST - Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic polutants and toxic
metals from wastewaters and contaminated soils. No. COST 837.10 (1998-2003)
T. Vanìk
- Studies of phytoremediation of explosives by tissue cultures of higher
plants. Grant Agency CR, No. 206/99/1252, (1999-2001) T. Vanìk
- Plant tissue cultures as a model system for studies of phytoremediation
of radionuclides released into the environment, Grant Agency AS, No.
A6055902, (1999-2002) T. Vanìk
- Quality enhancement of plant production through tissue culture. Project
EC COST, No. COST 843.10, (2000-2004) T. Vanìk
- Radiophytoremediation and radiophytomonitoring, Grant Agency AS, No. S
S4055014, (2000-2004), T. Vanìk
- Theoretical and practical aspects of TNT phytoremediation. Bilateral
cooperation Czech-Germany No. CZE 01/024, (2001-2004), Wasag Decon GmbH,
Sythen - H. Thomas and IOCB AS CR - T. Vanìk
- PhytoDec, EU project EVK1-CT-1999-00024, (2002-2004) T. Vanìk
- Scale up and automation of in vitro-systems for rapid plant propagation
and production of secondary metabolites. Bilateral cooperation Czech-Austria
No. ME671 (2003-2004), Centre of Pharmacy, University of Vienna - C.
Wawrosch and IOCB AS CR - T. Vanìk
- KONTAKT ME671: Scale up and automation of in vitro-systems for rapid
plant propagation and production of secondary metabolites, (2003 - 2004),
T. Vanìk
- Preparation of taxol and its analogues. Grant Agency AS, No. IBS 4055301,
(2003-2005) T. Vanìk
- Woody plants for soil decontamination, 526/04/0135, Dr.
Malá, VULHM (2004-2006), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- COST 926: Impact of new technologies on the health
benefits and safety of bioactive plant compounds, (2004-2008), T. Vanìk
- Screen and identification of the bioactive Chinese
pumpkin polysacharide, 37-15
Chinese side: Professor Jidong Lou, College of Life
Sciences, China Jiliang University
Czech side: dr. Tomáš Vanìk, The Institute of Organic
Chemistry and Biochemistry, ASCR, (2005-2007)
- Multidisciplinary study of the mechanism of
phytoremediation of xenobiotics polluted soil and water, 37-30
Chinese side: Professor Yongming Luo, Institute of Soil
science, CAS
Czech side: dr. Tomáš Vanìk, The Institute of Organic
Chemistry and Biochemistry, ASCR, Praha, (2005-2007)
- COST 859: Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land
use management and improve food chain safety, (2005-2009), T. Vanìk
- COST 636: Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle, (2005-2009), T. Vanìk
- Modern methods for explosive waste-waters cleaning, MPO,
Tandem, Explosia, (2006-2008), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Research centre: Functional genomics and proteomics for
crop improvement (2006-2009), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Projekt NPVII : The use of genomics and genetic
engineering for identification and development of plant genotypes suitable
for environment bioremediation, (2006-2011), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Physiological and molecular basis of plant responses to
pollution with nitroaromatic compounds, Èesko-Polská bilaterální spolupráce è. 40, (2006-2007), T.
- Biotechnological production and evaluation of biological
activity of Vaccinium bracteatum, ME8070, (2008-2012), T. Vanìk
- Project NPVII 2B08058: Efective using of energetic plants
for reclamation and sanitation of devastation fields, (2008-2011), T.
- Project MZP SP/1b7/129/08: Green technology for air
protection, (2008-2010), T. Vanìk
- KONTAKT CR-USA: Plants and nanoparticles – Friends or Foes?, No. LH11047, (2011-2014),
T. Vanìk
- KONTAKT CR-USA: Study and utilization of plant metabolisms for organic xenobiotics degradation, No. LH11048,
(2011-2014), T. Vanìk
- Biotechnology system for agricultural waste-waters cleaning and reuse.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, No. TA01020573, (2011-2014), T. Vanìk
- Biodegradable polymers in waste management. Technology Agency of the
Czech Republic, No. TA01020744, (2011-2015), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Wastewaters reclamation in integrated biotechnology system, Czech Min. of Industry and
Trade, No.FR—TI3/778, (2011-2015), T. Vanìk (co-investigator)
- Metabolism of selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in plants and its environmental consequences, Grant Agency CR, No. GA14-22593S, (2014-2016), T. Vanìk
- Study of accumulation of toxic metals by plants from
genus Allium and determination of possible mechanisms of uptake.
Grant Agency CR, No. 522/06/P002, (2006-2008) P. Soudek
- COST FA 0605: Study of plant response to heavy metal
stress and production of stress protective compounds, (2009-2011), P. Soudek
- KONTAKT CR-ÈLR: Immobilization of heavy metals and metalloids in contaminated sites, No. LH12162, (2012-2013),
P. Soudek
- COST TD 1107: The utilization of charcoal for immobilization of heavy metals, No. LD13029, (2013-2016), P.
- Anti-inflammatory activity of plant quinones. Grant Agency CR, No.
525/09/P528, (2009-2011), P. Landa
- COST FA 1003: Exploration of grapevine diversity
in production of health promoting compounds, No. LD11005, (2011-2014), P. Landa
- MOBILITY Czech-Austrian cooperation: Discovery and Analysis of New Redox-Based Inhibitors for Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase, No. MEB061112, (2011-2012), P. Landa
- KONTAKT II CR-China: Production of Dendrobium candidum biomass
in vitro and study its biological activity, No. LH12164, (2012-2013), P. Landa
- MOBILITY Czech-Austrian cooperation: Identification of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Inhibitors from Vine Grapes, No. 7AMB13AT008, (2013-2014), P. Landa
- COST MP1206: Phytotoxicity of nanofibres, No. LD14125, (2014-2017), P. Landa
- Application of metabolomics on observation of induced
production of plant secondary metabolites, Grant Agency AS CR, No.
KJB400550705, (2007-2009), P. Maršík
- COST FP 0901: Biorefineries as a source of "green
chemicals", (2010-2012), P. Maršík
- KONTAKT ME10037: Faktory urèující hostitelskou
specificitu potenciálních biokontrolních agentù, (2010-2012), P. Maršík (co-investigator)
- COST FA1006: Production of anticancer polyacetylenes by elicited ginseng cultures. No. LD13013,
(2013-2015), P. Maršík
- COST FP1103: Metabolic interactions between ash tree and its new invasive fungal patogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus. No. LD14078,
(2014-2016), P. Maršík
- COST FP1203: Plant non-wood forest products as a source of biologically active substances. No. LD14079,
(2014-2017), P. Maršík
- COST MP 1105: Ecotoxicity of novel flame retardants and their degradation products, No. LD13028 (2013-2016), Š. Petrová
- COST FP 1204: Remediation of urban sites using energy plants, No. LD14106, (2014-2017), Š. Petrová
- COST TU 1201: Remediation of urban browfields using plants, No. LD14107, (2014-2016), Š. Petrová
- COST FA 901: Halofytes for phytoremediation, (2010-2012), R. Podlipná
- COST FA 0901: Suspension culture as the model for study of physiological response to heavy metal stress, No. LD13026, (2013), R. Podlipná
- COST ES1205 : The toxicity of nanoparticles for wetland plants, No. LD14100, (2014-2017), R. Podlipná
- Anthelmintics in plants – uptake, biotransformation and transcriptional response. Grant Agency CR, No. 15-05325S, (2015-2017),
R. Podlipná (co-investigator)
- COST CM1106: Synthesis of sirtuin inhibitors, No. LD14128, (2014-2016), M.Dvoøáková
- COST FA1206: Synthesis of strigolactone derivatives, No. LD14127, (2014-2017), M.Dvoøáková
- Strategies for the improvement of secondary metabolite production in
plant cell culture of Panax species. Grant Agency CR, No.
521/02/P064, (2002-2004), L. Langhansová
- KONTAKT ÈR-China: Study on Isolation and identification of the possible
bioactive compounds from leaves of Myrica rubra, No. LH12165, (2012-2013), L. Langhansová
Aleš Nepovím (former employee) |
- Studies of the key enzyme in phytoremediation of explosives. Grant Agency
CR, No. 206/99/P034, (1999-2001), A. Nepovím
- Study of enzymes participating in degradation of TNT. Grant Agency CR,
No. 206/02/P065, (2002-2004), A. Nepovím
- Screening of antibacterial and anti/inflamatory activity of selected
species of genus Nigella L. Grant Agency CR, No. 525/02/0257,
(2002-2004), A. Nepovím (co-investigator)