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78 captures
4 Sep 09 - 7 Oct 22
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Copyright �2009 by P. Soudek


  • Gr�ner B., Holub J., Plesek J., Van�k T., Votavov� H.: High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Enantiometric Resolution in the Ten-Vertex Carborane Series Comparison of Acetyl- and Native b-Cyclodextrin Bonded Chiral Stationary Phases. Journal of Chromatography A 793 [2], 249-256 (1998).

  • Hub�lek M., Van�k T.: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by cell suspension of Solanum aviculare. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 42 [4], 251 ( 1998).

  • Nepov�m A., Draho�ov� H., Val��ek P., Van�k T.: The Effect of Cultivation Conditions on the Content of Stevioside in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Plants Cultivated in the Czech Republic. Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters 8 [1], 19-21 (1998).

  • Nepov�m A., Van�k T.: In vitro propagation of Stevia rebaudiana plants using multiple shoot culture. Planta Medica 64 [8] 775-776 (1998).

  • Soudek P., Podlipn� R., Lipavsk� H., Van�k T.: Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Hairy-root Cultures of Armoracia rusticana L.(I.). Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Letters 8 [2], 57-60 (1998).

  • Soudek P., Podlipn� R., Van�k T.: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by hairy-root culture of Armoracia rusticana L. Chemical Papers 52 [Focus Issue], 546 (1998).

  • Valterov� I., Van�k T.: Biotransformace limonenu rostlinn�mi tk��ov�mi kulturami. Chemick� Listy 92 [11], 941-942 (1998).

  • Zikmundov� M., Val��ek P., Van�k T.: Content substances in the species Codonopsis pilosula(Franch.) Nannf. under the conditions of Czech Republic. I. Water soluble substances. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 31, 23 - 28 (1998).

  • Duc R., Van�k T., Soudek P., Schwitzgu�bel J. P.: Experimentation with rhubard in Europe. Soil & Groundwater Cleanup - [February/March], 27-30 (1999).

  • Duc R., Van�k T., Soudek P., Schwitzgu�bel J. P.: Accumulation and transformation of sulfonated aromatic compounds by rhubarb cells (Rheum palmatum). International Journal of Phytoremediation 1 [3] 255-271 (1999).

  • Truong T.T., Val��ek P., Nepov�m A., Van�k T.: Correlation between stevioside content in leaves, their surface and the number of roots in plant. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica 30 [3] 249-255 (1999).

  • Van�k T., Mal� J., �aman D., �ilhav� I.: Production of taxanes in a bioreactor by Taxus baccata cells. Planta Medica 65 [3] 275-277 (1999).

  • Van�k T., Valterov� I., Vaisar T.: Biotransformation of (S)-(-)- and (R)-(+)-limonene using Solanum aviculare and Dioscorea deltoidea plant cells. Phytochemistry 50, 1347-1351 (1999).

  • Van�k T., Valterov� I., Va�kov� R., Vaisar T.: Biotransformation of (-)-limonene using Solanum aviculare and Dioscorea deltoidea immobilized plant cells. Biotechnology Letters 21, 625-628 (1999).

  • Vesel� D., �aman D., Valterov� I., Van�k T.: Seasonal variations in the content of taxanes in the bark of Taxus baccata L. Phytochemical Analysis 10, 319-321 (1999).

  • Nepov�m A., Zeman S., Van�k T.: Tk��ov� kultury vy���ch rostlin - model pro studium enzymatick� degradace v�bu�nin. Chemick� Listy 94 [8] 746-747 (2000).

  • �ilhav� I., Lipavsk� H., Van�k T.: Influence of different sugar regimes on the growth of callus culture of Taxus baccata L. and the production of taxanes. Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture 27 [5] 401-405 (2000).

  • Van�k T., Nepov�m A., Zeman S.: Phytoremediation of selected explosives in a model system of plant tissue cultures. Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture 27 [5] 395-399 (2000).

  • �pirochov� I., Pun�och��ov� J., Kafka Z., Kubal M., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Studium kumulace t�k�ch kov� v rostlin�ch. Chemick� Listy 95 [5], 335-336 (2001).

  • Van�k T., Nepov�m A., Val��ek P.: Determination of stevioside in plant material and fruit teas. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 14, 383-388 (2001).

  • Van�k T., Soudek P., Tykva R.: Study of radiophytoremediation. Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 177-121 (2001).

  • Collins C., Laturnus F., Nepov�m A.: Remediation of BTEX and Trichloroethene - A Review of Current Knowledge with Special Emphasis on Phytoremediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 9, 86-94 (2002).

  • Snellinx Z., Taghavi S., Nepovim A., Van�k T., van der Lelie D.: Biological remediation of nitroaromatic-based explosives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 9, 48-61 (2002).

  • Koko�ka L., Polesn� Z., Rada V., Nepov�m A., Van�k T.: Screening of some Siberian medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 82 [1] 51-53 (2002).

  • Van�k T., Nepov�m A., Podlipn� R., Zeman S., V�gner M.: Phytoremediation of Selected Explosives. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 3, 259-267 (2003).

  • Kali�ov�-�pirochov� I., Pun�och��ov� J., Kafka Z., Kubal M., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Accumulation of Heavy Metals by in vitro cultures of plants. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 3, 269 - 276 (2003).

  • Van�k T., Novotn� M., Podlipn� R., Valterov� I., �aman D.: Biotransformation of Citronellal by Solanum aviculare Plant Cells - Preparation of Allelopathic (+)-p-Menthane-3,8-diols and determination their absolute configuration. Journal of Natural Products 66, 1239-1241 (2003).

  • Lindmark-Henriksson M., Isaksson D., Sj�din K., H�gberg H.E., Van�k T., Valterov� I.: Transformation of a-pinene using Picea abies Suspension Culture. Journal of Na�ural Products 66, 337-343 (2003).

  • Blagoeva E., Malbeck J., Gaudinov� A., Van�k T., Va�kov� R.: Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, roscovitine, in combination with exogenous cytokinin, N6-benzyladenine, causes increase of cis-cytokinins in immobilized tobacco cells. Biotechnology Letters 25, 469-472 (2003).

  • Langhansov� L., Konr�dov� H., Van�k T.: Polyethylene glycol and abscisic acid improves maturation and regeneration of Panax ginseng somatic embryos. Plant Cell Reports 22 (10), 725-730 (2003).

  • Lindmark-Henriksson M., Isaksson D., Van�k T., Valterov� I., H�gberg H.E., Sj�din K.: Transformation of terpenes using a Picea abies suspension culture. Journal of Biotechnology 107, 173-184 (2004).

  • Soudek P., Tykva R., Van�k T.: Laboratory analyses of 137Cs phytoremediation. Chemosphere 55, 933-1007 (2004)

  • Nepov�m A., Podlipn� R., Soudek P., Schr�der P., Van�k T.: Effects of heavy metals and nitroaromatic compounds on horseradish glutathione S-transferase and peroxidase. Chemosphere 57, 1007-1015 (2004)

  • Soudek P., Podrack� E., V�gner M., Van�k T., Pet��k P., Tykva R.: 226Ra uptake from soilsinto different plant species. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262, 187-189 (2004)

  • Golan-Goldhirsh A., Barazani O., Nepov�m A., Soudek P., Smr�ek S., Dufkov� L., K�enkov� �., Yrjala K., Sch�der P., Van�k T.: Plant response to heavy metals and organic pollutants in cell culture and at whole plant level. Journal of Soils and Sediments 4, 133-140 (2004)

  • Langhansov� L., Konr�dov� H., Van�k T.: Polyethylene glycol and abscisic acid improves maturation and regeneration of Panax ginseng somatic embryos. Plant Cell Reports 22[10],725-730 (2004)

  • Nepov�m A., Hebner A., Soudek P., Gerth A., Thomas H., Smr�ek S., Van�k T.: Degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by selected helophytes. Chemosphere 60, 1454-1461 (2005)

  • Soudek P., Podlipn� R., Mar��k P., Van�k T.: Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish in vitro. Biologia Plantarum 49 [4], 487-492 (2005)

  • Mar��k P., Koko�ka L., Landa P., Nepov�m A., Soudek P., Van�k T.: In vitro inhibitory effects of thymol and quinones of Nigella sativa seeds on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosyntheses. Planta Medica 71, 739-742 (2005)

  • Langhansov� L., Mar��k P., Van�k T.: Production of saponins from Panax ginseng suspension and adventitious root cultures. Biologia Plantarum 49[3], 463-465 (2005)

  • Koko�ka L., Havl�k J., Valterov� I., Nepov�m A., Rada V., Van�k T.: Chemical composition of the essential oil of Nigella orientalis L. seeds. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 20, 419�420 (2005)

  • Koko�ka L., Janovsk� D., Rada V., Nepov�m A., Van�k T.: In vitro antibacterial activity of four Leuzea species. Pharmaceutical Biology 43, 8-11 (2005)

  • Klou�ek P., Landa P., Van�k T.: Rostliny in vitro - tov�rny na l��iva? �iva 6, 246-248 (2005)

  • Landa P., Havl�k J., Koko�ka L.: Mo�nosti vyu�it� a p�stov�n� rodu �ernucha v �R. �roda 53 (2), 54-55 (2005)

  • Soudek P., Tykva R., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.: Accumulation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the laboratory scale. Environmental and Experimental Botany 57 [3], 220-225 (2006)

  • Soudek P., V�chov� L., Valenov� �., Podlipn� R., Mal� J., Van�k T.: Arsenic and their uptake by plants. Chemick� Listy 100 [5], 326-329 (2006)

  • Soudek P., Valenov� �., Van�k T.: 137Cs and 90Sr  uptake by sunflower cultivated under hydroponic condition. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 88 [3], 236-250 (2006)

  • Landa P., Mar��k P., Van�k T., Rada V., Koko�ka L.: In vitro anti-microbial activity of extracts from the callus cultures of some Nigella species. Biologia 61 [3], 285-288 (2006)

  • Langhansov� L., Mar��k P., Landa P., Van�k T.: Biotechnology methods for plant biomass production under controlled conditions. Acta Horticulturae 723, 263-268 (2006)

  • Soudek P., Pet��k P., V�gner M., Tykva R., Plojhar V., Petrov� �., Van�k T.: Botanical survey and screening of plant species which accumulate 226Ra from contaminated soil of uranium waste depot. European Journal of Soil Biology 43 [4], 251-261 (2007)

  • Podlipn� R., Nepov�m A., Soudek P., V�gner M., Van�k T.: Soapwort oxidoreductase is involved in trinitrotoluene detoxification. Biologia Plantarum 2, 367-371 (2007)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Valterov� I., Van�k T.: Biotransformation of a monoterpene mixture by in vitro cultures of selected conifer species. Natural Product Communications 2(3), 233-238 (2007)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Tykva R., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.: Comparison of 226Ra nuclide from soil by three woody species Betula pendula, Sambucus nigra and Alnus glutinosa during the vegetation period. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 97(1), 76-82 (2007)

  • Schroder P., Navarro-Avino J., Azaizeh H., Golan-Goldhirsh A., DiGregorio S., Komives T., Langergraber G., Lenz A., Maestri E., Memon A.R., Ranallill A., Sebastiani L., Smr�ek S., Van�k T., Vuilleumier S., Wissing F.: Using phytoremediation technologies to upgrade waste water treatment in Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 14(7): 490-497 (2007)

  • Mal� J., M�chov� P., Cvr�kov� H., Van�k T.: Heavy metals uptake by hybrid aspen and rowan � tree clones. Journal of Forest Science 53(11), 491-497 (2007)

  • Mal� J., M�chov� P., Cvr�kov� H., ��kov� L., Soudek P.: Effective micropropagation of mature aspen: Use in breeding. Acta Horticulturae 764, 239-246 (2007)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Kotyza J., Van�k T.: Fytoremediation and possibilities of increasing its effectivity. Chemick� listy 102 [5], 346-352 (2008)

  • Podlipn� R., Fialov� Z., Van�k T.: Toxic effect of nitroesters on plant tissue cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 94 [3], 305-311 (2008)

  • Janovsk� D., Klou�ek P., Urban J., Van�k T., Rada V., Koko�ka L.: Susceptibility of some clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to fractions from the aerial parts of Leuzea carthamoides. Biologia 63 [5], 607-609 (2008)

  • Ovesn� J., Slab� O., Toussaint O., Kod��ek M., Mar��k P., Pouchov� V., Van�k T.: High throughput �omics� approaches to assess the effects of phytochemicals in human health studies. British Journal of Nutrition 99 [E-Suppl. 1], ES130�ES137 (2008)

  • Kotyza J., Soudek P., Kafka Z., Van�k T.: Pharmaceuticals - "New" Environmental Polutant. Chemick� Listy 103 [7], 540-547 (2009)

  • Landa P., Koko�ka L., P�ibylov� M., Van�k T., Mar��k P.: In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of carvacrol: Inhibitory effect on COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E-2 biosynthesis. Archives of Pharmacal Research 32 [1], 75-78 (2009)

  • Landa P., Mar��k P., Havl�k J., Klou�ek P., Van�k T., Koko�ka L.: Evaluation of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities of seed extracts from six Nigella species. Journal of Medicinal Food 12 [2], 408-415 (2009)

  • Stod�lkov� E., Kola��k M., K�esinov� Z., Kuzma M., �ulc M., Man P., Nov�k P., Mar��k P., Landa P., Ol�ovsk� J., Chud��kov� M., Pa�outov� S., �ern� J., Bella J., Flieger M.: Hydroxylated anthraquinones produced by Geosmithia species. Folia Microbiologica 54 [3], 179�187 (2009)

  • Soudek P., Kotyza J., Lenikusov� I., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Van�k T.: Accumulation of heavy metals in hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.), onion (Allium cepa L.) leek (Allium porrum L.) and chive (Allium schoenoprasum L.). Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 7 [3&4], 761-769 (2009)

  • Schwitzguebel J.-P., Kumpiene J., Comino E., Van�k T.: From green to clean: a promising and sustainable approach towards environmental remediation and human health for the 21st century.  Agrochimica LIII [4], 209-217 (2009)

  • Pet��k P., Soudek P., Bene�ov� D., Najmanov� P., Najman M., Van�k T.: Flora of toxic depots in selected industrial zones. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 78 [4], 327-334 (2009)

  • Amigues E.J., Armstrong E., Dvo��kov� M., Migaud M.E., Huang M.: β-1,2,3-triazolyl-nucleosides as nicotinamide riboside mimics.  Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 28 [3], 238-259 (2009) 

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Kotyza J., V�gner M., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.: Study of soil-plant transfer of 226Ra under greenhouse conditions. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101[6], 446-450 (2010)

  • Kotyza J., Soudek P., Kafka Z., Van�k T.: Phytoremediation of pharmaceuticals � preliminary study. International Journal of Phytoremediation  12 [3], 306-316 (2010)

  • Soudek P., Katru��kov� A., Sedl��ek L., Petrov� �., Ko�� V., Mar��k P., Griga M., Van�k T.: Effect of heavy metals on inhibition of root elongation in twenty three cultivars of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Archives of Environmental Cotamination and Toxicology 59[2], 194-203 (2010) 

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Van�k T.: Phytoextraction of toxic metals by sunflower and corn plants. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 8 [3&4], 383-390 (2010)

  • P�ibylov� M., Dvo��kov� M., Van�k T.: Paclitaxel derivatives for targeted delivery to cancer cells Chemick� Listy 104, 1023-1028 (2010)

  • Landa P., �torchov� H., Hodek J., Va�kov� R., Podlipn� R., Mar��k P., Ovesn� J., Van�k T.: Transferases and transporters mediate the detoxification 5 and capacity to tolerate trinitrotoluene in ArabidopsisFunctional & Integrative Genomics 10, 547�559 (2010)

  • Podlipn� R., Fialov� Z., Van�k T.: Degradation of nitroesters by plant tissue cultures. Journal of Hazardous Materials 184, 591�596 (2010) 

  • Jansk� A., Mar��k P., Zelenkov� S., Ovesn� J.: Cold stress and acclimation � what is important for metabolic adjustment?  Plant Biology 12 [3], 395�405 (2010) 

  • Halamov� K., Koko�ka L., Fle�ar L., Skleni�kov� O., Svobodov� B., Mar��k P.: In vitro antifungal effect of black cumin seed quinones against dairy spoilage yeasts at different acidity levels. Journal of Food Protection 73 [12], 2291�2295 (2010)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Van�k T.: Uranium uptake and stress responses of in vitro cultivated hairy root culture of Armoracia rusticanaAgrochimica LV [1],15-28 (2011) (2011)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Dvo��kov� M., Van�k T.: Uranium uptake by hydroponically cultivated crop plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 102[6], 598-604 (2011)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Van�k T.: Heavy metal uptake and stress responces of hydroponically cultivated garlic (Allium sativum L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany 74, 289-295 (2011)

  • ��dlov� P., Podlipn� R., Van�k T.: Cytotoxic pharmaceuticals in the environment. Chemick� Listy 105[1], 8-14 (2011)

  • Tesa�ov� H., Svobodov� B., Koko�ka L., Mar��k P., P�ibylov� M., Landa P., Vadlejch J.: Determination of oxygen radical absorbance capacity of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed quinone compounds. Natural Product Communications 6[2], 213-216 (2011)

  • Ho�ek J., Barto� M., Chud�k S.,  Dall�Acqua S., Innocenti G., Kartal M., Koko�ka L., Koll�r P., Kutil Z., Landa P., Marek R., Z�valov� V., �emli�ka M., �mejkal K.: Natural compound cudraflavone B shows promising anti-inflammatory properties in vitro. Journal of Natural Products 74[4], 614�619 (2011)

  • P�ibylov� M., Dvo��kov� M., Hanu�ov� V., Nemethov� I., Sk�lov� L., Van�k T.: Paclitaxel conjugation with the analog of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone as a targeting moiety. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 415[1-2], 175-180 (2011)

  • Podlipn� R., Mo�kov� K., Van�k T.: Accumulation of cadmium by halophyte species Juncus gerardii. Ecological Questions 14, 41-42 (2011)

  • Sirko A., Van�k T., Gora-Sochacka A., Redkiewicz P.: Recombinant cytokines from plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12[6], 3536-3552 (2011)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Valterov� I., �aman D., Van�k T.: Biotransformation of (1S)-2-carene and (1S)-3-carene by Picea abies suspension culture. Molecules 16[12], 10541-10555 (2011)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Valterov� I., Van�k T.: Biocatalytic conversion of turpentine � a wood processing waste � into oxygenated monoterpenes. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 29[5],204�211 (2011)

  • Ro�kov� �., Nevoral J., Rada V., Mar��k P., Sklen�� J., Hinkov� A., Vlkov� E., Marounek M.: Factors affecting the growth of bifidobacteria in human milk. International Dairy Journal 21, 504-508 (2011)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Valterov� I., Van�k T.: Monoterpenes in plants. Chemick� Listy 105[11], 839�845 (2011)

  • Ro�kov� �., Rada V., Mar��k P., Vlkov� E., Bune�ov� V., Sklen�� J., �pl�chal I.: Growth of bifidobacteria and clostridia on human and cow milk saccharides. Anaerobe 17 [5], 223-225 (2011)

  • Soudek P., Kinderman P., Mar��k P., Petrov� �., Van�k T.: Biomonitoring of air pollution in Prague using tree leaves. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10[2], 810-817 (2012)

  • Petrov� �., Bene�ov� D., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Enhancement of metal(loid)s phytoextraction by Cannabis sativa L. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10[1], 631-641 (2012)

  • Landa P., Kutil Z., Temml V., Vuorinen A., Mal�k J., Dvo��kov� M., Mar��k P., Koko�ka L., P�ibylov� M., Schuster D., Van�k T.: Redox and non-redox mechanism of in vitro cyclooxygenase inhibition by natural quinones. Planta Medica 78, 326-333 (2012)

  • Langhansov� L., Mar��k P., Van�k T.: Regulation of tissue differentiation by plant growth regulators on tTCLs of Panax ginseng adventitious roots. Industrial Crops and Products 35[1], 154-159 (2012)

  • Landa P., Va�kov� R., Andrlov� J., Hodek J., Mar��k P., �torchov� H., White J.C., Van�k T.: Nanoparticle-specific changes in Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression after exposure to ZnO, TiO2, and fullerene soot. Journal of Hazardous Materials 241�242, 55�62 (2012)

  • Zia-Ul-Haq M., Khan M.A., Landa P., Kutil Z., Ahmed S., Qayum M., Ahmad S.: Platelet aggregation and anti-inflammatory effects of garden pea, desi chickpea and kabuli chickpea. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica 69, 707-711 (2012)

  • Dvo��kov� M., P�ibylov� M., Pohl R., Migaud M.E., Van�k T.: Alkyloxycarbonyl group migration in furanosides. Tetrahedron 68[33], 6701�6711 (2012)

  • Rokaya M.B., Mar��k P., M�nzbergov� Z.: Active constituents in Rheum acuminatum and Rheum australe (Polygonaceae) roots: a variation between cultivated and naturally growing plants. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 41, 83-90 (2012)

  • Ro�kov� �., Rada V., Nevoral J.,- Mar��k P., Vlkov� E., Bune�ov� V.: Inter-species differences in growth of Bifidobacteria cultured on human milk oligosaccharides. Folia Microbiologica 57, 321-324 (2012)

  • Petrov� �., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Remediation of uranium mining areas in the Czech Republic. Chemick� Listy 107[4], 283-291 (2013)

  • Soudek P., Kufner D., Petrov� �., Mihaljevi� M., Van�k T.: Composition of hydroponic medium affects thorium uptake by tobacco plants. Chemosphere 92[9], 1090-1098 (2013)

  • Landa P., Kutil Z., Temml V., Mal�k J., Koko�ka L., Widowitz U., P�ibylov� M., Dvo��kov� M., Mar��k P., Schuster D., Bauer R., Van�k T.: Inhibition of in vitro leukotriene B4 biosynthesis in human neutrophil granulocytes and docking studies of natural quinones. Natural Product Communications 8, 105-108 (2013)

  • Podlipn� R., Sk�lov� L., Seidlov� H., Szot�kov� B., Kub��ek V., Stuchl�kov� L., Jir�sko R., Van�k T., Vok��l I.: Biotransformation of benzimidazole anthelmintics in reed (Phragmites australis) as a potential tool for their detoxification in environment. Bioresource Technology 144, 216�224 (2013)

  • Pastorkov� E., ��kov� T., Landa P., Nov�kov� J., Vadlejch J., Koko�ka L.: Growth inhibitory effect of grape phenolics against wine spoilage yeasts and bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 161, 209�213 (2013)

  • Zia-Ul-Haq M., Landa P., Kutil Z., Qayum M., Ahmad S.: Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of selected legumes from Pakistan: In vitro inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 26, 185-187 (2013)

  • Dvo��kov� M., P�ibylov� M., Van�k T.: Sirtuins � histone deacetylases influencing gene transcription. Chemick� Listy 107[7], 537�544 (2013)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Nencka R., Dejmek M., Zborn�kov� E., B�ezinov� A., P�ibylov� M., Pohl R., Migaud M.E., Van�k T.: Synthesis of alkylcarbonate analogs of O-acetyl-ADP-ribose. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 11, 5702�5713 (2013)

  • Svobodov� J., Gabrielov� B., Synek P., Mar��k P., Van�k T., Albrecht T.,- Vinkler M.: The health signalling of ornamental traits in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix). Journal of Ornithology 154, 717-725 (2013)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Buzek M., Lhotsk� O., Van�k T.: Uranium uptake in Nicotiana sp. under hydroponic conditions. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 142, 130-137 (2014)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Va�kov� R., Song J., Van�k T.: Accumulation of heavy metals using Sorghum sp. Chemosphere 104, 15-24 (2014)

  • Landa P., Sk�lov� L., Bou�ov� I., Kutil Z., Langhansov� L., Lou J.-D., Van�k T.: In vitro anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activity of leaf and fruit extracts from Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 27[1], 103-106 (2014)

  • Luo F., Song J., Xia W., Dong M., Chen M., Soudek P.: Characterization of contaminants and evaluation of the suitability for land application of maize and sludge biochars. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21[14], 8707-8717 (2014)

  • Soudek P., Wimmer Z., Van�k T.: Biotransformation of 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)cyclopentanone by Solanum aviculare and Rheum palmatum plant cells. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 12[3&4], 213-216 (2014)

  • Kutil Z., Temml V., Maghradze D., P�ibylov� M., Dvo��kov� M., Schuster D., Van�k T., Landa P.: Impact of wines and wine constituents on cyclooxygenase-1, cyclooxygenase-2, and 5-lipoxygenase catalytic activity. Mediators of Inflammation 2014, 1-8 (2014)

  • Langhansov� L., Hanu�ov� V., Rezek J., Stohanslov� B., Ambro� M., Kr�lov� V., Van�k T., Lou J.D., Yun Z.L., Yang J., Sk�lov� L.: Essential oil from Myrica rubra leaves inhibits cancer cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in several human intestinal lines. Industrial Crops and Products 59, 20-26 (2014)

  • Yang J., Zhu L.-Y., Wu J.-Q., Yin J., Langhansov� L., Van�k T., Gao Y.-S., Lou J.-D.: Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antisepsis properties of the water-soluble extracts of Myrica rubra leaves. China Food Additives 2014[2], 198-2002 (2014)

  • Temml V., Kaserer T., Kutil Z., Landa P., Vanek T., Schuster D.: Pharmacophore modeling for COX-1 and-2 inhibitors with LigandScout in comparison to Discovery Studio. Future Medicinal Chemistry 6, 1869-1881 (2014)

  • Mo�kov� K., Podlipn� R., Van�k T., Kafka Z.: Halophytes and their use in phytoremediation. Chemick� Listy 108, 586-591 (2014)

  • Petrov� �., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Flame retardants, their use and environmental impact. Chemick� Listy 109[9], 679-686 (2015)

  • Tauchen J., Mar��k P., Kvasnicov� M., Maghradze D., Koko�ka L., Van�k T., Landa P.: In vitro antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of Georgian, Central and West European wines. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 41, 113-121 (2015)

  • Kutil Z., Kvasnicov� M., Temml V., Schuster D., Van�k T., Fernandez E., Mal�k J., Landa P.: The influence of the quinone antioxidants tert-butylhydroquinone and 2,5-di-tert-butylhydroquinone on the arachidonic acid metabolism in vitro. Food and Agricultural Immunology 26[4], 504�511 (2015)

  • Podlipn� R., Posp�ilov� B., Van�k T.: Biodegradation of 2,4-dinitrotoluene by different plant species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 112[2], 54-59 (2015)

  • Dobr� J., �ern� M., �torchov� H., Dobrev P., Skal�k J., Jedelsk� P.L., Luk�anov� H., Gaudinov� A., Pe�ek B., Malbeck J., Van�k T., Brzobohat� B., Vankov� R.: The impact of heat stress targeting on the hormonal and transcriptomic response in Arabidopsis. Plant Science 231, 52-61 (2015)

  • Kutil Z., Kvasnicov� M., Temml V., Schuster D., Mar��k P., Cusimamani E.F., Lou J.-D., Van�k T., Landa P.: Effect of dietary stilbenes on 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenases activities in vitro. International Journal of Food Properties 18, 1471�1477 (2015)

  • Cyrusov� T., Podlipn� R. Van�k T.: The effect of nanoparticles on plants. Chemick� Listy 109, 274-278 (2015)

  • Kaserer T., Temml V., Kutil Z., Van�k T., Landa P., Schuster D.: Prospective performance evaluation of selected common virtual screening tools. Case study: Cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 96, 445-457 (2015)

  • Landa P., P�erostov� S., Petrov� S., Knirsch V., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.: The Transcriptomic Response of Arabidopsis thaliana to Zinc Oxide: A Comparison of the Impact of Nanoparticles, Bulk, and Ionic Zinc. Environmental Science and Technology 49, 14537−14545 (2015)

  • Soudek P., Petrov� �., Van�k T.: Increase of Metal Accumulation in Plants Grown on Biochar � Biochar Ecotoxicity for Germinating Seeds. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 6[7], 508-511 (2015)

  • Mar��k P., Soudek P., Hudcov� T., Syrov�tka J., Van�k T.: Pharmaceuticals in domestic and agricultural waste waters � problem and its solution. Water Practice & Technology 10[3], 564-572(2015)

  • Soudek P., Ursu M., Petrov� �., Van�k T.: Improving crop tolerance to heavy metal stress by polyamine application. Food Chemistry 213, 223-229 (2016)

  • Zatelli G. A., Temml V., Kutil Z., Landa P., Van�k T., Schuster D., Falkenberg M.: Miconidin acetate and primin as potent 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors from brazilian Eugenia hiemalis (Myrtaceae). Planta Medica Letters 3, e17�e19 (2016)

  • Prchal L., Podlipn� R., Lamka J., D�dkov� T., Sk�lov� L., Vok��l I., Lecov� L., Van�k T., Szot�kov� B.: Albendazole in environment: faecal concentrations in lambs and impact on lower development stages of helminths and seed germination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(13), 13015-13022 (2016)

  • Stuchl�kov� L., Jir�sko R., Sk�lov� L., Pavl�k F., Szot�kov� B., Hol�apek M., Van�k T., Podlipn� R.: Metabolic pathways of benzimidazole anthelmintics in harebell (Campanula rotundifolia). Chemosphere 157, 10-17 (2016)

  • Landa P., Cyrusov� T., Je��bkov� J., Dr�bek O., Van�k T., Podlipn� R.: Effect of Metal Oxides on Plant Germination: Phytotoxicity of Nanoparticles, Bulk Materials, and Metal Ions. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 448 (2016)

  • Van�k T., Mo�kov� K., Podlipn� R.: Accumulation of cadmium by halophytic and non-halophytic Juncus species. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 28(4), 415-423 (2016)

  • Mazari K., Landa P., P�erostov� S., M�ller K., Va�kov� R., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Thorium impact on tobacco root transcriptome. Journal of Hazardous Materials 325, 163�169 (2017)

  • Mar��k P., Podlipn� R., Van�k T.: Study of praziquantel phytoremediation and transformation and its removal in constructed wetland. Journal of Hazardous Materials 323, 394�399 (2017)

  • Mar��k P., ��a M., Lacina O., Mo�kov� K., Langhansov� L., Rezek J., Van�k T.: Metabolism of ibuprofen in higher plants: A model Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension culture system. Environmental Pollution 220, 383-392 (2017)

  • Soudek P., Rodriguez Valseca I. M., Petrov� �., Song J., Van�k T.: Characteristics of different types of biochar and effects on the toxicity of heavy metals to germinating sorghum seeds. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 182, 157-165 (2017)

  • Cyrusov� T., Petrov� �., Van�k T., Podlipn� R.: Responses of Wetland Plant Carex vulpina to Copper and Iron Nanoparticles. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 228, 258 (2017)

  • Daum S., Reshetnikov M.S.V., ��a M., Dumych T., Lootsik M.D., Bilyy R., Bila E., Janko Ch., Alexiou Ch., Herrmann M., Sellner L., Mokhir A.: Lysosome-targeting amplifiers of reactive oxygen species as anticancer prodrugs. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 56, 15545-15549 (2017)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Landa P.: Anti-inflammatory activity of natural stilbenoids: A review. Pharmacological Research 124, 126-145 (2017)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Triazolide Strigolactone Mimics Influence Root Development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Natural Products 80, 1318-1327 (2017)

  • Han�kov� Z., Ho�ek J., Kutil Z., Temml V., Landa P., Van�k T., Schuster D., Dall�Acqua S., Cva�ka J., Polansk� O., �mejkal K.: Anti-inflammatory Activity of Natural Geranylated Flavonoids: Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Inhibitory Properties and Proteomic Analysis. Journal of Natural Products 80, 999-1006 (2017)

  • Hol� D., Bene�ov� M., Fischer L., Haisel D., Hnili�ka F., Hnili�kov� H., Jedelsky P.L., Ko�ov� M., Proch�zkov� D., Rothov� O., T�mov� L., Wilhelmov� N.: The disadvantages of being a hybrid during drought: A combined analysis of plant morphology, physiology and leaf proteome in maize. PLoS ONE 12, e0176121 (2017)

  • Landa P., P�erostov� S., Langhansov� L., Mar��k P., Van�k T.: Transcriptomic response of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. roots to ibuprofen. International Journal of Phytoremediation 19, 695-700(2017)

  • Landa P., Dytrych P., P�erostov� S., Petrov� �., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.: Transcriptomic Response of Arabidopsis thaliana Exposed to CuO Nanoparticles, Bulk Material, and Ionic Copper. Environmental Science and Technology 51, 10814-10824 (2017)

  • Langhansov� L., Landa P., Kutil Z., Tauchen J., Mar��k P., Rezek J., Lou J.D., Yun Z.L., Van�k T.: Myrica rubra leaves as a potential source of a dual 5-LOX/COX inhibitor. Food and Agricultural Immunology 28, 343-353 (2017)

  • Mal�k J., Tauchen J., Landa P., Kutil Z., Mar��k P., Klou�ek P., Havl�k J., Koko�ka L.: In vitro antiinflammatory and antioxidant potential of root extracts from Ranunculaceae species. South African Journal of Botany 109, 128-137 (2017)

  • Mar��k P., Rezek J., �idkov� M., Kramulov� B., Tauchen J., Van�k T.: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the watercourses of Elbe basin in Czech Republic. Chemosphere 171, 97-105 (2017)

  • Mayerov� M., Petrov� �., Madaras M., Lipavsk� J., �imon T., Van�k T.: Non-enhanced phytoextraction of cadmium, zinc, and lead by high-yielding crops. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 14706-14716 (2017)

  • Petrov� �., Rezek J., Soudek P., Van�k T.: Preliminary study of phytoremediation of brownfield soil contaminated by PAHs. Science of the Total Environment 599-600, 572-580 (2017)

  • P�erostov� S., Dobrev P.I., Gaudinov� A., Ho�ek P., Soudek P., Knirsch V., Va�kov� R.: Hormonal dynamics during salt stress responses of salt-sensitive Arabidopsis thaliana and salt-tolerant Thellungiella salsuginea. Plant Science 264, 188-198 (2017)

  • Stuchl�kov� Raisov� L., Podlipn� R., Szot�kov� B., Syslov� E., Sk�lov� L.:  Evaluation of drug uptake and deactivation in plant: Fate of albendazole in ribwort plantain (Plantago laceolata) cells and regenerants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 141, 37-42 (2017)

  • ��a M., Dvo��kov� M., Van�k T.:  Concise access to primin, miconidin and related natural resorcinols. Tetrahedron 73, 5297-5301 (2017)

  • Temml V., Garscha U., Romp E., Schubert G., Gerstmeier J., Kutil Z., Matuszczak B., Waltenberger B., Stuppner H., Werz O., Schuster D.: Discovery of the first dual inhibitor of the 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein and soluble epoxide hydrolase using pharmacophore-based virtual screening. Scientific Reports 7, 42751 (2017)

  • Twilley D., Langhansov� L., Palaniswamy D., Lall N.: Evaluation of traditionally used medicinal plants for anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral (HPV-1) aktivity. South African Journal of Botany 112, 494-500 (2017)

  • Va�kov� R., Landa P., Podlipn� R., Dobrev P.I., P�erostov� S., Langhansov� L., Gaudinov� A., Mo�kov� K., Knirsch V., Van�k T.: ZnO nanoparticle effects on hormonal pools in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science of the Total Environment 593-594, 535-542 (2017)

  • Dvo��kov� M., H�lov� A., Soudek P., Retzer K., Sp�chal L., Van�k T.: Resorcinol-Type Strigolactone Mimics as Potent Germinators of the Parasitic Plants Striga hermonthica and Phelipanche ramosa. Journal of Natural Products 81, 2321-2328 (2018)

  • Knappov� J., �idlick� D., Kadlec T., Knapp M., Haisel D., Hadincov� V., M�nzbergov� Z.: Population differentiation related to climate of origin affects the intensity of plant�herbivore interactions in a clonal grass. Basic and Applied Ecology 28, 76-86 (2018)

  • Kobeti�ov� K., Mocov� K.A., Mrh�lkov� L., Petrov� �.: Effects of artificial sweeteners on Lemna minor. Czech Journal of Food Sciences 36, 386-391 (2018)

  • Landa P., P�erostov� S., Langhansov� L., Mar��k P., Va�kov� R., Van�k T.:  Transcriptomic response of Arabidopsis thaliana roots to naproxen and praziquantel. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166, 301-310 (2018)

  • Nath J., Dror I., Landa P., Van�k T., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Berkowitz B.: Synthesis and characterization of isotopically-labeled silver, copper and zinc oxide nanoparticles for tracing studies in plants. Environmental Pollution 242, 1827-1837 (2018)

  • P�erostov� S., Dobrev P.I., Gaudinov� A., Knirsch V., K�rber N., Pieruschka R., Fiorani F., Brzobohat� B., �ern� M., Sp�chal L., Humpl�k J., Van�k T., Schurr U., Va�kov� R.: Cytokinins: Their impact on molecular and growth responses to drought stress and recovery in arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 655 (2018)

  • P�erostov� S., Kramn� B., Dobrev P.I., Gaudinov� A., Mar��k P., Fiala R., Knirsch V., Van�k T., Kure�ov� G., Va�kov� R.: Organ-specific hormonal cross-talk in phosphate deficiency. Environmental and Experimental Botany 153, 198-208 (2018)

  • Raisov� Stuchl�kov� L., Sk�lov� L., Szot�kov� B., Syslov� E., Vok��l I., Van�k T., Podlipn� R.: Biotransformation of flubendazole and fenbendazole and their effects in the ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 147, 681-687 (2018)

  • ��kov� T., Rondevaldov� J., Bernardos A., Landa P., Koko�ka L.: The relationship between structure and in vitro antistaphylococcal effect of plant-derived stilbenes. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 65, 467-476 (2018)

  • Kova��kov� M., Tom�kov� I., Soudek P.: Rare earth elements in plants, Biologia Plantarum 63, 20-32 (2019)

  • Dvo��kov� M., Hylov� A., Soudek P., Petrov� �.,Sp�chal L., Van�k T.: Triazolide strigolactone mimics as potent selective germinators of parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa. Pest Management Science 75(7), 2049-2056 (2019)

  • Kofro�ov� M., Hrdinov� A., Ma�kov� P., Soudek P., Tremlov� J., Pinkas D., Lipavsk� H.: Strong antioxidant capacity of horseradish hairy root cultures under arsenic stress indicates the possible use of Armoracia rusticana plants for phytoremediation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 174, 295-304 (2019)

  • Soudek P., Hrdinov� A., Rodriguez Valseca I.M., Lhot�kov� Z., Mihaljevi� M., Petrov� �., Kofro�ov� M., Mo�kov� K., Albrechtov� J., Van�k T.: Thorium as an environment stressor for growth of Nicotiana glutinosa plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 164, 84-100 (2019)

  • Eriksson D., de Andrade E., Bohanec B., Chatzopoulou S., Defez R., Eriksson N.L., van der Meer P., van der Meulen B., Ritala A., S�gi L., Schiemann J., Twardowski T., Van�k T.: Implementing an EU opt-in mechanism for GM crop cultivation. EMBO Reports 20(5), e48036 (2019)

  • Nath J., Dror I., Landa P., Mo�kov� K., Van�k T., Berkowitz B.: Isotopic labelling for sensitive detection of nanoparticle uptake and translocation in plants from hydroponic medium and soil. Environmental Chemistry 16, 391-400 (2019)

  • ��kov� T., Rondevaldov� J., Bernardos A., Landa P., Koko�ka L.: The relationship between structure and in vitro antistaphylococcal effect of plant-derived stilbenes. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 65(4), 467�476 (2019)

  • Lel�kov� V., Smejkal K., Jakubczyk K., Vesel� O., Landa P., V�clav�k J., Bob� P., P�ov� H., Temml V., Steinacher T., Schuster D., Granica S., Han�kov� Z., Ho�ek J.: Parallel in vitro and in silico investigations into anti-inflammatory effects of non-prenylated stilbenoids. Food Chemistry 285, 431�440 (2019)

  • Kalachov� T., Leontovy�ov� H., Iakovenko O., Posp�chalov� R. Mar��k P., Klou�ek P., Janda M., Valentov� O., Kocourkov� D., Martinec J., Burketov� L., Ruelland E.: Interplay between phosphoinositides and actin cytoskeleton in the regulation of immunity related responses in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany 167, 103867 (2019)