Abstract: We study the vortex ratchet effects in superconducting asymmetric curved bridges. By transport measurements, we find that the rectified dc voltages are significantly enhanced, and we obtain clearly asymmetric voltage waveforms versus time in one period. The rectification effect can be achieved in a very wide range of temperatures, currents and magnetic fields. Based on the simulations of time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations, we demonstrate that the giant ratchet effects are mainly caused by the collective behavior of vortices in this asymmetric structure, which is quite...
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Seminář / Úterý, 10.12.2019 10:00
Bei Yi Zhu (National Lab for Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
Seminář / Úterý, 10.12.2019 15:00
Eitan Eidelstein (Department of Physics, NRCN, Beer Sheva, Israel )
Abstract: I will present a numerically exact Inchworm Monte Carlo method for equilibrium multiorbital quantum impurity problems with general interactions and hybridizations. I'll show that the method, originally developed to overcome the dynamical sign problem in certain real-time propagation problems, can also overcome the sign problem as a function of temperature for equilibrium quantum impurity models. This is shown in several cases where the current method of choice, the continuous time hybridization expansion, fails due to the sign problem. Our method therefore enables...
Seminář / Čtvrtek, 12.12.2019 15:00
Jan Fábry (Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, oddělení dielektrik)
Abstract: The discussed Wentzel Jamnitzer’s work belongs to works which have been published most frequently throughout the 15-th and 16-th centuries and which depicted Platonic (regular) bodies. It was believed at that time that these bodies comprised the essence of nature of the surrounding world, which was percepted by external senses, or exclusively accessible by intellect. Complexity of the surrounding world could be symbolized by a geometric combination of the Platonic bodies which gave rise to semiregular or even more complicated bodies.
Oznámení / Pátek, 13.12.2019 14:00
Obhajoba disertační práce k získání titulu "doktor věd": doc. Mgr. Alexandr Malijevský, Ph.D.
Obhajoba disertační práce doc. Mgr. Alexandra Malijevského, Ph.D., "Geometry induced phase transitions at patterned surfaces“ se koná 13. prosince 2019 ve 14:00 hodin před komisí Fyzika kondenzovaných systémů v zasedací síni Fyzikálního ústavu AV ČR, Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00 Praha 6.
prof. RNDr. Roman Kotecký, DrSc. - Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK Praha
MSc. Anna Maciolek, DSc. - Institute of Physical...
Seminář / Pondělí, 16.12.2019 16:00
Pavel Motloch (Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics)
Abstrakt: Measurements of galaxy angular momenta can, at least in principle, be used to probe fundamental physics such as primordial gravitational waves and non-Gaussianity. In my talk I explain how galaxy spins arise from the initial density perturbations, describe how they are sensitive to various physical parameters of interest and finally detail our related observational effort.
Seminář / Úterý, 17.12.2019 10:00
Otakar Frank ( J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Electrochemical Materials, Prague, Czech Republic)
Methods for nanoscale material characterization are in ever-increasing demand, especially those that can provide a broader range of information at once. Near-field techniques based on combinations of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and Raman or photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy (tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy [TERS] and/or tip-enhanced PL [TEPL]) are, thanks to their capabilities and fast development, strong candidates for becoming widespread across the scientific community as SPM and Raman microscopy did only a decade or two ago. In the present talk, several examples of the utilization of...
Workshop / Úterý, 21.01.2020 - Středa, 22.01.2020
Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na mezinárodní workshop a diskuzi u kulatého stolu s názvem „Trends and challenges in laser processing – aerospace“. Workshop je určen odborníkům a zástupcům firem a zaměřuje se na laserové mikroobrábění, Laser Shock Peening (LSP) a 3D tisk. Další detaily naleznete v přiložené pozvánce. Pro více informací a potvrzení účasti nás můžete kontaktovat na solutionshilase [dot] cz.
Workshop / Čtvrtek, 06.02.2020 09:00 - Pátek, 07.02.2020 18:00
Michal Dušek, Václav Petříček, Jan Rohlíček
Workshopy "Ad hoc" o programu Jana2006 jsou dvoudenní akce pořádané autory krystalografického programu Jana2006. Účastníci workshopu si sami vybírají témata, která jsou vyvěšena na webové stránce jana.fzu.cz, a workshop se koná, jakmile se několik osob shodne na výběru témat.
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FZÚ v médiích
Česká astronomická společnost, 28.11.2019.
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Velké významné infrastruktury, 22.11.2019.
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HILASE.CZ, 5.11.2019.
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