Non-classical Logical Models of Information Dynamics

About the project

Dynamic logics such as versions of Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL), Public Announcement Logic (PAL), and various logics of soft information update are well known logical models of phenomena related to change of the information available to agents such as humans, databases or computer programs. Change of information relates to dynamics of questions resolved on the basis of the information, a phenomenon formalized by dynamic logics of questions. All these models are based on classical logic, which entails a number of limitations (monotonicity, closure under classical consequence, inconsistency intolerance).

This project explores dynamic logics based on a family of non-classical logics, known as substructural logics, and their applications in modelling information dynamics. We focus mainly on non-classical versions of PDL, PAL and logics of soft information update, and dynamic substructural logics of questions.

The project is based at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences and funded by the Czech Science Foundation, grant no. 18-19162Y.

The project team

Igor Sedlár (principal investigator), Vít Punčochář, and Andrew Tedder.

