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49th Heyrovský Discussion

  Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Kavan, DSc.
  Ing. Pavel Janda, CSc.
  (+420) 266 053 975,966
|   A I M   |

The Heyrovský Discussions have been organized during the last four decades every year by the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Each year a different field of electrochemistry is selected as the discussion theme. The total number of participants is limited to about 50-60 by the capacity of the Castle.

The program is divided into sessions devoted to individual topics. Every session is opened by an introductory lecture (60 min). After that oral presentations announced in the program (15-20 min long) follow. Each session has a chairman whose duty is among others to accept the relevant ad hoc contributions and determine their sequence, to follow time and to organize and provoke the discussion.

 © 2010 J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, v. v. i., Vera Mansfeldova