The project titled "The three tools of the academic workplace to answer the question of how to effectively involve the younger generation in science and research: information - internship in a scientific team - presentation of results" aims to develop and validate a methodology for involving the younger generation in research activities, to wake or deepen her interest in science, science and technology as her future profession. For this purpose, the project proposes the following three tools of the academic workplace, which during the course of the project verifies and evaluates:
Už je to více než 2 měsíce, co vznikla iniciativa AV ČR Věda na doma (myslím, že to 31.5. 2020- S CHEMIKEM v kuchyni - laboratoř č. 7: Alchymistovy hrátky s mědí a jak na zlato
Už je to rutina, máme konec týdne a já věším další úlohu. Vracíme se v ní k umu a
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