Instructions for authors
Research and Publication Ethics
Each animal experimentation should be in accordance with the
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1985), NIH,
Bethesda, or European Guidelines on Laboratory Animal Care, whereas human studies must be in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki (2000) of the World Medical Association.
In both cases the approval by the Ethics Committee of the
respective institution is required. The adherence to the above
principals should be explicitly mentioned in the Section Methods
of each original article published in Physiological Research.
Research involving human subjects - When reporting on
research that involves human subjects, human material, human
tissues, or human data, authors must declare that the
investigations were carried out following the rules of the
Declaration of Helsinki of 1975
revised in 2013. According to point 23 of this declaration, an
approval from an ethics committee should have been obtained
before undertaking the research.
Before submitting
Authors should consider in advance whether they have sufficient funds to cover the full
Article Publishing Costs.
Manuscript preparation
The content of submitted manuscripts must fall into the
field of normal and pathological physiology, biochemistry,
biophysics, and pharmacology. Authors must submit papers
reporting on original work, which had not previously been
published elsewhere.
All papers will be published in English. We prefer US spelling.
Four types of manuscripts
will be considered for publication:
REVIEWS giving personal views presented by prominent scientists on
contemporary developments in their field of interest. It
should not exceed 10000 words
including maximum of 100 references and a maximum of 5 figures or tables.
ORIGINAL ARTICLES with word limit of 5000 words,
45 references, and no more than 6 figures/tables.
should not exceed 2500
words, 20 references,
no more than 2 figures/tables.
* All word counts refer to a title page, abstract, the main body of the article including references. The text exceeding the above limits might be charged additionally by Editorial Office.
Manuscript format
Review must be sub-divided into the following sections:
Title page should comprise:
- A title of the
- First name(s) (in full) and surname of author(s)
- Institutes - author's workplace (affiliation
to be indicated by numbers)
- Full address of corresponding author - Short title (reduced
title of the article, that will appear as a page heading in
the journal at the top of the printed pages, not more than 60
type-written strokes including spaces ).
Summary. Each paper should contain summary of
the main points (not more than 250 words).
Key words. Immediately following the summary,
up to 5 key words should be supplied for subject indexing. Key
words should be taken from the Index Medicus (Medical Subject
Headings) or be composed on the same principle.
(Text) Main text is divided into sections according to the
Original Article must be sub-divided into the following sections:
Title page should comprise:
- A title of the
- First name(s) and surname of author(s)
- Institutes - author's workplace (affiliation
to be indicated by numbers)
- Full address of corresponding author - Short title (reduced
title of the article, that will appear as a page heading in
the journal at the top of the printed pages, not more than 60
type-written keystrokes including spaces ).
Summary. Each paper should contain summary of
the main points (not more than 250 words).
Key words. Immediately following the summary,
up to 5 key words should be supplied for subject indexing. Key
words should be taken from the Index Medicus (Medical Subject
Headings) or be composed on the same principle.
Introduction should contain background of the
subject matter and explanation, why the research was carried
Methods. In this section, all materials and
methods must be clearly described.
Discussion should be well-arranged and
Acknowledgments All sources of financial
support or funding of the study should be disclosed. Clearly indicate grants that you have received in support of your research work and if you received funds to cover publication costs. Note that some funders will not refund article processing charges (APC) if the funder and grant number are not clearly and correctly identified in the paper. Acknowledgments of technical assistance may
also appear in the text.
References are to be listed in alphabetical
order, are not numbered, and must correspond to citations in
the text. They must include: name and initials of all
authors (in Capital letters), full title of paper, name of
journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus,
volume number, first and last page and year of
publication, e.g.:
reaction in skinned rat psoas muscle fibers and their myofibrils.
Physiol Res 48: 27-35, 1999.
Differentiation of constrictive pericarditis and restrictive
cardiomyopathy by Doppler echocardiography. Circulation 79: 357-376, 1989.
(Please note that there are NO empty line between
two references)
References to monographs
should be supplemented by the name of publishers, place of
publication and in the case of a conference or symposial
proceedings also by the name of editors, e.g.:
OLNEY JW: Neurocytology of excitatory amino acids. In:
Kainic Acid as a Tool in Neurobiology. EG MCGEER, JW OLNEY,
PL MCGEER (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1978, pp 95-121.
References should be referred to in the text by the name of
author and year of publication, e.g. (Carlsson 1987) or (Schnermann
and Briggs 1985). If there are more than two authors, then only
the first should be given in the text, e.g.: (Gregor et
al. 1999). A reference cited "in press" should include "accepted
by" with the name of the journal in which it was accepted.
Rapid or Short Communicaton will be subdivided into
the following sections:
- Summary
- Main body of
the text
- References
Units. It is necessary to use the Systeme
International d'Unites (SI) for the numerical expression of the
results of measurements. In cases in which the SI unit is
different from the conventional one, the conventional unit
should be added in parentheses. In our journal, "liter" is
marked as "l", not "L".
Text format
- The form
and contents should be carefully checked to correspond with our
Instructions for Authors. The text of the manuscript sent to
the Editors should be considered as final.
- Manuscript should be sent via e-mail. Prepare your manuscripts using Word. Required file formats for text are rtf or
docx. Apple/Macintosh files should be avoided. Submit graphic
files separately from the text.
Figure Format
- The number of
illustrations should be kept to a minimum required for
clarification of the text, the maximum of 6 for an
Original Article.
File for Figures must be provided during submission at a
sufficiently high resolution (minimum 1000 pixels
width/height, or a resolution of 300 dpi or higher).
Required file formats for figures or images are JPG, TIFF or
- Each figure
will contain a caption. An explanatory text, making the
general meaning clear without reference to the text, should be
at the end of a manuscript text, in the text file.
Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in
color (RGB at 8-bit per channel). There is no additional
cost for publishing full color graphics.
Manuscript submission
Peer-review Process
- Articles submitted to our journal are subject to peer-reviewing. The peer-review process is single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities,
but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities).
- Papers will be accepted by the editors upon the
recommendation of the refviewers. At least two reviewer
comments per manuscript are collected for each
manuscript—three in case that the first two differ
- Major changes in the proofs
are not permitted.
- Authors should check if the text is
complete and tables or figures are included.
- Authors will receive PDF file of the proofs in
e-mail attachment. Corrections should be done using black pen in a printout version or with use of Note tool in PDF document. The corrected proofs should be sent
immediately back to the Editorial Office.
Page charge*
- Page charge is 90 EUR (including VAT) per a formatted page
for each accepted article except of Review articles which
will be charged 45 EUR per a page only.
- The accepted papers will not appear as preprints on our
website (and in other databases) and will not be processed
further unless the appropriate page charge is received.
The respective amount will be indicated in the letter
announcing manuscript acceptance.
- The page charge for publishing abstracts from Meetings
covers editorial and publishing expenses and will be set by
the Editorial Office. Overall price for one abstract is 20
* PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCH is turning from page charges to
article processing charges (APCs) for papers which will be
published in 2021. To know more about prices, please visit our
Article Processing Charges (APCs) page.
Ahead of Print Articles
Pre-Press articles are publication preceding the final online
publication. This pre-press version are accepted,
reviewed papers published in manuscript form before
they are copyedited and published in the online issue of the
Physiological Research journal. Articles are published online in
the PDF format after the acceptance. The online pre-press
version of the article are searchable in Medline and are
citable. In Medline
database, it will appear as [Epub ahead of print].
Final online publication could differ slightly from the
pre-press version as a result of copyediting.
After the
journal issue is published on-line, the final version of the
article will replace the Pre-Press version.
Notes for authors:
The author will receive an acceptance letter together with
request for the final version of the accepted manuscript. Once
you decide that you want your paper to appear on-line in the
Pre-Press articles, send a final pdf version of
the accepted paper and confirm the title page information.
It is important that the author and title information is
correct, since it will become part of the paper's permanent
record in Medline.
Please note
that no changes to authorship order or addition or deletion of
authors' names will be possible once an article appears in
Pre-Press articles.
Be absolutely
certain that the PDF you upload is the final, accepted version
of the manuscript and that it includes all figures and tables.
Once the article is published in Online-Only articles, this
version is closed and no corrections to the PDF can be made. If
you notice an error that you feel must be corrected before the
final publication online and in print, please e-mail the Journal
Editorial Office. Always indicate the manuscript number and the
first author name.
Authors will have the opportunity to make essential changes
in the final version.
Pre-Press Full texts:
Pdf files of pre-press articles are on Ahead
of Print page.