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Applications of Mathematics

Instructions for authors

Applications of Mathematics publish peer-reviewed research articles complying with the scope of the journal. Acceptance of the manuscripts is subject to final approval by the Editorial Board. Submitted manuscripts must comply with the following conditions. Violation of at least one of them may lead to rejection of the manuscript without any peer-review.

  • Submitted manuscripts must not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Any kind of plagiarism is not acceptable. Our journal will refuse all subsequent submissions of authors convicted of plagiarism or other serious offence against publication ethics. Word-by-word copies or close imitations of texts from other sources (journals, books, internet, etc.) without proper citation are considered as plagiarism even if it concerns short parts (usually at least seven consecutive words) of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages using the required style. Rare exceptions are possible subject to prior approval of the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Manuscripts must be in good English and language style.
  • Manuscripts must be of good typographical quality. Authors are encouraged to use the template file IMjournal.tex containing detailed instructions and to download the TeX style file IMjournal.sty. Manuscripts in MS-word will not be accepted.

Submission procedure

Authors are invited to submit their papers as a single PDF file using the Journal System for online manuscript submission and management. The authors will be asked to supply the title of the paper, abstract, keywords and AMS classification. The person who initially uploads the manuscript in the Journal System is considered by default the corresponding author responsible for the manuscript as it moves through the journal’s submission process. All correspondence pertaining to the manuscript will be sent to him/her via the system.

After the paper is accepted, the corresponding author is asked to provide the paper in LaTeX, AmSTeX, or Plain TeX format together with all accompanying files. These files have to match exactly the accepted PDF.

Accepted manuscripts are considered to be in their final form. Essential changes in the content at the proof stage will be considered only exceptionally.

The Editors cannot be held responsible for possible loss of the manuscript, therefore the authors should keep a copy of all submitted files.

Preparation of manuscripts

The structure of the manuscript should be as follows:
  • Title of the paper
  • Author's name and city
  • Abstract: 7 to 12 lines optimum. We advice to avoid references in abstract. If necessary, they should be given in form J. Haslinger, I. Hlav\'a\v cek (1982).
  • Keywords
  • Mathematics Subject Classification 2020 (see zbMATH or AMS)
  • Text of the paper
  • References; please supply the zbMATH and MathSciNet numbers as indicated if possible
  • Author's complete address including the e-mail address
References should be listed in the following form:

  • [1] J. Haslinger, I. Hlav\'a\v cek: Contact between elastic perfectly plastic bodies. Apl. Mat. 27 (1982), 27--45. Zbl 0495.73094, MR0640138
  • [2] I. Hlav\'a\v cek, J. Chleboun, I. Babu\v ska: Uncertain input data problems and the worst scenario method. North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 46, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2004. Zbl 1116.74003, MR2285091

For abbreviations of names of serials see zbMATH. References in the text should be quoted by the corresponding number in brackets, e.g. [1]. Only references actually cited in the paper should be included.

To expedite the processing of their manuscripts, the authors are asked to use the template file IMjournal.tex containing detailed instructions and to download the LaTeX style file IMjournal.sty. These files should be used in preparing manuscripts.

Figures must be provided in an electronic form preferably in some open vector format (eps, pdf, svg, ai) not including bitmaps. If only bitmaps are available they should be in grayscale. Be aware that we may not publish low quality pictures. Please, ensure that the widths of used lines and sizes of used fonts are sufficiently large. If the EPS files are produced by a graphical or mathematical software (e.g. Matlab or Maple), please, include also the corresponding source files (e.g. *.fig).

Useful links: Springer Journal Author Academy, Springer Edanz Partnership

For any further information concerning the preparation of manuscripts, please feel free to contact the Editor applmath@math.cas.cz.