EMS e-news 33, December 2019
Dear EMS members,
The world is in a period of fast transition which also affects societies like the EMS. This concerns not only the impact on our research of digitalization and artificial intelligence, but also on the ways that scientific societies interact and communicate with their members.
To react to this transition, during its recent meeting in Yerevan, the EMS Executive Committee decided to change the format of the 'EMS Newsletter' from summer 2020 to become the 'EMS Magazine', and to combine the different news platforms of EMS to become purely online, fast, and real time. The articles of EMS Magazine will appear online first, and will then be joined together in a quarterly issue, that will be available in a print-on-demand-and-request format for EMS members (and open access for everybody).
The new EMS publishing house is now publishing under the name EMS Press (https://ems.press/ ) with a young and energetic team that wants to bring scientific publishing into a new era (see the latest issue 114 of the EMS Newsletter), by serving the mathematical community and giving it immediate and sustainable access to scientific publications of the highest standards.
The EMS also wants to involve the young generation more strongly in shaping the future of mathematics in Europe, and will propose to the EMS council (4-5 July 2020 in Bled Slovenia), that we start a young EMS academy. More details will be presented at that meeting.
With this news, I wish you a happy holiday season and in particular a great start to 2020 which will celebrate the 30th anniversary of EMS and the 8 ECM in Portoroz, Slovenia, where I hope to meet many of you in person.
Volker Mehrmann
EMS President
The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter is online now (more details below):
8th European Congress of Mathematics (5-11 July 2020, Portoroz, Slovenia)
- The registration for 8ECM is now open! https://www.8ecm.si/news/40
- Fees and Registration: https://www.8ecm.si/for-participants/fees-and-registration
Early bird registration and accommodation rates are available until 31 January 2020. - Professors Stanislav Smirnov, Kathryn Hess, Bojan Mohar, and Robin Wilson will deliver public lectures and Sir Martin Hairer will deliver the Hirzebruch Lecture.
- Twelve prizes will be awarded at the Congress.
International day of Mathematics
UNESCO has proclaimed March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics at its 40th General Conference. (See item in ‘Miscellanea’ below.)
Australian Mathematical Society (reciprocal EMS member),
- Cheryl Praeger was awarded the 2019 (Australian) Prime Minister's Prize for Science, for her achievements in mathematics and beyond. This is the first time a mathematician has received the prize. (See also LMS item below.)
- Nalini Joshi has been elected a Bragg Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia and was awarded this year's New South Wales Premier's Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, or Physics.
- The Australian Mathematical Society has stablished an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee. On its recommendation AustMS has established an EDI lecture at its annual meeting (either a mathematical presentation by someone from an underrepresented group or a talk on equity issues). The inaugural lecture will take place at the 2020 meeting.
- The AustMS Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) has set up a mentoring program to run from February 2020. Prospective mentees must identify as women and be members of WIMSIG; mentors can be Friends or Members of WIMSIG of any gender. A parallel program has been set up by the Statistical Society of Australia.
- The Society is actively working on a number of projects from revitalizing its website to long-term strategic financial planning.
- The AustMSI reminds colleagues all over the world that they can apply for funds to visit any Australian University through the philanthropically-funded University of Sydney Mathematical Research Institute https://mathematical-research-institute.sydney.edu.au/
Applications are currently open for visits in the period October 2020-June 2021; the deadline for the current round is 27 January 2020. Applications are welcome from across the mathematical sciences.
Austrian Mathematical Society
The Austrian Mathematical Society has awarded its 2019 Promotion Prize for Young Scientists, together with the Inzinger Medal, to Christopher Frei for outstanding achievements in analytic and algebraic number theory as well as arithmetic geometry.
Bernoulli Center (CIB)
- Call for proposals: July 2021 to June 2023
The Bernoulli Center in Lausanne invites proposals for a one-semester programme in any branch of the mathematical sciences.
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi
- CRM-PISA Junior Visiting Programme
The program covers five two-year Junior Visiting positions starting in the Academic Year 2020/21. It is aimed at highly qualified new or recent PhDs in mathematics with exceptional research potential. PhD students can apply, provided that they obtain their PhD no later than 1st October 2020. Deadline for application is 7th January 2020.
Danish Mathematical Society
The annual meeting of the Danish Math. Society was held 19-20 November 2019, in collaboration with the Danish Societies for Theoretical Statistics and for Biopharmaceutical Statistics. The theme of the meeting was: AI and Data Science. Arnoldi Frigessi (University of Oslo) was keynote speaker.
Saint-Petersburg Mathematical Society
- New initiatives at the Euler International Mathematical Institute in St.Petersburg
The new initiatives involve the Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg and the newly established Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the St.Petersburg State University including its well-known Chebyshev Laboratory. They include one-semester programs focused on a specific topic, as well as hosting postdocs, graduate students, research visitors in all areas of mathematics, theoretical computer science, and mathematical physics. The call for thematic programs will be published shortly. The call for Postdocs is here: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/
London Mathematical Society (LMS)
- LMS Honorary Member Professor Cheryl Praeger (University of Western Australia) has been awarded the 2019 Australian Prime Minister's Prize for Science. She received the Prize for contributions to group theory, permutation groups, combinatorics and the mathematics of symmetry. https://tinyurl.com/tdt825x (See also AustMS entry above.)
- Professor Peter Sarnak (IAS, Princeton) will be the LMS Hardy Fellow 2020. He will give a series of lectures in the UK, 15 June to 3 July. He works in number theory and related areas. The Hardy Lectureship was founded in 1967 in memory of G.H. Hardy and is a tour of the UK by a mathematician with a high reputation in research. https://tinyurl.com/h5ql729
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia (MI SASA)
On 31 October, the MI SASA awarded the highest recognition to MSc Srđan Ognjanović, director of Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade for extraordinary pedagogical work in the field of mathematics and contribution to the development of the Mathematical Grammar School.
Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)
- Call for special sessions in the Congress SMM-RSME
The RSME together with the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana are holding a joint congress in Guanajuato (Mexico), 15-19 June 2020. The call for special sessions is open until 15 December.
- Call for applications José Luis Rubio de Francia (JLRF) prize 2019
The JLRF prize is awarded by the RSME, and sponsored by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Universidad de Zaragoza. The prize recognizes mathematicians under the age of 32. The deadline for nominations is 31 December (18:00 CET).
- Young Researchers Conference of the RSME.
The fifth Young Researchers Conference in Mathematics of the RSME will be held at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón (Spain), 27-31 January. The registration is open until 1 January.
- VIII Encuentro Ibérico de Matemáticas RSME-SPM
The eighth edition of the "Encuentro ibérico de Matemáticas“ jointly organized by the RSME and the Portuguese Society of Mathematics (SPM), 7-9 October 2020, will take place in Seville, Spain.
- 2019 RSME Conference in Santander
he biennial conference of the RSME will be held at Santander (Spain), 4-8 February 2019. The program includes plenary lectures, 28 special sessions and several dissemination activities.
- 2021 RSME Conference in Ciudad Real
The biennial conference of the RSME will be held 18-22 January 2021 at the Ciudad Real campus of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA)
- The "Enrique Vidal Abascal" Research Medal of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Galicia (RAGC) has been awarded to Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
https://sema.org.es/images/boletines/boletin23/23/Noticias.html - subsec1
- A member of SEMA and vice president of ICIAM 2019, Luis Vega was elected ICIAM Officer at the last Board meeting of ICIAM, on 20 July 2019.
- The VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2021) will take place in Valencia. The joint bid by the two Spanish societies SEMNI and SEMA won the right to organize YIC 2021 at the Universitat Politècnica de València, 7-9 July 2021.
https://sema.org.es/images/boletines/boletin23/23/Noticias.html - subsec5
Applied Mathematics Committee
Call For EMS Summer Schools In Applied Mathematics (ESSAM)
The call is still open until 6 January 2020, for any summer school in the area of Applied Mathematics organized during 2020 and open to international participants.
Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)
Donate to the EMS Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)!
The CDC has an important mission in supporting mathematics research and education in developing countries
You can make your donation together with your EMS membership payment or by paying with a credit card:
or directly to the CDC bank account: EMS-CDC, IBAN: FI78 1572 3000 3811 60, SWIFT/BIC NDEAFIHH
Meetings Committee
During October, the Meetings Committee evaluated proposals for EMS Distinguished Speakers (three proposals), EMS Joint Mathematical Weekend (one proposal), Activities endorsed by the EMS (one proposal), Special EMS Activities (eight proposals), Summer Schools (nineteen proposals). It is the role of the Executive Committee to decide on funding these activities, and that of the Meetings Committee to provide detailed recommendations. The evaluation is very delicate, and the Committee had several discussions via email, and a Skype conference on 4 Nov to arrive at its final recommendations. At the same time, under the request of the EMS President, the Meetings Committee is drafting a set of guidelines which will help those proposing activities to present them in a way which have the best chances of approval. The Committee is discussing these guidelines and they will be soon available.
The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N112-December 2019) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2019-12-114.pdf
Highlights include:
- Editorial: FAIR Research Data - V. Mehrmann
- Open Access Publishing in Mathematics - V. Mehrmann et al
- Announcement of the Next Meeting of the EMS Council - S. Verduyn Lunel
- Call for Applications ERCE 2020–2024 - S. Dabo et al.
- A Problem for the 21st/22nd Century - S. Crovisier
- Euler, Stirling, and Wallis: A Case Study in the Notion of Equivalence Between Theorems - F. di Biase
- Grothendieck: The Myth of a Break - C. Lobry
- Historical Traces of Austrian Mathematicians in the First Half of the 20th Century - R. Frühstückl
- The Importance of Ethics in Mathematics - M. Chiodo & T. Clifton
- Teaching Ethics in Mathematics - M. Chiodo & P. Bursill-Hall
- A Presentation of the Austrian Mathematical Society - B. Kaltenbacher
- Regions and Regional Conferences of Europe - B. Tanbay
- References to Research Literature in QA Forums – A Case Study of zbMATH Links from MathOverflow - F. Müller et al.
The EMS Publishing House is now based in Berlin and publishing under the name EMS Press. See editorial above.
Recent books:
- Todd Fisher and Boris Hasselblatt (Tufts University, Medford, USA)
Hyperbolic Flows (Zürich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics)
ISBN 978-3-03719-200-9. 2019
- Frédéric Jaëck, Laurent Mazliak, Emma Sallent Del Colombo and Rossana Tazzioli. Editors Gösta Mittag-Leffler and Vito Volterra.
40 Years of Correspondence (Heritage of European Mathematics)
ISBN 978-3-03719-199-6. 2019.
- Christian Gérard
Microlocal Analysis of Quantum Fields on Curved Spacetimes (ESI Lectures in Mathematics and Physics)
ISBN 978-3-03719-094-4.
For more information about our new-look Publishing House, see https://ems.press/
The International day of Mathematics
1. The proclamation of March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) has been adopted by the 40th General Conference of UNESCO in November 2019. The first celebration will take place in 2020. Considering that March 14 2020 is a Saturday, the official launch at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris will take place on Friday March 13, 2020. A simultaneous launch will be held at the Next Einstein Forum (10-13 March 2020) in Nairobi, Kenya, on 13 March.
2. A map of worldwide events and gatherings is online at www.idm314.org. At this stage it only contains pre-announcements of events and the detail of celebrations will come later. You are invited to pre-announce your celebrations either directly on the website or by filling the form.
3. The theme of the 2020 IDM is "Mathematics is everywhere".
4. On the media page of the IDM website (online very soon) you will find:
• The logo in different languages (https://www.idm314.org/logos.html)
• Invitations to celebrate in different languages
• Instructions on how to organize an event
5. In 2020 the IDM website will post:
• Free material, projects, ideas and software for use in classrooms, large events or small activities for the general public.
• All content will be offered in multiple languages, and under open licenses for free use, distribution and modification.
6. You are invited to subscribe to the IDM Newsletter, via the IDM website. Please circulate this to all people or organizations that could be interested, and invite them to subscribe. You can use the invitations that can be found in different languages on the media page.
2019 Ostrowski Prize
Professor Assaf Naor, Princeton University, has been awarded the 2019 Ostrowski Prize in Higher Mathematics in recognition of his pioneering achievements at the interface of the geometry of Banach spaces, the structure of metric spaces, and algorithms. The Ostrowski Prize was established by Alexander Markovich Ostrowski (1893-1986), a former professor of mathematics at the University of Basel. Since 1989, the foundation awards every other year a prize for outstanding achievements in the field of pure mathematics and in the foundations of numerical mathematics.
2019 Riemann Prize
Terence Tao, a world renowned mathematician based at the University of California in Los Angeles, USA, has been announced as the first recipient of the Riemann Prize in Mathematics, awarded by the Riemann International School of Mathematics (RISM). The Riemann Prize was established in 2019, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of RISM, under the patronage of all public and private Universities of Lombardia, the support of the government of Regione Lombardia, the municipality of Varese and the main partners: University of Insubria, University of Milano and University of Milano-Bicocca.
Heidelberg Laureate Forum
Calling outstanding young researchers in mathematics and computer science! The application process for the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) has begun. Young researchers from around the world can apply for one of the 200 coveted spots to participate in the HLF, an annual networking event. The HLF offers the opportunity to interact with the laureates of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics and computer science. For one week, recipients of the Abel Prize, the ACM A.M. Turing Award, the ACM Prize in Computing, the Fields Medal, and the Nevanlinna Prize engage in a cross-generational scientific dialogue with young researchers in Heidelberg, Germany. The application period runs from 14 November 2019, until 14 February 2020. Young researchers at all phases of their careers (undergraduate/pre-master, graduate PhD or postdoc) are encouraged to complete and submit their applications by midnight on 14 February via the following link:
Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMSnewsletter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EMSnewsletter
For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Université Paris Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.
e-mail: Mireille.Chaleyat-Maurel@math-info.univ-paris5.fr