EMS e-news 34, March 2020



Dear members of the EMS,
As mentioned in my last editorial, the world is changing very fast, in particular where open access publishing and new media is concerned. The great news is that Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH), the world’s most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics is becoming open access by the beginning of 2021. zbMath is edited by the EMS, the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and FIZ Karlsruhe. See the item under Miscellanea below.

The second item is that EMS has initiated a short movie about the impact of mathematics in the digital age, the era of mathematics, which we hope will help to get more support for mathematics education and research funding in mathematics.  Go ahead, watch and distribute! 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEQjJv67qUQ&t=5s .
Also, it is good that public recognition for mathematics has been strengthened by naming March 14 the International Day of Mathematics by the executive council of UNESCO. Its first celebration is this month (see below). Let’s also celebrate the 30th anniversary of EMS in 2020, and let our visions for the future become reality.

Volker Mehrmann
EMS President



1. Explore on the website http://everywhere.idm314.org how ''Mathematics is everywhere’’. Find how to organize an event, as well  as activities to download at https://www.idm314.org/organize.html.
Find a logo or poster in your language at https://www.idm314.org/decorate.html.

2. If you are organizing an event, then announce it at http://www.idm314.org, if you have not yet done it. Your event will  then join the many other dots on the map.

3. If you have not done so, then register to the IDM newsletter at http://www.idm314.org. This is how you will hear of new developments.



EMS Newsletter

The latest edition is online here: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2020-03-115.pdf




Austrian Mathematical Society:
Karlheinz Gröchenig (University of Vienna) has been awarded the Schrödinger Prize, the highest prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, for his outstanding achievements in the field of harmonic analysis and its applications.

Irish Mathematical Society
- Officers: The Irish Mathematical Society, as of January 2020, has a new Treasurer, Dr Cónall Kelly of University College Cork. The other officers Dr Pauline Mellon, Dr Tom Carroll and Dr David Malone continue in their roles as President, Vice-President and Secretary, respectively.

- Joint IMS-LMS Reciprocity Agreement signed in summer 2019. A reciprocity agreement was signed by the Presidents of the Irish and London Mathematical Societies coming into effect in July 2019. This reciprocity agreement is unique in allowing those living in Northern Ireland to choose either the LMS or the IMS as their 'home' society and to then join the other society by reciprocity.

Israel Mathematical Union
- The Israel Mathematical Union will hold its 2020 annual meeting at Afeka College, Tel Aviv, on 14 June 2020. The conference will feature two Wolf talks (by the 2020 Wolf Prize laureates, Sir Simon Kirwan Donaldson FRS and Prof. Yakob Eliasberg), the traditional Erdős Talk, parallel sessions (on applied math, algebra, analysis and geometry, discrete mathematics and theory of computer science, mathematics education, geometry and groups, set theory and logic, ergodic theory and dynamical systems) and the first ever Lightning Talks in mathematics: 10-minute talks given by students on their exciting new research.

- The 2021 Israel Mathematical Union meeting will be held jointly with the German Mathematical Society, 8-10 March 2021 in Jerusalem.

Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
- The 2021 “Guido Stampacchia” Prize
The International School of Mathematics “Guido Stampacchia”, part of the “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, in collaboration with UMI announce the 2021 “Guido Stampacchia” Prize. The prize consists of a gold medal and three years of UMI membership. It will be awarded for outstanding research in the field of Variational Analysis and Applications to a researcher, whose date of birth falls after March 14th, 1985 (included). This date will be decreased by one year both for each child born (or parental leave) and for a leave longer than six months due to health reasons. Nominations should include a motivation for the proposal and a curriculum vitae of the nominee. They must be e-mailed to dipmat.umi@unibo.it and sent to: "Al Presidente dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Dipartimento di Matematica, Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, 40126 BOLOGNA (ITALY)". The prize will be delivered during the opening ceremony of the International Conference “Variational Analysis and Applications” in memory of G. Stampacchia, which will be held in Erice (Sicily) at the “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, 28 July – 5 August 2021.

Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI)
- In October 2019, within the International CAE Conference and Exhibition (an annual conference on the business and technology issues in the Simulation-based Engineering Sciences), SIMAI has organized a workshop titled "A perspective on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Research". The workshop gathered experts from academia and industry who gave their opinion on the prospects for this technology. With more than 80 participants, it was one of the most successful satellite events of the conference.

- The beautiful city of Parma, Italian Capital of Culture for the year 2020, will host SIMAI’s traditional Biennial Congress, 15-19 July 2020.


Polish Mathematical Society
The Main Board of the Polish Mathematical Society proudly announces, that this year the Annually Meeting of Polish Mathematicians will take place in Lviv, Ukraine. This international event will be coorganized with our Ukrainian colleagues and friends. We will commemorate three anniversaries: 100 years ago Stefan Banach was granted his PhD, 85 years ago the first problem was written down by Stefan Banach in the Scottish Book, 75 years ago Stefan Banach was gone. The Polish-Ukrainian Forum will be held 21-24 September 2020 and will be preceded by Scottish Book Fest 18-20 September 2020.

Saint-Petersburg Mathematical Society
- Ladyzhenskaya medal in mathematical physics
The National Committee of Mathematicians of Russia, St Petersburg State University, and, for the inaugural prize, the Organizing Committee of the ICM have established a new prize in honour of Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya (1922-2004) to be awarded for the first time at a special event dedicated to the Ladyzhenskaya Centennial during ICM 2022. The Ladyzhenskaya medal in mathematical physics will be awarded every 4 years to recognize revolutionary results in or with applications to mathematical physics. This includes any existing or future area of research in mathematical physics and neighbouring fields of mathematics. The winner will receive a medal and a cash award of 1 million rubles. If the main work is joint among several people, the committee may consider a shared prize. Full statues of the prize may be found at 
Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the 2022 Prize Committee, Professor Giovanni Felder (giovanni.felder@math.ethz.ch). Each nomination should contain a detailed description of the work of the candidate and how it fits in the overall development of the field, and include references. Nominations are confidential and must not be disclosed to the candidate. The deadline for nominations is 1 December 2021.


London Mathematical Society (LMS)
- Sir Michael Atiyah, who died on 11 January 2019, was the dominant figure in UK mathematics for decades. He was President of the London Mathematical Society, 1974-76. The LMS, with the Isaac Newton Institute, is organizing a major meeting in his memory, 22-24 September 2020, at the Isaac Newton Institute.

- Professor Sir Simon Donaldson (Imperial College London) was awarded the Wolf Prize for Mathematics, jointly with Professor Yakos Eliashberg (Stanford University). Sir Simon received the award for his contributions to differential geometry and topology. 

- Adam Harper (Warwick University) was awarded the Ramanujan Prize 2019 on 21 December. The ceremony took place at SASTRA University in Kumbakonam, India (Ramanujan's home town).

- Due to a generous donation from the Liber Stiftung (Liber Foundation tinyurl.com/th4xxcg), the LMS will be awarding several Emmy Noether Fellowships with a value between £2,000 and 
£10,000. More details and how to apply are available at www.lms.ac.uk/grants/lms-emmy-noether-fellowships. The application deadline is 1 May 2020 at 23.00 GMT.

Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)
- Call for Nominations: Mathematics Research Awards Vicent Caselles RSME-BBVA 2020
Nominations for the 2020 Mathematics Research Awards Vicent Caselles of RSME, together with BBVA Foundation, is open until 28 February. The prizes are intended for young (younger than 30 on the 31st December 2019) mathematicians (of any nationality) who have carried out their research in a Spanish institution.

- Call for special sessions in the Congress SMM-RSME
The RSME together with the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana are organizing a joint congress in Guanajuato (Mexico), 15-19 June 2020. The call for special sessions within this congress is open until 1 March 2020.

- 8th Edition of the Iberian Mathematical Meeting
The eighth edition of the Iberian Mathematical Meeting, a joint event of RSME and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática will take place in Seville, Spain 7-9 October 2020.


Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA)
- CEDYA2020: https://cedya2020.es/en
The XXVI Congress of Differential Equations and Applications /XVI Congress of Applied Mathematics (CEDYA/CMA), the biennial congress of the SeMA, will be held in Gijón (Spain), from 15-19 June 2020.

- XVIII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications (HYP2020)  https://edanya.uma.es/hyp2020

  • This conference, which is a satellite event of ICIAM2019,  will be held in Málaga (Spain),  22-26 June 2020. Highlights of this edition include:
    The Peter Lax Award: A distinction  reserved to a young researcher (10 years after PhD) in this and every future HYP Conference. Professor Jacob Bedrossian (Maryland University, USA) has been awarded the first Lax Award for his brilliant achievement in mathematical theory of fluid dynamics.
  • The James Glimm Lecture: A special lecture instituted as part of this and future HYP Conferences in honour of James Glimm’s fundamental and original ideas which revolutionized research in hyperbolic conservation laws. The first James Glimm Lecturer will be Constantine Dafermos (Brown University, USA)



SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, France)
- France welcomes from 19-24 July 2020 the international meeting WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020 jointly organised in Paris by CSMA [1], SMAI-GAMNI [2], GAMM [3] and GACM [4]. This meeting will gather 3500-4000 participants around computational mechanics and applied mathematics. The meeting will be at Palais des Congrès de Paris. Registration through https://wccm-eccomas2020.org
[1] http://www.csma.fr, [2] http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article163, [3] https://www.gamm-ev.de/, [4] https://www.gacm.de/

- Next conference CANUM 2020 will be held 25-29 May in Evian-Les-Bains.

- Next Summer school CEMRACS 2020 will be held 20 July 20- 28 August 2020 at CIRM Luminy/Marseille

- SMAI MABIOME is a new thematic group of SMAI dedicated to mathematics applied to biology.

- Anna Erschler (DMA, CNRS-ENS Paris) was awarded the CNRS 2020 silver medal for her research.

- Irène Waldspurger (CEREMADE, CNRS/Université Paris Dauphine) and Susanna Zimmerman (LAREMA, CNRS/Université d'Angers) were awarded CNRS 2020 bronze medal for their research.

- The 2019 Jacques-Louis Lions prize of the French academy was awarded to Maria Estéban (CEREMADE, CNRS/Université Paris Dauphine)

- The 2019 Blaise Pascal prize of the French academy was awarded to Quentin Mérigot (CNRS/Université Paris Sud Orsay).

- The 2019 SMAI-GAMNI PhD prize was awarded to Florian Feppon (CMAP CNRS/Ecole polytechnique)


Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA Slovenije)
In September 2019, DMFA Slovenije celebrated its 70th anniversary with the annual society meeting at Bled. On that occasion, Nobel Prize winner prof. Duncan Haldane was elected as honorary member of Society, and meetings and conferences of several groups of researchers and teachers were held. Earlier in 2019, the Society was decorated with the Silver Order of Merit, a high national recognition from Slovenian president Borut Pahor, for our contributions to development of science and teaching and promotion of science. We are looking forward to the 8th European Congress of Mathematics in Portorož, hosted by the University of Primorska in collaboration with other Slovenian institutions, in July 2020.

Ukrainian Mathematical Society
The International Conference in Аnalysis and Topology dedicated to the memory of Yu. Yu. Trokhumchuk will be held on 22-24 April 2020 at Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email: imathconference@gmail.com



Ethics Committee
The next meeting is scheduled for 15-16 May in Rouen, France.

Raising Public Awareness (RPA) Committee
The RPA committee is joining the International Day of Mathematics (www.idm314.org), a project led by the IMU with the support of numerous international and regional organizations, and proclaimed by UNESCO. The RPA committee helped in translating and advertising the site https://everywhere.idm314.org/.
Also the members of the committee are co-organizing many events at national level (events in Bath, Paris, Madrid, Coimbra, Parma, Bari) and are motivating local organizers in Europe to add their events. (See the IDM headline above.)



The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N115-March 2020) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2020-03-115.pdf

Highlights include:
- Mathematics Subject Classification 2020 - K. Hulek & E. Dunne
- Renormalisation of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Y. Bruned et al
- Brief Introduction to Approximate Groups - M. C. H. Tointon
- Discussion with Freeman Dyson - M.Th. Rassias
- An Interview with David Ruelle - H. H. Rugh
- Hagen Neidhardt (1950–2019) – His Work and Legacy - J. Behrndt et al.
- The Mathematics of Bitcoin - C. Grunspan & R. Pérez-Marco


Recent books:
- K3 Surfaces
Shigeyuki Kondō (Nagoya University, Japan)
March 2020

- Algebraic Combinatorics, Resurgence, Moulds and Applications (CARMA)
Volume 1
Frédéric Chapoton (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Frédéric Fauvet (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Claudia Malvenuto (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
Jean-Yves Thibon (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
February 2020

- Algebraic Combinatorics, Resurgence, Moulds and Applications (CARMA)
Volume 2
Frédéric Chapoton (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Frédéric Fauvet (Université de Strasbourg, France)
Claudia Malvenuto (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
Jean-Yves Thibon (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France)
February 2020

For more information about our new-look Publishing House, see 


zbMATH Open: Information for mathematicians becomes freely accessible!
In 2020, FIZ Karlsruhe will start transforming the zbMATH information service into an open access platform.

Abel prize
The Abel Prize is increased by 1.5 million NOK. The board of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to increase the prize amount for the Abel Prize from 6 to 7.5 million NOK.

Royal Society Publishing
Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions A entitled Srinivasa Ramanujan: in celebration of the centenary of his election as FRS organised and edited by Ken Ono and the articles can be accessed at:


Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMSnewsletter
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/EMSnewsletter

For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Université Paris Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.
e-mail:  Mireille.Chaleyat-Maurel@math-info.univ-paris5.fr