as approved by EMS Council on June 23-24, 2018
RULE 1: Corporate bodies wishing to become members of the EMS should provide appropriate evidence of their nature and activities.
RULE 2: Individuals belonging to corporate members of the EMS or to societies having a reciprocity agreement with EMS may apply through their organizations for individual membership of the EMS.
RULE 3: Individuals not belonging to corporate members of the EMS or to societies with a reciprocity agreement with EMS may apply directly for membership of the EMS.
RULE 4: A member of age w with w greater than sixty may apply for life-time membership.
RULE 5: Members newly elected or in a new category shall be informed of their election and receive the relevant documents.
RULE 6: No election of members shall be effective until the relevant fees have been paid.
RULE 7: Expulsion of a member shall be by a decision of the Council. The Executive Committee shall present to the Council a full report on the reasons for the proposed expulsion before the matter is considered by the Council. Individual members who have not paid their fees have resigned their membership.
RULE 8: All matters of doubt or difficulty relating to membership shall be decided by the Council.
RULE 9: The Executive Committee shall give notice in the EMS Newsletter and by email to each member about the procedure and timetable for the election of Council delegates at least two months before the election.
RULE 10: Delegates representing a full member are elected by the full member.
RULE 11: Delegates representing associate members shall be elected by a ballot organized by the Executive Committee from a list of candidates who have been nominated and seconded, and have agreed to serve.
RULE 12: Delegates representing institutional members shall be elected by a ballot organized by the Executive Committee from a list of candidates who have been nominated and seconded, and have agreed to serve.
RULE 13: Delegates representing individual members shall be elected by a ballot organized by the Executive Committee from a list of candidates who have been nominated and seconded, and have agreed to serve. These delegates must themselves be individual members of the European Mathematical Society.
RULE 14: If a delegate of a full member resigns or is not able to attend a Council meeting, then the full member may elect a deputy delegate to replace him.
RULE 15: If a delegate representing associate, institutional or individual members resigns or is not able to attend a Council meeting, then the Executive Committee shall where possible nominate a deputy delegate from the runners-up in the preceding election.
RULE 16: No Council delegate can represent more than one of the groups referred to in the Statutes ARTICLE 5 number 3. As soon as a person is elected as a Council delegate representing any group, he or she is ineligible as a Council delegate for any other group.
RULE 17: The President shall act as Chairman of the Council.
RULE 18: Officers (Art. 7.1 (a)-(d)) shall be elected by ballot for each vacancy. For the remaining posts on the Executive Committee, if there are $k$ vacancies there shall be a ballot in which each member of Council may cast up to $k$ votes for distinct candidates. The $k$ candidates with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie there shall be another ballot for the candidates involved in the tie. At any meeting where elections are to take place, Council may set up a Nominating Committee to advise the meeting on a balanced list of candidates for the elections.
RULE 19: Every second year the terms of at least two members should expire. The President may be elected two years prior to his/her term in the office. The President Elect and Past President may be co-opted by the Executive Committee to the Executive Committee as non-voting members.
RULE 20: Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by simple majority of votes cast. The President shall have a casting vote.
RULE 21: The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year. Extraordinary meeting shall be held if requested by at least four members of the Executive Committee.
RULE 22: The Secretary shall be responsible for setting up appropriate administrative arrangements for transacting the business of the Society.
RULE 23: The Executive Committee shall establish a group under the chairmanship of a member of the Executive Committee which shall develop connections between the EMS and the European Community. This group shall be in power to conduct negotiations with appropriate organs of the European Community.
RULE 24: Sub-committees of the Executive Committee will normally have both their remit and their membership determined by the Executive Committee. The term of office of members of these sub-committees will be four years, with a possible second term of four years. No member can serve as Chair for more than six years in total. Each sub-committee will prepare reports for the Executive Committee at least annually. Each member should be an individual member of the EMS in good standing.
RULE 25: The annual dues for corporate members (Art. 3.2 and 5.4) will be expressed in terms of a unit fee $x$, fixed by the Council for any one year.
RULE 26: Full members in classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Art. 5.4) shall pay $x$, $3x$, $5x$, and $8x$ respectively in annual dues.
RULE 27: Associate members shall pay an annual fee of $x$.
RULE 28: Academic institutional members shall pay an annual fee of $x$. Other institutional members shall pay an annual fee of $3x$.
RULE 29: The annual dues for individual members (Art. 3.3) shall be expressed in terms of a unit fee $y$, fixed by Council for any one year.
RULE 30: Individual members shall pay the annual fee $y$. Individual members belonging to a corporate member of the EMS shall pay the annual fee $[y/2]$. Individual members belonging to a society having a reciprocity agreement with the EMS shall pay an annual fee $[3y/4]$.
RULE 31: Lifetime members shall pay the once-and-for-all fee of [(77-4[w/5])y/5].
RULE 32: Anyone who is a student at the time of becoming an individual EMS member, whether PhD or in a more junior category, shall enjoy a three-year introductory period with membership fees waived. All the standard benefits will be granted during this time, except printed copies of the Newsletter.
RULE 33: The Executive Committee may at its discretion waive or reduce the fees of any member.
RULE 34: Any change in the By-laws shall be decided by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast in Council.
RULE 35: The Society will be established at a foundation meeting, organized by the European Mathematical Council.
RULE 36: The Statutes shall be in force from the moment of their approval by the foundation meeting.
RULE 37: All societies which have taken part in the discussions of the European Mathematical Council leading to the foundation of the Society shall, without further formalities, be deemed to be full members.
RULE 38: As soon as the Society is created the foundation meeting becomes the Council of the Society and it shall elect the first Executive Committee directly.