Publications and Electronic Dissemination
The Committee on Publications and Electronic Dissemination was established in 2017 as a result of the merger of the Committee on Electronic Publishing and Committee on Publications.
Terms of Reference:
PED's remit is to address issues relating to the publishing of scholarly mathematical literature, and access provision, specifically:
- Publishing in a broad sense including electronic publishing, dissemination and long-term preservation, as well as on-line resources of knowledge like open archives, mathematical blogs, Q&A fora, video libraries, knowledge bases, math-aware retrieval etc.
- Open Access, sustainable business model.
- Ethics in publishing, scientific quality of publications, peer review, use and misuse of scientometrics (in collaboration with the Ethics Committee),
- zbMATH, including the role of its Scientific User Committee.
- EMS Publishing House (in collaboration with its SAB).
- Digital Mathematics Libraries, their sustainability and enhancement with new forms of knowledge including mathematical software, specialised mathematical research data, etc., efforts towards the Global Digital Mathematics Library.