The 8th Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis (with J.P. Schauder Medal Award Ceremony)
The international symposium takes place every 2-3 years and gathers a wide range of top nonlinear analysis researchers and PhD students from around the world. The event consists of plenary lectures and a number of special sessions. During the conference the ceremony of awarding the J.P. Schauder Medal and accompanying special session with invited guest lectures will take place. The medal is awarded by the J.P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies to individuals for outstanding achievements and contribution in the field of Nonlinear Analysis. The previous medal winners are Jean Mawhin (2012), Paul Rabinowitz (2014) and Edward Norman Dancer (2017). The research topics include: topological and variational methods in differential equations and inclusions, quantitative methods and dynamics of partial differential equations, optimization, fixed point theory and applications of nonlinear analysis to real world problems.