International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methdods - third edition (2020)
Due to the exceptional conditions induced by the spread of the COVID 19 Pandemic, the third edition of ICAMNM 2020 will be a virtual - online - conference and it will be held between October 29-31, 2020.
The congress is mainly addressed to researchers, academic people, PhD students working in Applied and Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Engineering, Mathematical Economics, Mathematical Medicine, ODEs and PDEs, and Their Applications to Real World, Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization, Algebra and Geometry, and Their Applications, Convex Analysis, Numerical Analysis and Their Applications.
As joint event, a Workshop on Industrial Mathematics and Computer Science will be held on October 31, 2020 and it will be mainly focused on presentations by persons working in Industry and academic institutions about the projects in which they were involved and used mathematical and computer science aspects.