EMS e-News

EMS e-news 36, September 2020


Dear members of the EMS,

Mathematics, as many other scientific fields and our society as a whole, is facing a big challenge in the way we operate. We are used to travel, to meet and to cooperate in person. Over the centuries, many important mathematical developments have emerged as we work at the blackboard together. This way of doing research is very restricted right now and we can anticipate that this will continue for quite some time. But we are creative. E-seminars and webinars have emerged in many mathematical communities, new methods of teaching, research collaboration and communication are being explored. Some will be adopted by the mathematical community, and I guess others will not, once we return to a more normal way of life. But in the meantime we will make the best of it, I am sure, despite second and third waves hitting us.

The current situation has forced us to postpone the EMS’s 30th anniversary celebration and the meeting of presidents of EMS member societies, planned for the end of October, to next spring or later. An executive committee meeting will take place via video conference. However, in the meantime we have prepared a booklet to mark the EMS turning 30. Thanks to EMS Vice President Betül Tanbay for putting this together. It will be published in October by EMS Press.


We have ongoing discussions on how to improve the gender balance on editorial boards of mathematics journals, how to involve the younger generation of mathematicians in a stronger way in our community, how to organize more pan-European communication and collaboration in mathematical subdisciplines, and last but not least how to improve the EMS’s online presence and data structure. We will report on these developments in the near future.

I hope that you all stay healthy, and for all of us that the pandemic will not lead to more drastic measures and more deaths in fall and winter.

Volker Mehrmann
EMS President


8ECM Calls for Minisymposia and Satellite conferences reopened!
Following the decision to postpone the 8th European Congress of Mathematics to 2021, the organizers are reopening the calls to organize a Minisymposium (MS) and/or a Satellite Conference (SC). There are over 60 accepted MS so far and incentives for MS and SC organizers are offered. MS and SC that are already confirmed by the 
Local Scientific Committee and are published on the 8ECM website, do not need to reapply. To find out more about the open calls and to apply, please visit the 
8ECM website:  https://www.8ecm.si/open-calls/call-for-minisymposia for Minisymposia and https://www.8ecm.si/open-calls/call-for-satellite-conferences for Satellite Conferences.
The deadline for applications is 31 January 2021. We would also like to remind participants that full and active E-participation will be available soon, besides the regular format of 
the conference. Visit https://www.8ecm.si/for-participants/fees-and-registration to find out more!
Subscribe to our Newsletter for more news, and follow us on social media! Twitter ecm8,Facebook8ECM2020.

The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N117-September 2020) is online now: https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2020-09-117.pdf
(More details below.)



Austrian Mathematical Society
Adrian Constantin (University of Vienna) has been awarded the Wittgenstein Prize, which is the highest Austrian scientific prize, for his outstanding achievements in the field of nonlinear PDEs.

French Mathematical Society (SMF)
SMF and partners awarded 4 prizes this summer:
- The Yor Prize to Kilian Raschel:
- The Ibni Prize to Zobo Vincent de Paul Ablé & Audace Dossou-Olory: 
- The d'Alembert Prize is awarded to the festival: “Les maths dans tous leurs états” (Castanet-Tolosan): 
- The Ferrand price is awarded to the educational operation “La Grange Vadrouille / La Grange École”

SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, France)
1. The Louis Bachelier 2020 award was attributed to Mathieu Rosenbaum (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris) by the London Mathematical Society and SMAI, in joint partnership with the Natixis foundation: http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article119

2. The Yor prize was awarded to Kilian Raschel: http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article627

3. The Jacques Neveu 2019 award was attributed to Léo Miolane, for his PhD entitled “Fundamental limits of inference: A statistical physics approach”.


Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach gGmbH (MFO)
Oberwolfach Research Fellows

In response to international travel restrictions and reduced scientific contact within universities, the MFO offers in the period 1st July 2020 – 31st March 2021, the opportunity to apply for an Oberwolfach Research Fellowship. Single researchers or groups up to four people can apply for a research stay (two weeks - three months). Junior researchers and post-docs can apply for full scholarships and travel support. Decisions on the proposals are planned within 3-4 weeks.

The MFO offers free lodging and board. As usual, the full MFO infrastructure (in particular the library, but also modern video conference tools) is available. The MFO has developed new hygiene measures for hand disinfection, accommodation, lecture halls and individual meal services to make a research stay as safe as possible:

Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
1. The Workshop “Green OA, Transformative Agreements and Plan S” was held online on 14th July organized by UMI jointly with the Gran Sasso Science Institute. The conference slides are now available at:

2. The UMI has issued nine Activity Groups on the following topics:

  1. Dynamical Systems [DinAmicI]
  2. School of Mathematics
  3. Digital Mathematics [DIGiMath]
  4. Probability In Statistics, Mathematics and Applications [PRISM]
  5. Approximation Theory and Applications [ATA]
  6. Mathematics of Imaging, Vision and their Applications [MIVA]
  7. Cryptography and Coding Theory
  8. Mathematical models for epidemics and social sciences
  9. Artificial Intelligence

Each group will be operating for three years, renewable at most three times.

Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI)
Conference SIAM GS21: call for submission.

The submission of proposals for the next SIAM Conference in Mathematical and Computational Issue in the Geosciences, to be held at 
Politecnico di Milano, 21-24 June 2021 is now open: https://www.siam.org/conferences/cm/submissions-and-deadlines/gs21-submissions-deadlines.
The conference is organised by SIAM in cooperation with SIMAI. In case the Covid situation persists, the conference will allow also online participation.

Polish Mathematical Society
This year in February we announced The Polish–Ukrainian Forum, which was intended to commemorate three anniversaries: 100 years ago Stefan Banach was granted his PhD, 85 years ago the first problem was written down by Stefan Banach in the Scottish Book, 75 years ago Stefan Banach passed away. The meeting was to be held in Lviv, Ukraine, 21-24 September 2020. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we and our Ukrainian friends were forced to postpone the meeting until the next year.

Center for International Mathematics (CIM)
1. The CIM Colloquium is an annual event before the council of the CIM Associates. This year the Colloquium (https://www.cim.pt/agenda/event/210) entitled "Computation, Statistics, and Optimization of Random Functions", was delivered by Afonso Bandeira (ETH Zurich) on 6th March 2020 (in webinar format). Video at: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~clcmat/videos/CIM_Colloquium_6-3-2020_DMUC_view.mp4

2. The Pedro Nunes's Lecture is an annual  event organized by CIM and SPM (The Portuguese Mathematical Society), with the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. This year  the lecture (https://www.cim.pt/agenda/event/213), entitled "Counting Minimal Surfaces in Negatively Curved 3-Manifolds",  was delivered by André Neves (Chicago) on 25 June 2020 (in webinar format). Video at: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~clcmat/videos/PNL-versao-CF.mp4

Mathematical Society of Serbia
As with many other organisations, the Mathematical Society of Serbia has suspended most of its activities since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, online competitions in mathematics and informatics, for both primary and secondary school students were organized in April, as well as an on-line summer school in mathematics. All regular competitions (eight of them) were held in the last 10 days of August, and Serbian teams for eight online international competitions were formed.

Catalan Mathematics Society (SCM)
A Conference of Mathematics and COVID-19 organized by the Catalan Mathematical Society (SCM) was held 13-14 July:

Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)
1. José Luis Rubio de Francia 2019 Award recipient announced.

The José Luis Rubio de Francia 2019 prize will be awarded to María Ángeles García Ferrero, currently at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Heidelberg (Germany), for her work in the field of partial differential equations. This prize is awarded every year (since 2004) by the RSME to an outstanding mathematician under 32, who has developed their work in Spain.

2. RSME medals 2020 recipients announced

The RSME medals in their 2020 edition will be awarded to María Jesús Carro Rossell (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Antonio Ros Mulero (Universidad de Granada). These medals are awarded by the RSME as public recognition to prominent individuals for their relevant, exceptional and continuous contributions to any field of Mathematics in Spain.

3. Mathematics Research Awards Vicent Caselles RSME-BBVA 2020 recipients announced
The RSME, together with the BBVA Foundation, has announced the six recipients of the Vicent Caselles RSME-BBVA awards. The purpose of this award is the support and encouragement of young researchers in Mathematics. The recipients are Diego Alonso Orán (Laguna), Alessandro Audrito (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Rubén Campoy García (Universidad de Murcia), María Cumplido Cabello (Sevilla and Rennes 1), Ujué Etayo (Cantabria), and Judit Muñoz Matute (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea).

4. Call for the Julio Rey Pastor National Award
The Spanish Ministery for Science and Innovation has opened the call for the National Research Awards, which include the Julio Rey Pastor National Award for Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies. The call is open until 15:00 (CET) on 15 October 2020. These awards recognise researchers of Spanish nationality who carry out an outstanding work on internationally relevant scientific fields and make exceptional contributions to the development of Science, Knowledge, Technology transfer and Progress.

5. Postponed: the 2021 biennial RSME Conference
The 2021 biennial conference of the RSME, at the Ciudad Real Campus of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), has been postponed to 17-21 January 2022.

Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO)
The first edition of the SEIO–BBVA Foundation Awards have been awarded 
1. Award for Applied contribution to Operation Research: S. Pineda & J.M. Morales. Chronological Time-Period Clustering for Optimal Capacity Expansion Planning with Storage.
2. Award for Applied contribution to Statistics: I. Barbeito, S. Zaragoza, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya, Assessing thermal comfort and energy efficiency in buildings by statistical quality control for autocorrelated data.
3. Award for Methodological  contribution to Operation Research: J. Niño-Mora, A Verification Theorem for Threshold-Indexability of Real State Discounted Restless Bandits.
4. Award for Methodological  contribution to Statistics:  J.A. Cuesta-Albertos, E. García-Portugués, M. Febrero-Bande, W. González-Manteiga. Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly  projected empirical processes.

Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA)
Jezabel Curbelo Hernández and Rafael Granero Belinchón are the winners of the XXIII SeMA Antonio Valle Award for Young Researcher. The award was established to recognise researchers under 33 years of age who, having developed their work in a Spanish institution, have demonstrated an independent, creative and highly valued activity in the field of Applied Mathematics during the postdoctoral stage.

Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Maths Week Scotland is an important annual event promoting and celebrating the beauty, relevance and value of maths. The initiative supports activities in schools, museums, science centres, nurseries, universities, libraries and the community at large during the final week of September. In its fourth year, Maths Week Scotland is set to have another breakthrough year despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, the Small Grants Fund established by the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust, and the Scottish Government, to encourage innovation and participation received over 160 applications for funding, surpassing the number of applications from previous years. Not surprisingly, the emphasis of many applications this year has been on creative ideas for online, outdoor and home-based mathematical learning and enjoyment; many of these will be supported by £70k of funding.

London Mathematical Society (LMS)
1. The Society has announced Ulrike Tillmann, FRS, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, as President Designate. She will take over from the current President Professor Jonathan Keating FRS, in November 2021.

2. The Society has elected as Honorary Members, Maryna Viazovska (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), and Lauren Williams (Harvard).

3. The Councils of the London Mathematical Society and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications have awarded the Christopher Zeeman Medal to Matt Parker. Matt is a former mathematics teacher and previous Public Engagement with Mathematics Fellow at Queen Mary, University of London.


European Women in Mathematics Society
1. Due to the corona crisis the EWM held its general assembly online on July 6. There we decided that the next EWM General meeting will be in Helsinki in 2022.

2. At the virtual General Assembly, Andrea Walther (HU Berlin) and Kaie Kubjas (Aalto) were elected the new convenors of EWM, succeeding Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Elena Resmerita who served as convenors since 2016.

3. EWM has published an open letter to advocate a proactive policy to support current employees in temporary positions and future job applicants in Mathematics in light of the Corona Crisis. 

4. For more information on the EWM activities see the newsletter


Ramanujan Mathematical Society
The conference "Number Theory And Discrete Mathematics (ICNTDM)" will be held on-line in December 2020. It is dedicated to mark the hundredth year of the passing away of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Several distinguished European mathematicians will deliver lectures.


Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)
Donate to the EMS Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)!
The CDC has an important mission in supporting mathematics research and education in developing countries
You can make your donation together with your EMS membership payment or by paying with a credit card:
or directly to the CDC bank account: EMS-CDC, IBAN: FI78 1572 3000 3811 60, SWIFT/BIC NDEAFIHH

The latest edition of the EMS Newsletter (N117-September 2020) is on line:

Highlights include:
- 2020 Jaroslav and Barbara Zemánek Prize
- Metastability of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Fredholm Determinants - N. Berglund
- Alessio Figalli: Magic, Method, Mission - S. Xambó-Descamps
- Gotthold Eisenstein and Philosopher John - F. Lemmermeyer
- Stokes at 200
- Dynamics and Control of Covid-19: Comments by Two Mathematicians - B. Booß-Bavnbek & K. Krickeberg
- Working from Home. 2 Months 4 Months and Still Counting A. Frabetti, V. Salnikov & L. Schaposnik
- Armenian Mathematical Union – History and Activity - Y. Movsisyan
- Transforming Scanned zbMATH Volumes to LaTeX: Planning the Next Level Digitisation - M. Beck et al

Recent books:

Accuracy of Mathematical Models
by Sergey I. Repin (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 
Russian Federation) and Stefan A. Sauter (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)
EMS Tracts in Mathematics Vol. 33
August 2020

Mackey 2-Functors and Mackey 2-Motives
by Paul Balmer (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) and Ivo Dell'Ambrogio (Université de Lille, France)
EMS Monographs in Mathematics
August 2020

For more information about our new-look Publishing House, see

Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EMSnewsletter
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/EMSnewsletter

For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please   
contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Université Paris   
Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.