2021 »
78 captures
8 Dec 18 - 1 Mar 25
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Pracoviště Brno
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Detašované pracoviště Valtice
Terénní stanice Mohelno
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Výběrová řízení
Technicko-hospodářská správa
Výzkumné směry
Evoluční ekologie
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Adámek Z, Konečná J, Podhrázská J, Všetičková L, Jurajdová Z (2016). Response of small-stream biota to sudden flow pulses following extreme precipitation events.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
, 495-501.
Adámek Z, Mrkvová M, Zukal J, Roche KF, Mikl L, Šlapanský L, Janáč M, Jurajda P (2016). Environmental quality and natural food performance at feeding sites in a carp (Cyprinus carpio) pond.
Aquaculture International
, 1591-1606.
Adamík P, Emmenegger T, Briedis M, Gustafsson L, Henshaw I, Krist M, Laaksonen T, Liechti F, Procházka P, Salewski V, Hahn S (2016). Barrier crossing in small avian migrants: individual tracking reveals prolonged nocturnal flights into the day as a common migratory strategy.
Scientific Reports
, 21560.
Arslan A, Kankilic T, Yorulmaz T, Kankilic T, Zima J (2016). Comparison of the chromosome banding patterns in Dryomys laniger and D. nitedula from Turkey.
Turkish Journal of Zoology
, 363-368.
Arslan A, Kryštufek B, Matur F, Zima J (2016). Review of chromosome races in blind mole rats (Spalax and Nannospalax).
Folia zoologica
, 249-301.
Arslan A, Toyran K, Gözütok S, Yorulmaz T, Zima J (2016). Comparison of the chromosome banding patterns in three species of social voles (Microtus irani karamani, M. schidlovskii, M. anatolicus) from Turkey.
Turkish Journal of Zoology
, 910-916.
Bakonyi T, Gaydon GK, Schwing R, Vogl W, Häbich A, Thaller D, Weissenböck H, Rudolf I, Hubálek Z, Nowotny N (2016). Chronic West Nile virus infection in kea (Nestor notabilis).
Veterinary Microbiology
, 135-139.
Belkacem AA, Gast O, Stuckas H, Canal D, LoValvo M, Giacalone G, Päckert M (2016). North African hybrid sparrows (Passer domesticus, P. hispaniolensis) back from oblivion – ecological segregation and asymmetric mitochondrial introgression between parental species.
Ecology and Evolution
, 5190-5206.
Benda P, Gazaryan S, Vallo P (2016). On the distribution and taxonomy of bats of the Myotis mystacinus morphogroup from the Caucasus region (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae).
Turkish Journal of Zoology
, 842-863.
Bílková B, Albrecht T, Chudíčková M, Holáň V, Piálek J, Vinkler M (2016). Application of Concanavalin A during immune responsiveness skin-swelling tests facilitates measurement interpretation in mammalian ecology.
Ecology and Evolution
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Cellerino A, Valenzano DR, Reichard M (2016). From the bush to the bench: the annual Nothobranchius fishes as a new model system in biology.
Biological Reviews
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Červená B, Brant SV, Fairet E, Shirley M, Petrželková KJ, Modrý D (2016). Schistosoma mansoni in Gabon: Emerging or ignored?.
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Dufresnes C, Majtyka T, Baird SJE, Gerchen JF, Borzée A, Savary R, Ogielska M, Perrin N, Stöck M (2016). Empirical evidence for large X-effects in animals with undifferentiated sex chromosomes.
Scientific Reports
, 21029.
Duscher GG, Hodžić A, Weiler M, Vaux AGC, Rudolf I, Sixl W, Medlock JM, Versteirt V, Hubálek Z (2016). First report of Rickettsia raoultii in field collected Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from Austria.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
, 720-722.
Flieger M, Banďouchová H, Černý J, Chudíčková M, Kolařík M, Kováčová V, Martínková N, Novák P, Šebesta O, Stodůlková E, Pikula J (2016). Vitamin B2 as a virulence factor in Pseudogymnoascus destructans skin infection.
Scientific Reports
, 33200.
Gohli J, Lifjeld JT, Albrecht T (2016). Migration distance is positively associated with sex-linked genetic diversity in passerine birds.
Ethology, Ecology and Evolution
, 42-52.
Gomez A, Rothman JM, Petrželková KJ, Yeoman CJ, Vlčková K, Umana JD, Carr M, Modrý D, Todd A, Torralba M, Nelson KE, Stumpf RM, Wilson BA, Blekhman R, White BA, Leigh SR (2016). Temporal variation selects for diet–microbe co-metabolic traits in the gut of Gorilla spp.
The ISME Journal
, 514-526.
Gomez A, Petrželková KJ, Burns MB, Yeoman CJ, Amato KR, Vlčková K, Modrý D, Todd A, Robinson CAJ, Remis MJ, Torralba M, Morton E, Umana JD, Carbonero F, Gaskins HR, Nelson K, Wilson BA, Stumpf RM, White BA, Leigh SR, Blekhman R (2016). Gut microbiome of coexisting BaAka pygmies and Bantu reflects gradients of traditional subsistence patterns.
Cell Reports
, 2142-2153.
Gouveia AR, Bjornstad ON, Tkadlec E (2016). Dissecting geographic variation in population synchrony using the common vole in central Europe as a test bed.
Ecology and Evolution
, 212-218.
Goüy de Bellocq J, Těšíková J, Meheretu Y, Čížková D, Bryjová A, Leirs H, Bryja J (2016). Complete genome characterisation and phylogenetic position of Tigray hantavirus from the Ethiopian white-footed mouse, Stenocephalemys albipes.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution
, 242-245.
Grützmacher KS, Köndgen S, Keil V, Todd A, Feistner A, Herbinger I, Petrželková KJ, Fuh T, Leendertz SA, Calvignac-Spencer S, Leendertz FH (2016). Codetection of respiratory syncytial virus in habituated wild western lowland gorillas and humans during a respiratory disease outbreak.
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Gryseels S, Goüy de Bellocq J, Makundi R, Vanmechelen K, Broeckhove J, Mazoch V, Šumbera R, Zima Jr. J, Leirs H, Baird SJE (2016). Genetic distinction between contiguous urban and rural multimammate mice in Tanzania despite gene flow.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
, 1952-1967.
Hamšíková Z, Silaghi C, Rudolf I, Venclíková K, Mahríková L, Slovák M, Mendel J, Blažejová H, Berthová L, Kocianová E, Hubálek Z, Schnittger L, Kazimírová M (2016). Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatozoon spp. in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks and rodents from Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Parasitology Research
, 3897-3904.
Hanley D, Šulc M, Brennan PLR, Hauber ME, Grim T, Honza M (2016). Dynamic egg color mimicry.
Ecology and Evolution
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Hasegawa H, Kalousová B, McLennan MR, Modrý D, Profousová-Pšenková I, Shutt-Phillips KA, Todd A, Huffman MA, Petrželková KJ (2016). Strongyloides infections of humans and great apes in Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic and in degraded forest fragments in Bulindi, Uganda.
Parasitology International
, 367-370.
Heneberg P, Dolinay M, Matušík H, Pfeiffer T, Nachtigall W, Bizos J, Šimčíková D, Literák I (2016). Conservation of the Red Kite Milvus milvus (Aves: Accipitriformes) is not affected by the establishment of a broad hybrid zone with the Black Kite Milvus migrans migrans in central Europe.
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Hlaváč D, Anton-Pardo M, Másílko J, Hartman P, Regenda J, Vejsada P, Baxa M, Pechar L, Valentová O, Všetičková L, Drozd B, Adámek Z (2016). Supplementary feeding with thermally treated cereals in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) pond farming and its effects on water quality, nutrient budget and zooplankton and zoobenthos assemblages.
Aquaculture International
, 1681-1697.
Hubálek Z (2016). The North Atlantic Oscillation system and plant phenology.
International Journal of Biometeorology
, 749-756.
Jablonski D, Jandzik D, Mikulíček P, Džukić G, Ljubisavljević K, Tzankov N, Jelić D, Thanou E, Moravec J, Gvoždík V (2016). Contrasting evolutionary histories of the legless lizards slow worms (Anguis) shaped by the topography of the Balkan Peninsula.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
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Jacobsen LB, Chrenková M, Sunde P, Šálek M, Thorup K (2016). Effects of food provisioning and habitat management on spatial behaviour of Little Owls during the breeding season.
Ornis Fennica
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Janáč M, Valová Z, Roche KF, Jurajda P (2016). No effect of round goby Neogobius melanostomus colonisation on young-of-the-year fish density or microhabitat use.
Biological Invasions
, 2333-2347.
Janáč M, Konečná M, Roche KF, Jurajda P (2016). Novelty versus environment: two viewpoints on the same phenomenon?.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish
, 678-681.
Janoušek V, Laukaitis CM, Yanchukov A, Karn RC (2016). The role of retrotransposons in gene family expansions in the human and mouse genomes.
Genome Biology and Evolution
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Jelínek V, Požgayová M, Honza M, Procházka P (2016). Nest as an extended phenotype signal of female quality in the great reed warbler.
Journal of avian biology
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Jelínek V, Karasová T, Weidinger K, Procházka P, Honza M (2016). Do common cuckoo chicks suffer nest predation more than host nestlings?.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
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Jirků-Pomajbíková K, Čepička I, Kalousová B, Jirků M, Stewart F, Levecke B, Modrý D, Piel AK, Petrželková KJ (2016). Molecular identification of Entamoeba species in savanna woodland chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii).
, 741-748.
Jurajda P, Adámek Z, Janáč M, Roche KF, Mikl L, Rederer L, Zapletal T, Koza V, Špaček J (2016). Use of multiple fish-removal methods during biomanipulation of a drinking water reservoir – Evaluation of the first four years.
Fisheries Research
, 101-108.
Jurajda P, Roche KF, Sedláček I, Všetičková L (2016). Assemblage characteristics and diet of fish in the shallow coastal waters of James Ross Island, Antarctica.
Polar Biology
, 2299-2309.
Jurajda P, Adámek Z, Roche KF, Mrkvová M, Štarhová D, Prášek V, Zukal J (2016). Carp feeding activity and habitat utilisation in relation to supplementary feeding in a semi-intensive aquaculture pond.
Aquaculture International
, 1627-1640.
Jurajda P, Pavlov I (2016). Rediscovery of Rutilus virgo in the River Dyje, Czech Republic.
Folia zoologica
, 98-100.
Kalousová B, Hasegawa H, Petrželková KJ, Sakamaki T, Kooriyma T, Modrý D (2016). Adult hookworms (Necator spp.) collected from researchers working with wild western lowland gorillas.
Parasites & Vectors
, 75.
Kalúz S, Hung NM, Čapek M, Literák I (2016). Two new species and new records of chiggers (Acari: Leeuwenhoekiidae,Trombiculidae) from birds in Vietnam.
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Kamler J, Homolka M (2016). Influence of agricultural crops adjacent to forest on woody species browsing: Is it advantageous to have a tasty neighbour?.
Journal of Forest Science
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Kamler J, Homolka M (2016). The importance of cultivated plants in the diet of red and roe deer and mouflon.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
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Kmentová N, Gelnar M, Koblmüller S, Vanhove MPM (2016). Deep-water parasite diversity in Lake Tanganyika: description of two new monogenean species from benthopelagic cichlid fishes.
Parasites & Vectors
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Kmentová N, Gelnar M, Koblmüller S, Vanhove MPM (2016). First insights into the diversity of gill monogeneans of 'Gnathochromis' and Limnochromis (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in Burundi: do the parasites mirror host ecology and phylogenetic history?.
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Kmentová N, Gelnar M, Mendlová M, Van Steenberge M, Koblmüller S, Vanhove MPM (2016). Reduced host-specificity in a parasite infecting non-littoral Lake Tanganyika cichlids evidenced by intraspecific morphological and genetic diversity.
Scientific Reports
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Koleček J, Procházka P, El-Arabany N, Tarka M, Ilieva M, Hahn S, Honza M, de la Puente J, Bermejo A, Gürsoy A, Bensch S, Zehtindjiev P, Hasselquist D, Hansson B (2016). Cross-continental migratory connectivity and spatiotemporal migratory patterns in the great reed warbler.
Journal of avian biology
, 756-767.
Konečná M, Janáč M, Roche KF, Jurajda P (2016). Environment not "nativeness" dictates reproductive trait shifts in Ponto-Caspian gobies.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish
, 167-170.
Kristín P, Gvoždík L (2016). Influence of surrounding medium on metabolic rates in Alpine Newts, Ichthyosaura alpestris, during aquatic phase.
Journal of Herpetology
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Krojerová-Prokešová J, Homolka M, Barančeková M, Heroldová M, Baňař P, Kamler J, Purchart L, Suchomel J, Zejda J (2016). Structure of small mammal communities on clearings in managed Central European forests.
Forest Ecology and Management
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Kvach Y, Ondračková M, Janáč M, Jurajda P (2016). Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. I. Duration of live fish storage prior to dissection.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
, 107-115.
Kvach Y, Ondračková M, Janáč M, Jurajda P (2016). Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. II. Sampling method affects ectoparasite studies.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
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Kvach Y, Kutsokon Y, Stepien CA, Markovych M (2016). Role of the invasive Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Actinopterygii: Odontobutidae) in the distribution of fish parasites in Europe: New data and a review.
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Kvach Y, Ondračková M, Jurajda P (2016). First report of metacercariae of Cyathocotyle prussica parasitising a fish host in the Czech Republic, Central Europe.
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Systematic Parasitology
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BioInvasions Records
, 285-290.
Lamand F, Roche KF, Beisel J (2016). Glochidial infestation by the endangered mollusc Unio crassus in rivers of north-eastern France: Phoxinus phoxinus and Cottus gobio as primary fish hosts.
Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
, 445-455.
Lanés LEK, Godoy RS, Maltchik L, Polačik M, Blažek R, Vrtílek M, Reichard M (2016). Seasonal dynamics in community structure, abundance, body size and sex ratio in two species of Neotropical annual fishes.
Journal of Fish Biology
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Liedtke HC, Müller H, Rödel M, Menegon M, Gonwouo LN, Barej MF, Gvoždík V, Schmitz A, Channing A, Nagel P, Loader SP (2016). No ecological opportunity signal on a continental scale? Diversification and life-history evolution of African true toads (Anura: Bufonidae).
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Lučan RK, Banďouchová H, Bartonička T, Pikula J, Zahradníková Jr. A, Zukal J, Martínková N (2016). Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus.
Parasites & Vectors
, 1302.
Lučan RK, Bartonička T, Jedlička P, Řeřucha Š, Šálek M, Čížek M, Nicolaou H, Horáček I (2016). Spatial activity and feeding ecology of the endangered northern population of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus).
Journal of Mammalogy
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Madinda NF, Ehlers B, Wertheim JO, Akoua-Koffi C, Bergl RA, Boesch C, Akonkwa DBM, Eckardt W, Fruth B, Gillespie TR, Gray M, Hohmann G, Karhemere S, Kujirakwinja D, Langergraber K, Muyembe J, Nishuli R, Pauly M, Petrželková KJ, Robbins MM, Todd A, Schubert G, Stoinski TS, Wittig RM, Zuberbühler K, Peeters M, Leendertz FH, Calvignac-Spencer S (2016). Assessing host-virus codivergence for close relatives of Merkel cell polyomavirus infecting African great apes.
Journal of Virology
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Mapua MI, Petrželková KJ, Burgunder J, Dadáková E, Brožová K, Hrazdilová K, Stewart FA, Piel AK, Vallo P, Fuehrer H, Hashimoto C, Modrý D, Qablan MA (2016). A comparative molecular survey of malaria prevalence among Eastern chimpanzee populations in Issa Valley (Tanzania) and Kalinzu (Uganda).
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Mertens M, Schuster I, Sas MA, Vatansever Z, Hubálek Z, Güven E, Deniz A, Georgiev G, Peshev R, Groschup MH (2016). Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Bulgaria and Turkey.
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
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Mikula O, Šumbera R, Aghová T, Mbau JS, Katakweba AS, Sabuni CA, Bryja J (2016). Evolutionary history and species diversity of African pouched mice (Rodentia: Nesomyidae: Saccostomus).
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Mikulášek K, Jaroň KS, Kulhánek P, Bittová M, Havliš J (2016). Sequence-dependent separation of trinucleotides by ion-interaction reversed-phase liquid chromatography A structure-retention study assisted by soft-modelling and molecular dynamics.
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Müller MA, Devignot S, Lattwein E, Corman VM, Maganga GD, Gloza-Rausch F, Binger T, Vallo P, Emmerich P, Cottontail VM, Tschapka M, Oppong S, Drexler JF, Weber F, Leroy EM, Drosten C (2016). Evidence for widespread infection of African bats with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever-like viruses.
Scientific Reports
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Nkrumah EE, Vallo P, Klose SM, Ripperger S, Badu EK, Drosten C, Kalko EKV, Tschapka M, Oppong SK (2016). Home range of Noack's round-leaf bat (Hipposideros aff. ruber) in an agricultural landscape of central Ghana.
Acta Chiropterologica
, 239-247.
Nkrumah EE, Vallo P, Klose SM, Ripperger S, Badu EK, Gloza-Rausch F, Drosten C, Kalko EKV, Tschapka M, Oppong SK (2016). Foraging behavior and habitat selection of Noack’s round-leaf bat (Hipposideros aff. ruber) and conservation implications.
Tropical Conservation Science
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Nürnberger B, Fijarczyk A, Lohse K, Szymura JM, Blaxter ML (2016). Para-allopatry in hybridizing fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina and B. variegata): Inference from transcriptome-wide coalescence analyses.
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Omotoriogun TC, Laskemoen T, Rowe M, Albrecht T, Bowie RCK, Sedláček O, Hořák D, Ottosson U, Lifjeld JT (2016). Variation in sperm morphology among Afrotropical sunbirds.
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Opatová P, Ihle M, Albrechtová J, Tomášek O, Kempenaers B, Forstmeier W, Albrecht T (2016). Inbreeding depression of sperm traits in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata.
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Podhajský L, Gvoždík L (2016). Variation in winter metabolic reduction between sympatric amphibians.
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Polačik M, Blažek R, Reichard M (2016). Laboratory breeding of the short-lived annual killifish Nothobranchius furzeri.
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Reifová R, Majerová V, Reif J, Ahola M, Lindholm A, Procházka P (2016). Patterns of gene flow and selection across multiple species of Acrocephalus warblers: footprints of parallel selection on the Z chromosome.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
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Reichard M (2016). Evolutionary ecology of aging: time to reconcile field and laboratory research.
Ecology and Evolution
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Rudolf I, Betášová L, Bischof V, Venclíková K, Blažejová H, Mendel J, Hubálek Z, Kosoy M (2016). Molecular survey of arthropod-borne pathogens in sheep keds (Melophagus ovinus), Central Europe.
Parasitology Research
, 3679-3682.
Rudolf I, Venclíková K, Blažejová H, Betášová L, Mendel J, Hubálek Z, Parola P (2016). First report of Rickettsia raoultii and Rickettsia helvetica in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from the Czech Republic.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
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Řežucha R, Reichard M (2016). The association between personality traits, morphological traits and alternative mating behaviour in male Endler’s guppies, Poecilia wingei.
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Sabuni CA, Van Houtte N, Gryseels S, Maganga SLS, Makundi RH, Leirs H, Goüy de Bellocq J (2016). Genetic structure and diversity of the black and rufous sengiin Tanzanian coastal forests.
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Safran RJ, Scordato ESC, Wilkins MR, Hubbard JK, Jenkins BR, Albrecht T, Flaxman SM, Karaardic H, Vortman Y, Lotem A, Nosil P, Pap P, Shen S, Chan S, Parchman TL, Kane NC (2016). Genome-wide differentiation in closely related populations: the roles of selection and geographic isolation.
Molecular Ecology
, 3865-3883.
Sehonová P, Plhalová L, Blahová J, Beránková P, Doubková V, Prokeš M, Tichý F, Večerek V, Svobodová Z (2016). The effect of tramadol hydrochloride on early life stages of fish.
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Semenchenko V, Son MO, Novitski R, Kvach Y, Panov VE (2016). Checklist of non-native benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in the Dnieper River basin.
BioInvasions Records
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Schmutz S, Jurajda P, Kaufmann S, Lorenz AW, Muhar S, Paillex A, Poppe M, Wolter C (2016). Response of fish assemblages to hydromorphological restoration in central and northern European rivers.
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Stierandová S, Vukic J, Vasil'eva ED, Zogaris S, Shumka S, Halačka K, Vetešník L, Švátora M, Nowak M, Stefanov T, Koščo J, Mendel J (2016). A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data elucidates phylogenetic relationships among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae).
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Svobodová J, Gabrielová B, Hyršl P, Albrecht T, Vinkler M (2016). Melanin and carotenoid ornaments are related to the individual condition in free-living grey partridges (Perdix perdix).
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