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15 Jan 20 - 1 Mar 25
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
Přednášky, konference a semináře
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Balard A, Jarquín-Díaz VH, Jost J, Martincová I, Ďureje Ľ, Piálek J, Macholán M, Goüy de Bellocq J, Baird SJE, Heitlinger E (2020). Intensity of infection with intracellular Eimeria spp. and pinworms is reduced in hybrid mice compared to parental subspecies.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
, 435-448.
Balard A, Jarquín-Díaz VH, Jost J, Mittné V, Böhning F, Ďureje Ľ, Piálek J, Heitlinger E (2020). Coupling between tolerance and resistance for two related Eimeria parasite species.
Ecology and Evolution
Banďouchová H, Zukal J, Linhart P, Berková H, Brichta J, Kováčová V, Kubíčková A, Abdelsalam EEE, Bartonička T, Zajíčková R, Pikula J (2020). Low seasonal variation in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) blood parameters.
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Barelli C, Pafčo B, Manica M, Rovero F, Rosà R, Modrý D, Hauffe HC (2020). Loss of protozoan and metazoan intestinal symbiont biodiversity in wild primates living in unprotected forests.
Scientific Reports
, 10917.
Bartáková V, Nagy B, Polačik M, Blažek R, Lamtane H, Reichard M (2020). Genetic diversity of a widespread annual killifish from coastal Tanzania.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
, 1.
Baškiera S, Gvoždík L (2020). Thermal independence of energy management in a tailed amphibian.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20057.
Bauerová P, Krajzingrová T, Těšický M, Velová H, Hraníček J, Musil S, Svobodová J, Albrecht T, Vinkler M (2020). Longitudinally monitored lifetime changes in blood heavy metal concentrations and their health effects in urban birds.
Science of the Total Environment
, 138002.
Bendová B, Piálek J, Ďureje Ľ, Schmiedová L, Čížková D, Martin J, Kreisinger J (2020). How being synanthropic affects the gut bacteriome and mycobiome: comparison of two mouse species with contrasting ecologies.
BMC Microbiology
, s12866.
Bisschop G, Setter D, Rafajlović M, Baird SJE, Lohse K (2020). The impact of global selection on local adaptation and reproductive isolation.
Philosophical transactions of the royal society B-Biological Sciences
, 20190531.
Bodawatta KH, Synek P, Bos N, Garcia-del-Rey E, Koane B, Marki PZ, Albrecht T, Lifjeld JT, Poulsen M, Munclinger P, Sam K, Jonsson KA (2020). Spatiotemporal patterns of avian host-parasite interactions in the face of biogeographical range expansions.
Molecular Ecology
, 2431-2448.
Boelter T, dos Santos FM, Moreira LFB, Stenert C, Reichard M, Maltchik L (2020). Effects of hydroperiod on morphology of tadpoles from highland ponds.
Aquatic Ecology
, 1145-1153.
Briedis M, Bauer S, Adamík P, Alves JA, Costa JS, Emmenegger T, Gustafsson L, Koleček J, Krist M, Liechti F, Lisovski S, Meier CM, Procházka P, Hahn S (2020). Broad-scale patterns of the Afro-Palaearctic landbird migration.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
, 722-735.
Brlík V, Malmiga G, Dimitrov D, Emmenegger T, Gavrilov A, Hasselquist D, Peev S, Willemoes M, Yohannes E, Hahn S, Hansson B, Procházka P (2020). Population-specific assessment of carry-over effects across the range of a migratory songbird.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
, 143.
Brlík V, Koleček J, Burgess M, Hahn S, Humple D, Krist M, Ouwehand J, Weiser EL, Adamík P, Alves JA, Arlt D, Barišić S, Becker D, Belda EJ, Beran V, Both C, Bravo SP, Briedis M, Chutný B, Ćiković D, Cooper NW, Costa JS, Cueto VR, Emmenegger T, Fraser K, Gilg O, Guerrero M, Hallworth MT, Hewson C, Jiguet F, Johnson JA, Kelly T, Kishkinev D, Leconte M, Lislevand T, Lisovski S, López C, McFarland KP, Marra PP, Matsuoka SM, Matyjasiak P, Meier CM, Metzger B, Monrós JS, Neumann R, Newman A, Norris R, Pärt T, Pavel V, Perlut N, Piha M, Reneerkens J, Rimmer CC, Roberto-Charron A, Scandolara C, Sokolova N, Takenaka M, Tolkmitt D, van Oosten H, Wellbrock AH, Wheeler H, van der Winden J, Witte K, Woodworth BK, Procházka P (2020). Weak effects of geolocators on small birds: a meta-analysis controlled for phylogeny and publication bias.
Journal of Animal Ecology
, 207-220.
Bryja J, Meheretu Y, Denys C, Taylor P, Leirs H (2020). The 13th African Small Mammal Symposium in Mekelle, Ethiopia, and the evolution of these meetings.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, E2002.
Clutterbuck B, Burton W, Smith C, Yarnell RW (2020). Vehicular tracks and the influence of land use and habitat protection in the British uplands.
Science of the Total Environment
, 140243.
Craig EW, Stanley WT, Kerbis Peterhans JC, Bryja J, Meheretu Y (2020). Small terrestrial mammal distributions in Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia: a reassessment after 88 years.
Journal of Mammalogy
, 634-647.
Cuypers LN, Baird SJE, Hánová A, Locus T, Katakweba AS, Gryseels S, Bryja J, Leirs H, Goüy de Bellocq J (2020). Three arenaviruses in three subspecific natal multimammate mouse taxa in Tanzania: same host specificity, but different spatial genetic structure?.
Virus Evolution
, veaa039.
Davy CM, Donaldson ME, Banďouchová H, Breit AM, Dorville NAS, Dzal YA, Kováčová V, Kunkel EL, Martínková N, Norquay KJO, Paterson JE, Zukal J, Pikula J, Willis CKR, Kyle CJ (2020). Transcriptional host-pathogen responses of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and three species of bats with white-nose syndrome.
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de Heus P, Kolodziejek J, Camp JV, Dimmel K, Bago Z, Hubálek Z, van den Hoven R, Cavalleri JV, Nowotny N (2020). Emergence of West Nile virus lineage 2 in Europe: Characteristics of the first seven cases of West Nile neuroinvasive disease in horses in Austria.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
, 1189-1197.
Dyková I, Blažek R, Součková K, Reichard M, Slabý O (2020). Spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the gas gland in Nothobranchius fishes.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
, 205-210.
Emmenegger T, Bensch S, Hahn S, Kishkinev D, Procházka P, Zehtindjiev P, Bauer S (2020). Effects of blood parasite infections on spatiotemporal migration patterns and activity budgets in a long-distance migratory passerine.
Ecology and Evolution
Fevola C, Rossi C, Rosso F, Girardi M, Rosà R, Manica M, Delucchi L, Rocchini D, Garzon-Lopez CX, Arnoldi D, Bianchi A, Buzan E, Charbonnel N, Collini M, Ďureje Ľ, Ecke F, Ferrari N, Fischer S, Gillingham EL, Hörnfeldt B, Kazimírová M, Konečný A, Maas M, Magnusson M, Miller A, Niemimaa J, Nordström A, Obiegala A, Olsson GE, Pedrini P, Piálek J, Reusken CB, Rizzolli F, Romeo C, Silaghi C, Sironen T, Stanko M, Tagliapietra V, Ulrich RG, Vapalahti O, Voutilainen L, Wauters LA, Rizzoli A, Vaheri A, Jääskeläinen AJ, Henttonen H, Hauffe HC (2020). Geographical distribution of Ljungan virus in small mammals in Europe.
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
, 692-702.
Gajdošová M, Sychra O, Kreisinger J, Sedláček O, Nana ED, Albrecht T, Munclinger P (2020). Patterns of host–parasite associations in tropical lice and their passerine hosts in Cameroon.
Ecology and Evolution
, 6512-6524.
García D, Reichard M (2020). The effect of population density on growth and survival of a Neotropical annual killifish.
Journal of Fish Biology
, 298-301.
Goüy de Bellocq J, Bryjová A, Martynov AA, Lavrenchenko LA (2020). Dhati Welel virus, the missing mammarenavirus of the widespread Mastomys natalensis.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20018.
Grabowska J, Kvach Y, Rewicz T, Pupins M, Kutsokon I, Dykyy I, Antal L, Zieba G, Rakauskas V, Trichkova T, Čeirans A, Grabowski M (2020). First insights into the molecular population structure and origins of the invasive Chinese sleeper, Perccottus glenii, in Europe.
č. 57
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Graña‑Miraglia L, Šikutová S, Vancová M, Bílý T, Fingerle V, Sing A, Castillo‑Ramírez S, Margos G, Rudolf I (2020). Spirochetes isolated from arthropods constitute a novel genus Entomospira genus novum within the order Spirochaetales.
Scientific Reports
, 17053.
Gvoždík L, Boukal DS (2020). Impacts of predator-induced behavioural plasticity on the temperature dependence of predator–prey activity and population dynamics.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Gvoždík V, Nečas T, Dolinay M, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB (2020). Evolutionary history of the Cameroon radiation of puddle frogs (Phrynobatrachidae: Phrynobatrachus), with descriptions of two critically endangered new species from the northern Cameroon Volcanic Line.
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Hampl M, Dumková J, Kavková M, Dosedělová H, Bryjová A, Zahradníček O, Pyszko M, Macholán M, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Buchtová M (2020). Polarized Sonic Hedgehog Protein Localization and a Shift in the Expression of Region-Specific Molecules Is Associated With the Secondary Palate Development in the Veiled Chameleon.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
, 572.
Hánová A, Konečný A, Nicolas V, Denys C, Granjon L, Lavrenchenko LA, Šumbera A, Mikula O, Bryja J (2020). Multilocus phylogeny of African striped grass mice (Lemniscomys): Stripe pattern only partly reflects evolutionary relationships.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Heger T, Zukal J, Seidlová V, Němcová M, Nečas D, Papežíková I, Piaček V, Zajíčková R, Banďouchová H, Pikula J (2020). Measurement of phagocyte activity in heterotherms.
Acta veterinaria Brno
, 79-87.
Heglasová I, Nezhybová V, Přikrylová I (2020). An amended description of two Gyrodactylus species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) parasitizing Antarctic Notothenioid fish.
Journal of Helminthology
, e20.
Heroldová M, Šipoš J, Suchomel J, Zejda J, Jacob J (2020). Interactions between common vole and winter rape.
Pest Management Science
Honza M, Požgayová M, Procházka P, Koleček J (2020). Errors in egg‐laying by female Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus in nests of its common host.
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Honza M, Čapek M, Jelínek V, Šulc M (2020). Falling out of the host nest: an overlooked factor decreasing survival of brood parasite chicks.
Journal of avian biology
, e02519.
Hubálek Z, Sedláček P, Estrada-Peña A, Vojtíšek J, Rudolf I (2020). First record of Hyalomma rufipes in the Czech Republic, with a review of relevant cases in other parts of Europe.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
, 101421.
Hund AK, Hubbard JK, Albrecht T, Vortman Y, Munclinger P, Krausová S, Tomášek O, Safran RJ (2020). Divergent sexual signals reflect costs of local parasites.
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Jurajda P, Všetičková L, Švecová H, Kolářová J, Jurajdová Z, Janáč M, Roche K (2020). Trophic mercury biomagnification patterns in two European rivers following introduction of invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus).
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Kerbis Peterhans JC, Hutterer R, Doty JB, Malekani JM, Moyer DC, Krásová J, Bryja J, Banasiak RA, Demos TC (2020). Four new species of the Hylomyscus anselli group (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania.
Bonn Zoological Bulletin
, 55-83.
Kočí J, Röslein J, Pačes J, Kotusz J, Halačka K, Koščo J, Fedorčák J, Iakovenko N, Janko K (2020). No evidence for accumulation of deleterious mutations and fitness degradation in clonal fish hybrids: Abandoning sex without regrets.
Molecular Ecology
AUG 2020
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Koleček J, Adamík P, Reif J (2020). Shifts in migration phenology under climate change: temperature vs. abundance effects in birds.
Climatic Change
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Koleček J, Procházka P, Brlík V, Honza M (2020). Cross-continental test of natal philopatry and habitat-imprinting hypotheses to explain host specificity in an obligate brood parasite.
Science of Nature
, 12.
Konečný A, Hutterer R, Meheretu Y, Bryja J (2020). Two new species of Crocidura (Mammalia: Soricidae) from Ethiopia and updates on the Ethiopian shrew fauna.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20064.
Kostin DS, Martynov AA, Komarova VA, Alexandrov DY, Yihune M, Kasso M, Bryja J, Lavrenchenko LA (2020). Rodents of Choke Mountain and surrounding areas (Ethiopia): the Blue Nile gorge as a strong biogeographic barrier.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Krasnovyd V, Vetešník L, Šimková A (2020). Distribution of host-specific parasites in hybrids of phylogenetically related fish: the effects of genotype frequency and maternal ancestry?.
Parasites & Vectors
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Križek P, Mendel J, Fedorčák J, Koščo J (2020). In the foothill zone—Sabanejewia balcanica (Karaman 1922), in the lowland zone—Sabanejewia bulgarica (Drensky, 1928): Myth or reality?.
Ecology and Evolution
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Kvach Y, Ondračková M (2020). Checklist of parasites for Ponto-Caspian gobies (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) in their native and non-native ranges.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology
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Kvach Y, Seifertová M, Carassou L, Ondračková M (2020). First record of the American cestode Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887) (Proteocephalidae) in Europe.
Journal of Helminthology
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Kysučan M, Samaš P, Grim T (2020). Post-fledging interactions between the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and its cavity-nesting Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus host.
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Linhart P, Banďouchová H, Zukal J, Votýpka J, Kokurewicz T, Dundarova H, Apoznanski G, Heger T, Kubíčková A, Němcová M, Piaček V, Sedláčková J, Seidlová V, Berková H, Hanzal V, Pikula J (2020). Trypanosomes in Eastern and Central European bats.
Acta veterinaria Brno
, 69-78.
Lisnerová M, Blabolil P, Holzer AS, Jurajda P, Fiala I (2020). Myxozoan hidden diversity: the case of Myxobolus pseudodispar Gorbunova, 1936.
Folia Parasitologica
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Lövy M, Lavrenchenko LA, Kostin DS, Martynov AA, Šumbera R, Bryja J, Okrouhlík J (2020). The effect of elevation on haematocrit in Ethiopian rodents.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20011.
Mahmoudi A, Arslan A, Zima J, Eybpoosh S, Mohammadi A, Hanifi H, Mostafavi E (2020). Cytogenetic characteristics of four Meriones spp. (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) from Turkey and Iran.
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
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Manna TJ, Hanley D, Honza M, Čapek M, Rutila J, Samaš P, Abolins-Abols M, Hauber ME (2020). Fitting different visual models to behavioral patterns of parasitic egg rejection along a natural egg color gradient in a cavity-nesting host species.
Vision Research
, 54-59.
Margos G, Castillo-Ramirez S, Cutler S, Dessau RB, Eikeland R, Estrada-Peña A, Gofton A, Graña-Miraglia L, Hunfeld KP, Krause A, Lienhard R, Lindgren P, Oskam C, Rudolf I, Schwartz I, Sing A, Stevenson B, Wormser GP, Fingerle V (2020). Rejection of the name Borreliella and all proposed species comb. nov. placed therein.
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Mariën J, Borremans B, Verhaeren C, Kirkpatrick L, Gryseels S, Goüy de Bellocq J, Günther S, Sabuni CA, Massawe AW, Reijniers J, Leirs H (2020). Density dependence and persistence of Morogoro arenavirus transmission in a fluctuating population of its reservoir host.
Journal of Animal Ecology
, 506-518.
Martincová I, Aghová T (2020). Comparison of 12 DNA extraction kits for vertebrate samples.
Animal Biodiversity And Conservation
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Martínková N, Baird SJE, Káňa V, Zima J (2020). Bat population recoveries give insight into clustering strategies during hibernation.
Frontiers in Zoology
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Martynov AA, Bryja J, Meheretu Y, Lavrenchenko LA (2020). Multimammate mice of the genus Mastomys (Rodentia: Muridae) in Ethiopia – diversity and distribution assessed by genetic approaches and environmental niche modelling.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20006.
Matějková T, Hájková P, Stopková R, Stanko M, Martin J, Kreisinger J, Stopka P (2020). Oral and vaginal microbiota in selected field mice of the genus Apodemus: a wild population study.
Scientific Reports
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Methling C, Blažek R, Řežucha R, Reichard M (2020). Individual-level pace-of-life syndromes in annual killifish are mediated by intersexual and interspecific differences.
Evolutionary Ecology
, 745-761.
Mikula O, Nicolas V, Boratyński Z, Denys C, Dobigny G, Fichet-Calvet E, Gagaré S, Hutterer R, Nimo-Paintsil SC, Olayemi A, Bryja J (2020). Commensalism outweighs phylogeographical structure in its effect on phenotype of a Sudanian savanna rodent.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
, 931-949.
Mikula P, Tószögyová A, Hořák D, Petrusková T, Storch D, Albrecht T (2020). Female solo song and duetting are associated with different territoriality in songbirds.
Behavioral Ecology
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Mikulka O, Homolka M, Drimaj J, Kamler J (2020). European beaver (Castor fiber) in open agricultural landscapes: crop grazing and the potential for economic damage.
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Mizerovská D, Mikula O, Meheretu Y, Bartáková V, Bryjová A, Kostin DS, Šumbera R, Lavrenchenko LA, Bryja J (2020). Integrative taxonomic revision of the Ethiopian endemic rodent genus Stenocephalemys (Muridae: Murinae: Praomyini) with the description of two new species.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20031.
Nezhybová V, Reichard M, Methling C, Ondračková M (2020). Limited impacts of chronic eye fluke infection on the reproductive success of a fish host.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
, 334-346.
Nezhybová V, Janáč M, Reichard M, Ondračková M (2020). Risk-taking behaviour in African killifish – a case of parasitic manipulation?.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Nicolas V, Fabre P, Bryja J, Denys C, Verheyen E, Missoup AD, Olayemi A, Katuala P, Dudu A, Colyn M, Kerbis Peterhans JC, Demos T (2020). The phylogeny of the African wood mice (Muridae, Hylomyscus) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and five nuclear genes reveals their evolutionary history and undescribed diversity.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, 106703.
Omotoriogun TC, Albrecht T, Gohli J, Hořák D, Johannessen LE, Johnsen A, Kreisinger J, Marki PZ, Ottosson U, Rowe M, Sedláček O, Lifjeld JT (2020). Sperm length variation among Afrotropical songbirds reflects phylogeny rather than adaptations to the tropical environment.
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Ondračková M, Pravdová M, Seifertová M, Přikrylová I, Kvach Y, Ribeiro F (2020). Onchocleidus principalis (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) co-introduced to Europe with centrarchid fish.
Acta Parasitologica
, 974-979.
Ondračková M, Bartáková V, Kvach Y, Bryjová A, Trichkova T, Ribeiro F, Carassou L, Martens A, Masson G, Zechmeister T, Jurajda P (2020). Parasite infection reflects host genetic diversity among non-native populations of pumpkinseed sunfish in Europe.
Ondračková M, Seifertová M, Bryjová A, Leis E, Jurajda P (2020). Morphometric and genetic evidence for cryptic diversity of Gyrodactylus nebulosus (Monogenea) in non-native European populations of Ameiurus nebulosus and A. melas.
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Philosophical transactions of the royal society B-Biological Sciences
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Petrželková KJ, Smejkalová P, Céza V, Pafčo B, Shutt-Phillips KA, Todd A, Jirků-Pomajbíková K, Benavides J, Modrý D, Čepička I (2020). Sympatric western lowland gorillas, central chimpanzees, and humans are infected with different trichomonads.
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Piaček V, Zukal J, Seidlová V, Heger T, Němcová M, Přibyl M, Vitula F, Pikula J (2020). Fresh semen characteristics in captive accipitrid and falconid birds of prey.
Acta veterinaria Brno
, 291-300.
Pikula J, Heger T, Banďouchová H, Kováčová V, Němcová M, Papežíková I, Piaček V, Zajíčková R, Zukal J (2020). Phagocyte activity reflects mammalian homeo- A nd hetero-thermic physiological states.
BMC Veterinary Research
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Pravdová M, Kolářová J, Grabicová K, Mikl L, Bláha M, Randák T, Kvach Y, Jurajda P, Ondračková M (2020). Associations between pharmaceutical contaminants, parasite load and health status in brown trout exposed to sewage effluent in a small stream.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
Procházka P, Hanzlíková M, Valeš Z, Klvaňa P (2020). Meziroční přežívání samců slavíka modráčka středoevropského (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) na výsypce Pokrok u Duchcova.
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Ren P, Rajkumar SS, Zhang T, Sui H, Masters PS, Martínková N, Kubátová A, Pikula J, Chaturvedi S, Chaturvedi V (2020). A common partitivirus infection in United States and Czech Republic isolates of bat white-nose syndrome fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans.
Scientific Reports
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Roche K, Jurajda P, Šlapanský L, White SM (2020). Turning back the tide? Local-scale impacts of climate change may have positive effects by restoring natural riverine habitat and reducing invasive fish density.
Freshwater Biology
, 2010-2020.
Rudolf I, Blažejová H, Mendel J, Straková P, Šebesta O, Rettich F, Čabanová V, Miterpáková M, Betášová L, Peško J, Barbušinová E, McKee C, Osikowicz L, Šikutová S, Hubálek Z, Kosoy M (2020). Bartonella species in medically important mosquitoes, Central Europe.
Parasitology Research
, 2713-2717.
Samaš P, Žabková K, Petrusková T, Procházka P, Požgayová M, Honza M (2020). Nestlings of the common cuckoo do not mimic begging calls of two closely related Acrocephalus hosts.
Animal Behaviour
, 89-94.
Schmiedová L, Kreisinger J, Požgayová M, Honza M, Martin J, Procházka P (2020). Gut microbiota in a host–brood parasite system: insights from common cuckoos raised by two warbler species.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
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Smith C, Zieba G, Spence R, Klepaker T, Przybylski M (2020). Three-spined stickleback armour predicted by body size, minimum winter temperature and pH.
Journal of Zoology
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Smith C, Zieba G, Spence R, Przybylski M (2020). New finding of melanic three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus in the Scottish Hebrides.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Sosnovcová K, Požgayová M, Procházka P, Honza M, Koleček J (2020). Within-season dispersal does not protect re-nesting great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) from repeated common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) parasitism.
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Strategie AV21
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Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Výzkumné směry
Evoluční ekologie
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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