Antonín Fejfar spoke at the United Nations Headquartes
Forum is a key part of the UN mechanism for the exploitation of science, technology and innovation to meet the objectives of sustainable development in the future
Forum is a key part of the UN mechanism for the exploitation of science, technology and innovation to meet the objectives of sustainable development in the future
The fellowship is aimed at career development, transfer of knowledge and acquisition of new skills and the development of scientists in all their potential roles
The new laboratory is part of the Detector Development and Data Processing Department. It was set up at the premises of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS
ELI enjoys strong ties with US labs and companies, who took an active part in the development and delivery of some of the ELI laser systems
The Meeting comprised of 27 talks and 19 poster presentations from academia and industry and covered a broad spectrum of topics ranging from technology, fundamentals, device design, modelling, advanced characterization, to end-user products.
Prof. Dolejšek was a key experimental physicist of the twenties and thirties of the 20th century. He also pioneered teamwork in Czech science and promoted the synergies between science and industry.
The Institute of Physics is changing its face after more than 10 years
The eleventh Science Café in Brussels hosted Tomáš Jungwirth, a recognized scientist in the field of Spintronics from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Thanks to the project SOLID 21 the Institute will build a new multifunctional centre containing modern physical laboratories and research equipment for one of the fastest developing areas of physics, the solid-state physics.