Five Nobel Prize winners in physics visited Prague at the invitation of the Academy of Sciences
The international conference addressed the latest findings related to the behaviour of very small systems of tens and hundreds of nanometers
The international conference addressed the latest findings related to the behaviour of very small systems of tens and hundreds of nanometers
Nekvasil significantly contributed to knowledge in the area of solid states physics and supported conceptual and organized development of science in the Czech Republic
The new observatory will probe the most extreme phenomena and environments to address some of the most compelling questions about our Universe, from the origin of high-energy cosmic rays to searching for dark matter particles
The Fair offered a number of other exciting things from physics and other fields of science, as well as a bracelet for UV radiation detection or the laser labyrinth
The nomination for the annual Otto Wichterle Premium is intended for outstanding young scientists up to the age of thirty-five employed at the Academy of Sciences who achieved top results in their fields.
The Talent Academy for the third time offered an opportunity for secondary schools students to try what it is like to work as researchers at professional laboratories.
If you wish to have the best scientific team to be in the front line of global science, you need to start looking for its members at an early stage. Ideally at a secondary school level.
ELI Beamlines is the largest research project in modern Czech history, operating a unique laser system since last summer. This 17 metres-long laser system boasts with the highest average power in the world, enabling to create - for a split second - the warmest spot in the universe.
Forum is a key part of the UN mechanism for the exploitation of science, technology and innovation to meet the objectives of sustainable development in the future