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77 captures
9 Feb 19 - 1 Mar 25
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Pracoviště Brno
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Detašované pracoviště Valtice
Terénní stanice Mohelno
Chovy myší
Národní genetická banka živočichů
Výroční zprávy
Biennial Report
Výběrová řízení
Technicko-hospodářská správa
Výzkumné směry
Evoluční ekologie
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Popularizační a vzdělávací akce
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Podpůrný sektor
Adámek Z, Mikl L, Šlapanský L, Jurajda P, Halačka K (2019). The diet of predatory fish in drinking water reservoirs how can they contribute to biomanipulation efforts?.
Folia zoologica
, 215-224.
Adámková M, Bílková V, Tomášek O, Šimek Z, Albrecht T (2019). Feather steroid hormone concentrations in relation to age, sex, and molting time in a long‐distance migratory passerine.
Ecology and Evolution
, 9018-9026.
Aghová T, Palupčíková K, Šumbera R, Frynta D, Lavrenchenko LA, Meheretu Y, Sádlová J, Votýpka J, Mbau JS, Modrý D, Bryja J (2019). Multiple radiations of spiny mice (Rodentia: Acomys) in dry open habitats of Afro-Arabia: evidence from a multi-locus phylogeny.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
, 69.
Albrecht T, Opletalová K, Reif J, Janoušek V, Piálek L, Cramer ERA, Johnsen A, Reifová R (2019). Sperm divergence in a passerine contact zone: Indication of reinforcement at the gametic level.
, 202-213.
Babangenge GB, Jocqué R, Masudi FM, Rödel M, Burger M, Gvoždík V, Pauwels OSG (2019). Frog-eating spiders in the Afrotropics: an analysis of published and new cases.
Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society
, 57-63.
Baird SJE, Goüy de Bellocq J (2019). Shifting paradigms for studying parasitism in hybridising hosts: response to Theodosopoulos, Hund, and Taylor.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
, 387-389.
Bartáková V, Bryja J, Šanda R, Bektas Y, Stefanov T, Choleva L, Smith C, Reichard M (2019). High cryptic diversity of bitterling fish in the southern West Palearctic.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, 1-11.
Bartoš O, Röslein J, Kotusz J, Pačes J, Pekárik L, Petrtýl M, Halačka K, Štefková Kašparová E, Mendel J, Boron A, Juchno D, Leska A, Jablonska O, Beneš V, Šídová M, Janko K (2019). The Legacy of Sexual Ancestors in Phenotypic Variability, Gene Expression, and Homoeolog Regulation of Asexual Hybrids and Polyploids.
Molecular Biology and Evolution
, 1902-1920.
Baškiera S, Gvoždík L (2019). Repeatability of thermal reaction norms for spontaneous locomotor activity in juvenile newts.
Journal of Thermal Biology
, 126-132.
Bílková Z, Adámková M, Albrecht T, Šimek Z (2019). Determination of testosterone and corticosterone in feathers using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A
, 96-103.
Blažek J, Zukal J, Banďouchová H, Berková H, Kováčová V, Martínková N, Pikula J, Řehák Z, Škrabánek P, Bartonička T (2019). Numerous cold arousals and rare arousal cascades as a hibernation strategy in European Myotis bats.
Journal of Thermal Biology
, 150-156.
Briedis M, Bauer S, Adamík P, Alves JA, Costa JS, Emmenegger T, Gustafsson L, Koleček J, Liechti F, Meier CM, Procházka P, Hahn S (2019). A full annual perspective on sex-biased migration timing in long-distance migratory birds.
Proceedings of the Royal Society. B - Biological Sciences
, 20182821.
Bryja J, Colangelo P, Lavrenchenko LA, Meheretu Y, Šumbera R, Bryjová A, Verheyen E, Leirs H, Castiglia R (2019). Diversity and evolution of African Grass Rats (Muridae: Arvicanthis)—From radiation in East Africa to repeated colonization of northwestern and southeastern savannas.
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
, 970-988.
Bryja J, Meheretu Y, Šumbera R, Lavrenchenko LA (2019). Annotated checklist, taxonomy and distribution of rodents in Ethiopia.
Folia zoologica
, 117-213.
Bulla M, Reneerkens J, Weiser EL, Sokolov A, Taylor AR, Sittler B, McCaffery BJ, Ruthrauff DR, Catlin DH, Payer DC, Ward DH, Solovyeva DV, Santos ESA, Rakhimberdiev E, Nol E, Kwon E, Brown GS, Hevia GD, Gates HR, Johnson JA, van Gils JA, Hansen J, Lamarre J, Rausch J, Conklin JR, Liebezeit J, Bêty J, Lang J, Alves JA, Fernández-Elipe J, Exo K, Bollache L, Bertellotti M, Giroux M, van de Pol M, Johnson M, Boldenow ML, Valcu M, Soloviev M, Sokolova N, Senner NR, Lecomte N, Meyer N, Schmidt NM, Gilg O, Smith PA, Machín P, McGuire RL, Cerboncini RAS, Ottvall R, van Bemmelen RSA, Swift RJ, Saalfeld ST, Jamieson SE, Brown S, Piersma T, Albrecht T, D'Amico V, Lanctot RB, Kempenaers B (2019). Comment on 'Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds'.
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Ciupek R, Juráš P, Šebesta O, Rudolf I, Šikutová S, Zelená H (2019). Západonilská horečka – autochtonní výskyt na jižní Moravě v roce 2018 z pohledu epidemiologa.
Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie
, 159-167.
Cui R, Medeiros T, Willemsen D, Iasi LNM, Collier GE, Graef M, Reichard M, Valenzano DR (2019). Relaxed selection limits lifespan by increasing mutation load.
, 385-399.e20.
Čabanová V, Šikutová S, Straková P, Šebesta O, Vichová B, Zubríková D, Miterpáková M, Mendel J, Hurníková Z, Hubálek Z, Rudolf I (2019). Co-circulation of West Nile and Usutu flaviviruses in mosquitoes in Slovakia, 2018.
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Červená B, Modrý D, Feckova B, Hrazdilová K, Foronda P, Alonso AM, Lee R, Walker J, Niebuhr CN, Malik R, Šlapeta J (2019). Low diversity of Angiostrongylus cantonensis complete mitochondrial DNA sequences from Australia, Hawaii, French Polynesia and the Canary Islands revealed using whole genome next-generation sequencing.
Parasites & Vectors
, 241.
Červený J, Krojerová-Prokešová J, Kušta T, Koubek P (2019). The change in the attitudes of Czech hunters towards Eurasian lynx: Is poaching restricting lynx population growth?.
Journal for Nature Conservation
, 28-37.
Diblíková L, Pipek P, Petrusek A, Svoboda J, Bílková J, Vermouzek Z, Procházka P, Petrusková T (2019). Detailed large-scale mapping of geographical variation of Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella song dialects in a citizen science project.
, 401-414.
Edme A, Zobač P, Korsten P, Albrecht T, Schmoll T, Krist M (2019). Moderate heritability and low evolvability of sperm morphology in a species with high risk of sperm competition, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
, 205-217.
Evans BJ, Gansauge MT, Stanley EL, Furman BLS, Cauret CMS, Ofori-Boateng C, Gvoždík V, Streicher J, Greenbaum E, Tinsley RC, Meyer M, Blackburn DC (2019). Xenopus fraseri: Mr. Fraser, where did your frog come from?.
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Eyer L, Fojtiková M, Nencka R, Rudolf I, Hubálek Z, Růžek D (2019). Viral RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Inhibitor 7-Deaza-2 '-C-Methyladenosine Prevents Death in a Mouse Model of West Nile Virus Infection.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
, e02093-18.
García D, Smith C, Machín E, Loureiro M, Reichard M (2019). Changing patterns of growth in a changing planet: How a shift in phenology affects critical life‐history traits in annual fishes.
Freshwater Biology
, 1848-1858.
García D, Loureiro M, Machín E, Reichard M (2019). Species co-occurrence and population dynamics in annual fish assemblages in the lower Río Uruguay basin.
Environmental Biology of Fishes
, 569-580.
Gomez A, Sharma AK, Mallott EK, Petrželková KJ, Robinson CAJ, Yeoman CJ, Carbonero F, Pafčo B, Rothman JM, Ulanov A, Vlčková K, Amato KR, Schnorr SL, Dominy NJ, Modrý D, Todd A, Torralba M, Nelson KE, Burns MB, Blekhman R, Remis M, Stumpf RM, Wilson BA, Gaskins HR, Garber PA, White BA, Leigh SR (2019). Plasticity in the human gut microbiome defies evolutionary constraints.
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Grabowska J, Zieba G, Przybylski M, Smith C (2019). The role of intraspecific competition in the dispersal of an invasive fish.
Freshwater Biology
, 933-941.
Gvoždíková Javůrková V, Kreisinger J, Procházka P, Požgayová M, Ševčíková K, Brlík V, Adamík P, Heneberg P, Porkert J (2019). Unveiled feather microcosm: feather microbiota of passerine birds is closely associated with host species identity and bacteriocin-producing bacteria.
The ISME Journal
, 2363-2376.
Gvoždíková Javůrková V, Enbody ED, Kreisinger J, Chmel K, Mrázek J, Karubian J (2019). Plumage iridescence is associated with distinct feather microbiota in a tropical passerine.
Scientific Reports
, 12921.
Halačka K, Mareš J, Vetešník L, Blabolil P (2019). Application of the alizarin red S mass marking technique and its detection in stocked asp (Leuciscus aspius).
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Halačka K, Vetešník L, Muška M (2019). Charakteristika populací vybraných evropsky významných druhů ryb na území České republiky.
, 55-66.
Hamšíková Z, Silaghi C, Takumi K, Rudolf I, Gunár K, Sprong H, Kazimírová M (2019). Presence of roe deer affects the occurrence of anaplasma phagocytophilum ecotypes in questing ixodes ricinus in different habitat types of central Europe.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
, 4725.
Heroldová M, Jánová E (2019). Feeding strategy of two rodent species in a set-aside field and its influence on alimentary tract morphometry.
, 34-40.
Hönig V, Palus M, Kašpar T, Zemanová M, Majerová K, Hofmannová L, Papezik P, Šikutová S, Rettich F, Hubálek Z, Rudolf I, Votýpka J, Modrý D, Růžek D (2019). Multiple Lineages of Usutu Virus (Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) in Blackbirds (Turdus merula) and Mosquitoes (Culex pipiens, Cx. modestus) in the Czech Republic (2016-2019).
, 568.
Hořák D, Ferenc M, Sedláček O, Motombi FN, Svoboda M, Altman J, Albrecht T, Djomo Nana E, Janeček Š, Dančák M, Majeský L, Lltonga EN, Doležal J (2019). Forest structure determines spatial changes in avian communities along an elevational gradient in tropical Africa.
Journal of Biogeography
, 2466-2478.
Hubáček J, Šugerková M, Gvoždík L (2019). Underwater sound production varies within not between species in sympatric newts.
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Hubálek Z, Tomešek M, Kosina M, Šikutová S, Straková P, Rudolf I (2019). West Nile virus outbreak in captive and wild raptors, Czech Republic, 2018.
Zoonoses and Public Health
, 978-981.
Chuma IS, Roos C, Atickem A, Bohm T, Collins DA, Grillová L, Hallmaier-Wacker LK, Kazwala RR, Keyyu JD, Lüert S, Maloueki U, Oppelt J, Petrželková KJ, Piel A, Stewart FA, Šmajs D, Knauf S (2019). Strain diversity of Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue suggests rare interspecies transmission in African nonhuman primates.
Scientific Reports
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Ihlow F, Farooq HM, Gvoždík V, Hofmeyr MD, Conradie W, Campbell PD, Harvey J, Verburgt L, Fritz U (2019). Geographic range extension of Speke’s Hinge-back Tortoise Kinixys spekii Gray, 1863.
Amphibian & Reptile Conservation
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Jaarsma RI, Sprong H, Takumi K, Kazimírová M, Silaghi C, Mysterud A, Rudolf I, Beck R, Földvári G, Tomassone L, Groenevelt M, Everts RR, Rijks JM, Ecke F, Hörnfeldt B, Modrý D, Majerová K, Votýpka J, Estrada-Peña A (2019). Anaplasma phagocytophilum evolves in geographical and biotic niches of vertebrates and ticks.
Parasites & Vectors
, 328.
Jablonski D, Gvoždík V, Choleva L, Jandzik D, Moravec J, Mačát Z, Veselý M (2019). Tracing the maternal origin of the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) on the northern range margin in Central Europe.
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Janáč M, Jurajdová Z, Roche KF, Šlapanský L, Jurajda P (2019). An isolated round goby population in the upper elbe: population characteristics and short-term impacts on the native fish assemblage.
Aquatic Invasions
, 738-757.
Janoušek V, Fischerová J, Mořkovský L, Reif J, Antczak M, Albrecht T, Reifová R (2019). Postcopulatory sexual selection reduces Z-linked genetic variation and might contribute to the large Z effect in passerine birds.
, 622-635.
Jelínek V, Šulc M, Weidinger K, Honza M (2019). Parent-absent begging and the risk of nest predation.
Journal of Ornithology
, 127-136.
Jiguet F, Burgess M, Thorup K, Conway G, Arroyo Matos JL, Barber L, Black J, Burton N, Castelló J, Clewley G, Copete JL, Czajkowski MA, Dale S, Davis T, Dombrovski V, Drew M, Elts J, Gilson V, Grzegorczyk E, Henderson I, Holdsworth M, Husbands R, Lorrilliere R, Marja R, Minkevicius S, Moussy C, Olsson P, Onrubia A, Pérez M, Piacentini J, Piha M, Pons JM, Procházka P, Raković M, Robins H, Seimola T, Selstam G, Skierczyński M, Sondell J, Thibault JC, Tøttrup AP, Walker J, Hewson C (2019). Desert crossing strategies of migrant songbirds vary between and within species.
Scientific Reports
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Jirsová D, Štefka J, Blažek R, Malala JO, Lotuliakou D, Mahmoud ZN, Jirků M (2019). From taxonomic deflation to newly detected cryptic species: Hidden diversity in a widespread African squeaker catfish.
Scientific Reports
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Kehoe L, Reis T, Virah-Sawmy M, Balmford A, Kuemmerle T, Šálek M (2019). Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable.
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Koblmüller S, Zangl L, Börger C, Daill D, Vanhove MPM, Sturmbauer C, Sefc KM (2019). Only true pelagics mix: comparative phylogeography of deepwater bathybatine cichlids from Lake Tanganyika.
, 93-103.
Koláčková M, Kreisinger J, Albrecht T, Hořák D (2019). Effect of incubation temperature on sex-dependent embryo mortality and morphological traits in Mallard.
Journal of Thermal Biology
, 95-102.
Koleček J, Šulc M, Piálková R, Troscianko J, Požgayová M, Honza M, Procházka P (2019). Rufous Common Cuckoo chicks are not always female.
Journal of Ornithology
, 155-163.
Kostin DS, Kasso M, Komarova VA, Martynov AA, Gromov AR, Alexandrov DY, Bekele A, Zewdie C, Bryja J, Lavrenchenko LA (2019). Taxonomic and genetic diversity of rodents from the Arsi Mountains (Ethiopia).
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Krásová J, Mikula O, Mazoch V, Bryja J, Říčan O, Šumbera R (2019). Evolution of the Grey-bellied pygmy mouse group: highly structured molecular diversity with predictable geographic ranges but morphological crypsis.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, 143-155.
Krojerová-Prokešová J, Turbaková B, Jelenčič M, Bojda M, Kutal M, Skrbinšek T, Koubek P, Bryja J (2019). Genetic constraints of population expansion of the Carpathian lynx at the western edge of its native distribution range in Central Europe.
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Kubín M, Závorka L, Rulík M, Galia T, Škarpich V, Mikl L, Šmejkal M, Jaskula F (2019). Bagry a ryby. Nové poznatky o mortalitě a pohybech ryb během technických úprav ve vodních tocích.
Vodní hospodářství
, 8-12.
Kvach Y, Ondračková M, Janáč M, Krasnovyd V, Seifertová M, Jurajda P (2019). Parasites of round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, currently invading the Elbe River.
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies
, 56-65.
Kvach Y, Ondračková M, Seifertová M, Hulak B (2019). Gyrodactylus ginestrae n. sp. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae), a parasite of the big-scale sand smelt, Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 (Actinopterygii: Atherinidae) from the Black Sea.
Parasitology Research
, 3315-3325.
Lambert JW, Reichard M, Pincheira-Donoso D (2019). Live fast, diversify non-adaptively: evolutionary diversification of exceptionally short-lived annual killifishes.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
, 10.
Leaché AD, Portik DM, Rivera D, Rödel M, Penner J, Gvoždík V, Greenbaum E, Jongsma GFM, Ofori-Boateng C, Burger M, Eniang EA, Bell RC, Fujita MK (2019). Exploring rain forest diversification using demographic model testing in the African foam-nest treefrog Chiromantis rufescens.
Journal of Biogeography
, 2706-2721.
Lifjeld JT, Gohli J, Albrecht T, Garcia del Rey E, Johannessen LE, Kleven O, Marki PZ, Omotoriogun TC, Rowe M, Johnsen A (2019). Evolution of female promiscuity in Passerides songbirds.
BMC Evolutionary Biology
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Linhart P, Osiejuk T, Budka M, Šálek M, Špinka M, Policht R, Syrová M, Blumstein DT (2019). Measuring individual identity information in animal signals: Overview and performance of available identity metrics.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution
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Martincová I, Ďureje Ľ, Kreisinger J, Macholán M, Piálek J (2019). Phenotypic effects of the Y chromosome are variable and structured in hybrids among house mouse recombinant lines.
Ecology and Evolution
, 6124-6137.
Martínková N, Škrabánek P, Pikula J (2019). Modelling invasive pathogen load from non-destructive sampling data.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
, 98-103.
Meheretu Y, Stanley WT, Craig EW, Goüy de Bellocq J, Bryja J, Leirs H, Pahlmann M, Günther S (2019). Tigray orthohantavirus infects two related rodent species adapted to different elevations in Ethiopia.
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
, 950-953.
Methling C, Douda K, Reichard M (2019). Intensity‑dependent energetic costs in a reciprocal parasitic relationship.
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Michálková R, Tomášek O, Adámková M, Kreisinger J, Albrecht T (2019). Extra-pair paternity patterns in European barn swallows Hirundo rustica are best explained by male and female age rather than male ornamentation.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
, 119.
Mikula P, Nelson E, Tryjanowski P, Albrecht T (2019). Antipredator behaviour of old-world tropical lizard, common agama Agama agama, in an urban environment.
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Mizerovská D, Nicolas V, Demos TC, Akaibe D, Colyn M, Denys C, Kaleme PK, Katuala P, Kennis J, Kerbis Peterhans JC, Laudisoit A, Missoup AD, Šumbera R, Verheyen E, Bryja J (2019). Genetic variation of the most abundant forest‐dwelling rodents in Central Africa (Praomys jacksoni complex): Evidence for Pleistocene refugia in both montane and lowland forests.
Journal of Biogeography
, 1466-1478.
Murthy S, O'Brien K, Agbor A, Angedakin S, Arandjelovic M, Ayimisin EA, Bailey E, Bergl RA, Brazzola G, Dieguez P, Eno-Nku M, Eshuis H, Fruth B, Gillespie TR, Ginath Y, Gray M, Herbinger I, Jones S, Kehoe L, Kühl H, Kujirakwinja D, Lee K, Madinda NF, Mitamba G, Muhindo E, Nishuli R, Ormsby LJ, Petrželková KJ, Plumptre AJ, Robbins MM, Sommer V, Ter Heegde M, Todd A, Tokunda R, Wessling E, Jarvis MA, Leendertz FH, Ehlers B, Calvignac-Spencer S (2019). Cytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines.
Virus Evolution
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Nezhybová V, Blažek R, Kašný M, Slamková D, Leontovyč R, Ondračková M (2019). Morphological and molecular characterization of Apatemon sp. infecting killifish in Mozambique.
Parasitology International
, 101967.
Ondračková M, Kvach Y, Martens A, Jurajda P (2019). Limited parasite acquisition by non-native Lepomis gibbosus (Actinopterygii: Centrarchidae) at two ponds in the Upper Rhine basin, Germany.
Journal of Helminthology
, 453-460.
Ondračková M, Fojtů J, Seifertová M, Kvach Y, Jurajda P (2019). Non-native parasitic copepod Neoergasilus japonicus (Harada, 1930) utilizes non-native fish host Lepomis gibbosus (L.) in the floodplain of the River Dyje (Danube basin).
Parasitology Research
, 57-62.
Ondračková M, Všetičková L, Adámek Z, Kopeček L, Jurajda P (2019). Ecological plasticity of tubenose goby, a small invader in South Moravian waters.
, 217-235.
Päckert M, Ait Belkacem A, Wolfgramm H, Gast O, Canal D, Giacalone G, Lo Valvo M, Vamberger M, Wink M, Martens J, Stuckas H (2019). Genetic admixture despite ecological segregation in a North African sparrow hybrid zone (Aves, Passeriformes, Passer domesticus × Passer hispaniolensis).
Ecology and Evolution
, 12710-12726.
Pafčo B, Sharma AK, Petrželková KJ, Vlčková K, Todd A, Yeoman CJ, Wilson BA, Stumpf R, White BA, Nelson KE, Leigh S, Gomez A (2019). Gut microbiome composition of wild western lowland gorillas is associated with individual age and sex factors.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
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Pafčo B, Kreisinger J, Čížková D, Pšenková-Profousová I, Shutt-Phillips K, Todd A, Fuh T, Petrželková KJ, Modrý D (2019). Genetic diversity of primate strongylid nematodes: Do sympatric nonhuman primates and humans share their strongylid worms?.
Molecular Ecology
, 4786-4797.
Pap PL, Fülöp A, Adámková M, Cepák J, Michálková R, Safran RJ, Stermin AN, Tomášek O, Vágási CI, Vincze O, Wilkins MR, Albrecht T (2019). Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central and Eastern European populations of the barn swallow.
Ecology and Evolution
, 11277-11287.
Petružela J, Bryja J, Bryjová A, Katakweba A, Sabuni C, Baird SJE, Goüy de Bellocq J (2019). Evolutionary history of Pneumocystis fungi in their African rodent hosts.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution
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Polačik M, Reichard M, Smith C, Blažek R (2019). Parasitic cuckoo catfish exploit parental responses to stray offspring.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences
, 20180412.
Portik DM, Bell RC, Blackburn DC, Bauer AM, Barratt CD, Branch WR, Burger M, Channing A, Colston TJ, Conradie W, Dehling JM, Drewes RC, Ernst R, Greenbaum E, Gvoždík V, Harvey J, Hillers A, Hirschfeld M, Jongsma GFM, Kielgast J, Kouete MT, Lawson LP, Leaché AD, Loader SP, Lötters S, Meijden A, Menegon M, Müller S, Nagy ZT, Ofori-Boateng C, Ohler A, Papenfuss TJ, Rößller D, Sinsch U, Rödel M, Veith M, Vindum J, Zassi-Boulou A, McGuire JA (2019). Sexual dichromatism drives diversification within a major radiation of African amphibians.
Systematic Biology
, 859-875.
Pyrzanowski K, Zieba G, Dukowska M, Smith C, Przybylski M (2019). The role of detritivory as a feeding tactic in a harsh environmenta case study of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis).
Scientific Reports
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Robinson AL, Williamson H, Güere ME, Tharaldsen H, Baker K, Smith SL, Pérez-Espona S, Krojerová-Prokešová J, Pemberton JM, Goldmann W, Houston F (2019). Variation in the prion protein gene (PRNP) sequence of wild deer in Great Britain and mainland Europe.
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