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  • HR Award at Charles University

HR Award at Charles University

Human Resources Strategy For Researchers (HRS4R)

In 2005, the European Commission published the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers that contains 40 basic principles covering four main areas - ethical and professional aspects, working conditions and social security, training and development, and recruitment and selection. Based on this Charter and Code, research institutions across Europe implement the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). Institutions doing so successfully obtain the "HR Excellence in Research" award granted by the European Commission.

Our aim is to improve the working conditions at Charles University and maintain the HR Award granted to the University in February 2019.


source: EURAXESS


Steering Committee

MUDr. Milan Prášil, MBA

Head of Rector's Office, supervision of the project


Mgr. et Mgr. Tereza Smužová

Coordinator of the project, Rector's Office


Mgr. Adéla Jiroudková

Career development and grant advisor, Head of European Centre


Ing. Marie Fiantová

HR specialist, Head of HR


MUDr. Josef Fontana

Member of Rectors’s Board, PhD. student (3rd Medical Faculty)


prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc.

Vice-Dean for Internal Affairs, European Projects and Strategic Development of the Faculty and Dean's Representative in Absence, Faculty of Pharmacy


prof. RNDr. Jan Trlifaj, CSc., DSc.

Vice-dean for International relations and research, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


doc. Mgr. Radek Skarnitzl, Ph.D.

Head of Institute of Phonetics, Faculty of Arts


Working Group (coordinators at rectorate and faculties)

Mgr. Eva Matějcová

Coordinator of Educational Activities, Rectorate, European Centre

Mgr. Nikola Burkovská

HR specialist, Rectorate, HR Department

Mgr. Bc. Kateřina Šolcová, PhD.

Catholic Theological Faculty

doc. PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.

Protestant Theological Faculty

PhDr. Jiří Pavlík, Ph.D.

Hussite Theological Faculty

Mgr. David Sanetrník

Faculty of Law

Lenka Karhanová

First Faculty of Medicine

prof. MUDr. Jan Trka, Ph.D.

Second Faculty of Medicine

Prof. MUDr. Michal Anděl, Csc./Mgr. Veronika Mazurová

Third Faculty of Medicine

Ing. Daniela Vyzrálová

Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň

Ing. Gabriela Hrubecká

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc.

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové

doc. Mgr. Radek Skarnitzl, PhD.

Faculty of Arts

Ing. Kateřina Konečná

Faculty of Science

prof. RNDr. Jan Trlifaj, CSc., DSc.

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Mgr. Helena Chalupová

Faculty of Education

Bc. Angelika Hájková

Faculty of Social Sciences

Mgr. Jana Štollová

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport

Mgr. Jan Tuček

Faculty of Humanities

Ondřej Rydval, M.A., Ph.D.



Tereza Smužová, coordinator for HR Award at Charles University


+420 224 491 160

This project is supported within the framework of the OP RDE Project "Improvement of strategic management at Charles University in the field of human resources in R & D", reg. no.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006210.



Analysis as well as survey on which is analysis based was sent to the reviewers and is not a public document.

Last change: May 3, 2021 17:00 
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