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Charles University provides a comprehensive system of support for science and research. It combines elements gradually built since the 1990´s with new programmes for support of excellent science so that it incorporates all the stages of scientific work. The system consists of several mutually copmplementary university programmes:
Grant Agency (GAUK) was established in 1993 and is the only internal grant agency within the university. Applications to fund new projects or to extend the provision of funding to current projects can only be submitted by students matriculated at Charles University in a doctoral or Master’s degree programme. The opening of the applications procedure for each new year is announced at the start of the academic year. Applications are submitted via the web application.
A programme of basic institutional funding of scientific activities, which supports development of scientific disciplines pursued at Charles University, and interdisciplinary and inter-faculty cooperation.
The competition supports the scientific staff (usually with foreign experience) in establishing new scientific and research groups and laboratories at the university. Primus Research Programme for talented young researchers was announced 2016. One of the long-term goals is to increase the success of the university in attracting international grants (e.g. Grants from the European Research Council - ERC).
University operates the University Research Centres to provide targeted support to young academics doing high-quality basic research.
Photo: Center for Geosphere Dynamics (UNCE/SCI/006)
A programme supporting distinguished scholars, who extraordinarily contribute to the professional prestige of Charles University.
The primary aim of this competition is to reward the authors of high-quality monographs and their ‘home’ faculties (or other parts of the University). The competition is intended to complement the existing system of institutional funding to higher education institutions. The most important monographs published by the University during a given period are evaluated by two expert committees (one for humanities and the other for medicine and natural sciences) according to clearly defined standards that must be met by any publication for it to be considered a major contribution to its field. The competition is open to faculties and other parts of the University which receive institutional funding to support their long-term strategic development.
Photo: CU archive
The purpose of this competition is to support research pursued at the University as part of accredited doctoral and Master’s degree programmes. The competition is held annually for projects lasting one year. It is open to research teams from all faculties and CERGE (the Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education).
The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) was established in 1993. It is an independent institution providing grants to fund basic research via projects ranging from 1 to 5 years in duration. The Czech Science Foundation provides funding for research projects which are selected annually on the basis of a public competition. It also finances projects implemented via bilateral and European international programmes. Every year the Foundation receives around 3000 applications for grant funding, of which around a quarter are successful. Charles University has been receiving GAČR funding since 1996; the University currently accounts for almost 20 per cent of all GAČR-funded projects.
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) is a state body which was set up in 2009 to centralize state support for applied research and development. The Agency’s main role is to prepare and implement programmes for applied research, experimental development and innovation, thus helping to boost the Czech Republic’s competitiveness and support economic growth. One of the key benefits of the Agency’s work is the strengthening of ties between research institutions and the commercial sector. Charles University has been a recipient of TAČR funding for projects since 2010, when the Agency announced its first public competition as part of the ALFA programme. In the third competition almost a third of the projects submitted by Charles University were approved for funding – twice the average success rate.
Czech health research council was founded on April 1, 2014.
Czech health research council is organizational component of state directly under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
AZV ČR provides groundwork for granting of targeted funds in conformity with National Research and Development policy and Support of Research and Development. Based on provided public tender in Research and Development in conformity with Act for projects where goals and solving process in applied research are determined by recipient.
NAKI and NAKI II are research programmes run by the Ministry of Culture to support applied research and development projects connected with national and cultural identity and cultual heritage. The duration of the NAKI programme is the period 2011–2017. Three public competitions (for 2011, 2012 and 2013) have been held within the programme; 13 projects featuring Charles University have been approved for funding. The duration of the NAKI II programme is the period 2016–2022.
Charles University
Ovocný trh 5
Prague 1
116 36
Czech Republic
CU Point - Centre for Information, Counselling and Social Services
E-mail: info@cuni.cz
Phone: +420 224 491 850
Erasmus+ info:
E-mail: erasmus@ruk.cuni.cz