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Junior Fund (Post-Doc)

As part of Charles University’s constant efforts to develop and strengthen its research base we are keen to recruit high-quality post-doctoral research fellows from abroad to work at top University or faculty centres and contribute to the University’s strong research profile.

>> List of post-doc positions:

Projects announced in 2021

Projects announced in 2020

Projects announced in 2019

The goal of the International Post-Doc Fund

The goal of the International Post-Doc Stays Fund is to attract prospective international post-doc researchers, who will carry out research within a specific field. The main initiative is always on the relevant establishment or a faculty or other unit of CU that is interested in researching a particular research project.

Selection of the researchers is carried out in the first step by the relevant research centre or department of the faculty (or other part of the University) responsible for the research; in the second step by the Charles University‘s Research Board that makes the final selection.

Prerequisites of post-doc applicants

Before the selection process the applicant must fulfill following prerequisities:

The applicant must be a resident of a foreign country

At the time of submission the applicant must have received a PhD degree and no more than 5 years prior to the application deadline. At the time of submission the applicant must have completed Ph.D. studies abroad.

The applicant can not be qualified for associate professorship (habilitation) prior to the application deadline.

Key information for post-doc applicants


The post-doc researcher is engaged to work on a project taking no longer than 2 years (24 months) of full-time employment.


Contracts are offered in three areas: arts and humanities, natural sciences, and medical and health science.


The Faculty of CU / other unit of CU provides an international post-doc researcher the required environment (room, equipment with the necessary technology, etc.) to be able to be engaged to work on the relevant research project.


The Faculty of CU / other unit of CU provides an international post-doc researcher scholarship that covers a part of the wages and other costs for the applicant: it should be no less than 1 000 EUR/month (the exact amount depends on every single faculty and project published in the actual call).


The Rectorate of CU provides an international post-doc researcher scholarship from the Post-Doc Stays Fund that covers the other part of the applicant’s wages. The maximum amount of the contribution is 37 500 CZK/month (approx. 1 400 EUR/month), of which: 28 000 CZK (gross wage) + 9 500 CZK (health and social insurance paid by the employer).

Procedure of nomination and selection

The faculty of CU proposes a viable topic (abstract) included in the scholarly and research activities of the faculty of CU, which is to be researched in the applicant’s project. The project is published on the website List of post-doc positions at Charles University and on the website of the faculty of CU.

Based on published information the applicant contacts the research establishment (supervisor of the project) with proposed topic and prepares the content of the project.

The applicant submits requiered application documents to the contact person of the Faculty/other unit of CU or the supervisor of the project – all must be done within the set deadline. Follow the information under each project.

When submiting all application documents the applicant must fullfill the prerequisites of post-doc applicants mentioned above. List of application documents is stated in the section Documents for post-doc researchers.

The faculty sends the application (including project details) to Rectorate of Charles University by the stated deadline. The application is then discussed with the research centre proposing the project.

The independent University committee consisting of five members evaluates the project, issues a recommendation and determines the order of preference for the receipt of funds from the International Post-Doc Stays Fund for the given year. The definitive allocation of funds is approved by the Rector.

All applicants are informed of the results of the procedure by the Faculty coordinators – results can be: successfull, unsuccessfull, substitute. Successfull applicants are informed of the date of commencement of their research and they are in close contact with the Faculty memebers and complete the necessary formalities (visa etc.).

The successfull applicant enters into an employment contract with the Faculty, which he undertakes to commence the research activities at the CU establishment in. If the applicant withdraws from the contract and does not commence work at the faculty or other unit, the applicant that was selected by the university commission as the first substitute or possibly the next substitute in the sequence is called.

Schedule for the candidates 2021

12. 6. 2021

Projects 2021 for research period 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2023 are announced on the website: List of post-doc positions at Charles University.

July 2021

Deadline for submitting application documents to the faculty coordinators/supervisors of projects. The exact date is specified at each project. The candidates must respect the deadlines given in the propositions of the faculty in the list of post-doc positions.

3. 8. 2021

Candidates of 2021 are nominated by faculties to the Rectorate of Charles University.

17. 9. 2021

University committee consisting of 5 members evaluates the projects, issues a recommendation and determines the order of preference for the receipt of funds from the International Post-Doc Stays Fund.

October 2021

The definitive allocation of funds (results of the University commintee's session) is approved by the Rector. Faculties are informed about the final results nad inform their candidates.

1. 1. 2022

Successfull candidates start their research activites at faculties of CU.

List of post-doc positions

Actual list of post-doc positions

Here you can find the list of actual post-doc positions at the Charles University : List of post-doc positions at Charles University.

Past list of positions (archive)

In this section you will be able to find post-doc positions announced in 2019 and 2020 - these calls for the projects are not actual any more.

Documents for post-doc researchers

Requiered application documents

Interim / final report

A/ Requiered application documents for the applicants:

  • Application Form: download .docx

  • Letter of Reference: written even by the supervisor in the PhD programme or a by a researcher/head of establishment, where the applicant completed the doctoral study. download .docx

  • Scientific CV + List of Publications: all together max. 2 pages A4

  • Copy of University Diploma or Provisional certificate of completion of PhD studies or another official confirmation, that the applicant has been awarded PhD Degree

B/ Interim / final report: download .docx


Alexandr Kandakov, Ph.D.

E: alexandr.kandakov@ruk.cuni.cz

T: +420 224 491 307

International Relations Department (Rectorate, Charles University)

Last change: May 6, 2021 12:48 
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