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Membership in International Organisations

Charles University plays an important role in a wide range of prestigious international organizations and university networks. These activities help the University to raise its international profile by becoming involved in the increasingly globalized tertiary education sector. Charles University organizes or co-organizes a wide range of events featuring both students and academic staff.

The Magna Charta Observatory

The Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental University Values and Rights is a non-profit organization based in Bologna, founded by the University of Bologna and the European University Association (EUA).

The aim of the Magna Charta Observatory is to gather information, express opinions and prepare documents relating to the respect for, and protection of, the fundamental university values and rights laid down in the Magna Charta Universitatum signed in Bologna in 1988 by 388 Rectors of major universities from all over the world.

The Observatory may work together or in agreement with other national, European or international organizations pursuing similar or compatible aims.

More information: www.magna-charta.org

IFPU - International Forum for Public Universities

The International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU) was created on 11 October 2007. With twenty-one establishments and two associated members, the Forum brings together public universities pursuing a wide range of scholarship. All member universities are recognized within their home country for the importance they afford to research and their involvement in serving society as a whole. The founding members are from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and North America. The offices of the Forum are located at the Université de Montréal, Canada.

The IFPU answers a need that is not being met by any other existing university group. It brings together a limited number of public universities working in different languages and in developed and developing countries.

The Forum also stands apart from other groups by means of its goals and its actions. It promotes the expression of values that underlie the mission of public universities in an era of internationalization. The Forum assists in creating new models of cooperation in education, teaching and research. Drawing on shared themes reflecting the issues faced by public universities, the Forum promotes cooperation on education and research projects involving the academic staff of member universities and their post-graduate students.

More information: www.fiup-ifpu.umontreal.ca

Coimbra Group

Founded in 1985 and formally constituted by Charter in 1987, the Coimbra Group is an association of long-established European multidisciplinary universities of a high international standard committed to creating special academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefit of its members, internationalization, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society. It is also the purpose of the Group to influence European educational policy and to develop best practice through the mutual exchange of experience.

More information: www.coimbra-group.eu

DRC - Danube Rectors' Conference

Between its source in the Black Forest and its estuary on the Black Sea, the Danube traverses 2,872 kilometres and flows through ten countries. The Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC) is a strong network of 56 universities spanning this region. The aim of the DRC is to improve higher education in both teaching and research, and to support the advancement of our member universities by establishing sustainable contacts. The DRC focuses on the following tasks:

to coordinate the ideas and actions of its members through the exchange of information on issues of common interest; to promote cooperation on issues of common interest, thereby contributing to the stability and the development of an open and democratic society in Europe; to act as a consultant, by presenting its views and by making appropriate recommendations on problems which concern the universities, to government, national or international organizations, as well as to others who are involved with issues concerning universities.

In order to perform these tasks, the Conference maintains links with national and international organizations whose activities are of interest or relate to universities – particularly with the national Rectors' Conferences, the EUA, UNESCO, the EU and the Council of Europe.

More information: https://www.drc-danube.org

EAIE - European Association for International Education

The EAIE is a non-profit organization whose main aim is to stimulate and facilitate the internationalization of higher education in Europe and around the world, and to meet the professional needs of individuals who are active in international education.

The EAIE is a member-led organization. It has a committed membership of more than 1600 international education professionals - from rectors to professors to international exchange coordinators. The EAIE is dedicated to serving and representing this membership.

More information: http://www.eaie.org/

EUA - European University Association

The EUA plays an essential role in shaping tomorrow’s European higher education and research landscape thanks to its unique knowledge of the sector and the diversity of its membership. The association’s mandate in the Bologna Process - combined with its contribution to EU research policymaking and relations with intergovernmental organizations, European institutions and international associations - ensure its capacity to debate issues which are crucial for universities in relation to higher education, research and innovation.

The EUA is the result of a merger between the Association of European Universities (CRE) and the Confederation of European Union Rectors' Conferences, which took place in Salamanca, Spain, on 31 March, 2001.

The EUA represents and supports higher education institutions in 47 countries, providing them with a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies.

Members of the association are European universities involved in teaching and research, national associations of rectors, and other organizations active in higher education and research.

EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE)

The mission of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE), an integral part of the EUA, is to contribute to the development, advancement and improvement of doctoral education and research training in Europe.

EUA-CDE fulfils its mission by organizing conferences, training seminars and other events on topics of interest to its members, commissioning research and studies, offering advocacy, providing information and promoting good practice. It also provides policy advice to the EUA Board and Council on new trends and developments in relation to doctoral programmes and research training in Europe.

More information: http://www.eua.be/eua/.

The Europaeum

The Europaeum was founded in 1992 as an association of European universities, with a mission to:

  • Promote excellence in academic research and teaching collaboration between Europaeum partners;

  • Act as an open academic network linking Europaeum partners and other bodies in the joint pursuit of study;

  • Serve as a resource for the general support and promotion of European studies;

  • Provide opportunities for the joint pursuit of new pan-European initiatives;

  • Explore new ways for universities to fulfill their many roles in the new Learning Age;

  • Develop a ‘pool of talent’ to carry out research and inquiry into problems and questions

  • Address issues facing Europe today and tomorrow;

  • Help train and educate future leaders for a new Europe.

Europaeum programmes include research projects, annual conferences and student summer schools, lectures, joint teaching programmes, public debates, staff mobility schemes, linked scholarship schemes, and a developing knowledge platform.

The members of the Europaeum are:

University of Oxford; Universiteit Leiden; Universit? di Bologna; Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva; Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne; Charles University, Prague; Universidad Complutense, Madrid; Helsingin Yliopisto, Helsinki; Jagiellonian University, Krakow; Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

More information: www.europaeum.org

IAU - International Association of Universities

The mission of the International Association of Universities (IAU) is to help its member institutions and organizations to achieve their common goals through international cooperation worldwide and with due respect to their individual identity, diversity and contribution.

The Association stands for:

university autonomy, academic freedom and mutual understanding; the right to pursue knowledge for its own sake; freedom from political and economic interference, room for divergent opinion; the advancement of ethical values in the work of the Association and its members as well as in society and respect for diversity; the responsibility of universities and academics as guardians of free intellectual activity; universities’ obligation as social institutions to deliver education, research and service to the community, and, in connection with this, to advance the principles of freedom and justice, sustainable development, human dignity and solidarity; the obligation of universities to foster constructive criticism and intellectual independence in the search for truth.

The Association incorporates in its mission the following areas for action and, through cooperation and partnership, pledges its commitment to:

contribute to the development of the long-term vision of the university’s role and responsibilities in society; strengthen solidarity and contribute to reducing inequalities amongst universities, while keeping alive their cultural differences; promote access to higher education and equal opportunities for students; encourage quality and excellence worldwide, through sharing experience, through collaboration and through networking; help universities to become better learning organizations (for students, for teachers, for administrators); contribute to a better understanding of developments in higher education, through analysis, research and debate, as well as through the provision of information services on international higher education; design and implement programmes for its Members, in partnership with other organizations working in the same field.

More information:  http://www.unesco.org/iau

OECD/IMHE - Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education

The Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) is a membership forum serving policy makers in national and regional authorities, managers of higher education institutions, and researchers. IMHE provides strategic analysis and advice on institutional leadership, management, research and innovation in a global knowledge economy, and reform and governance in higher education.

As the OECD’s forum on higher education, the IMHE brings together higher education institutions and governments to share best practices helping them to face these challenges through a network of relationships, studies and research.

More information: www.oecd.org/edu/imhe/join

UNICA - Network of UNIversities from the CApitals of Europe

UNICA is a network of 44 universities from 33 capital cities of Europe, with a combined strength of over 150,000 staff and 1,800,000 students. Its role is to promote academic excellence, integration and cooperation among member universities throughout Europe. It also seeks to be a driving force in the development of the Bologna process and to facilitate the integration of universities from Central and Eastern Europe into the European Higher Education Area.

To achieve its aims UNICA articulates the views of member universities to European institutions and to national, regional and municipal governments. It provides its members with information on European initiatives and programmes, and supports them in collaborative projects. It also provides a forum in which universities can reflect on the demands of strategic change in university research, education and administration.

More information: http://www.unica-network.eu/

Last change: June 18, 2018 11:46 
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