Fermentor |
Horizontal shaker |
Horizontal shaker |
Cultivation of plant cells of Panax
ginseng in the 3 L fermentor |
Spruce (Abies nordmandia Lk.)
embryo |
Regenerated plant of spruce |
Hairy root of horse radish (Armoratia
rusticana L.) |
7 years old plant of Panax ginseng |
Development of embryo on a leaf
segment of Rhaponticum carthamoides I. |
Microscopical structure of embryo of
R.carthamoides I. |
Cultivation of plant cells of Panax
ginseng in the 3 L fermentor |
In vitro regenerated plant of
Panax ginseng |
Salt bush (Atriplex halimus L.)
fresh plant |
Salt bush autoradiogram of plant
accumulating 63Ni |
Aspen (Populus tremula x
tremuloides) - fresh plant |
Aspen - autoradiogram of plant
accumulating 63Ni |
Greenhouse plantation of Lupinus
spp. |
Hydroponic experiment with Lupinus
spp. and Elscholtzia splendens |
Ecotoxicity test with seeds of
Linum usitatissimum |
Small scale constructed wetland |