2022 »
55 captures
6 Jan 21 - 1 Mar 25
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Vedení ústavu
Pracoviště Brno
Detašované pracoviště Studenec
Detašované pracoviště Valtice
Terénní stanice Mohelno
Chovy myší
Národní genetická banka živočichů
Výroční zprávy
Biennial Report
Výběrová řízení
Technicko-hospodářská správa
Výzkumné směry
Evoluční ekologie
Obecná ekologie
Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
Přednášky, konference a semináře
Veřejnost a média
Tiskové zprávy
Popularizační a vzdělávací akce
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Podpůrný sektor
Baldwin HJ, Vallo P, Ruiz AT, Anti P, Nkrumah EE, Badu EK, Oppong SK, Kalko EKV, Tschapka M, Stow AJ (2021). Concordant patterns of genetic, acoustic, and morphological divergence in the West African Old World leaf-nosed bats of the Hipposideros caffer complex.
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
, aJournal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.
Bartáková V, Bryjová A, Nicolas V, Lavrenchenko LA, Bryja J (2021). Mitogenomics of the endemic Ethiopian rats: looking for footprints of adaptive evolution in sky islands.
, aMitochondrion.
Baškiera S, Gvoždík L (2021). Repeatability and heritability of resting metabolic rate in a long-lived amphibian.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology
, aComparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 110858.
Baškiera S, Gvoždík L (2021). Thermal dependence and individual variation in tonic immobility varies between sympatric amphibians.
Journal of Thermal Biology
, aJournal of Thermal Biology, 102896.
Birrer S, Riegert J, Šálek M, Zárybnická M (2021). Eine Meta-Analyse zur Nahrung europäischer Eulen – ein Vergleich zwischen Arten und Regionen.
, 90-93.
Bletsa M, Vrancken B, Gryseels S, Boonen I, Fikatas A, Li Y, Laudisoit A, Lequime S, Bryja J, Makundi R, Meheretu Y, Akaibe BD, Mbalitini SG, Van de Perre F, Van Houtte N, Těšíková J, Wollants E, Van Ranst M, Pybus OG, Drexler JF, Verheyen E, Leirs H, Goüy de Bellocq J, Lemey P (2021). Molecular detection and genomic characterization of diverse hepaciviruses in African rodents.
Virus Evolution
, veab036.
Brlík V, Pipek P, Brandis K, Chernetsov N, Costa FJV, Herrera M. LG, Kiat Y, Lanctot RB, Marra PP, Norris DR, Nwaogu CJ, Quillfeldt P, Saalfeld ST, Stricker CA, Thomson RL, Zhao T, Procházka P (2021). The reuse of avian samples: opportunities, pitfalls, and a solution.
, aIbis.
Brlík V, Šilarová E, Škorpilová J, Alonso H, Anton M, Aunins A, Benkö Z, Biver G, Busch M, Chodkiewicz T, Chylarecki P, Coombes D, de Carli E, del Moral JC, Derouaux A, Escandell V, Eskildsen DP, Fontaine B, Foppen RPB, Gamero A, Gregory RD, Harris S, Herrando S, Hristov I, Husby M, Ieronymidou C, Jiquet F, Kålås JA, Kamp J, Kmecl P, Kurlavičius P, Lehikoinen A, Lewis L, Lindström Å, Manolopoulos A, Martí D, Massimino D, Moshøj C, Nellis R, Noble D, Paquet A, Paquet JY, Portolou D, Ramírez I, Redel C, Reif J, Ridzoň J, Schmid H, Seaman B, Silva L, Soldaat L, Spasov S, Staneva A, Szép T, Florenzano GT, Teufelbauer N, Trautmann S, van der Meij T, van Strien A, van Turnhout C, Vermeersch G, Vermouzek Z, Vikstrøm T, Voříšek P, Weiserbs A, Klvaňová A (2021). Long-term and large-scale multispecies dataset tracking population changes of common European breeding birds.
Scientific Data
, 21.
Cibot M, McLennan MR, Kváč M, Sak B, Asiimwe C, Petrželková KJ (2021). Sparse evidence for Giardia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium spp. and microsporidia infections in humans, domesticated animals and wild nonhuman primates sharing a farm-forest mosaic landscape in Western Uganda.
, 933.
Cukor J, Linda R, Andersen O, Eriksen LF, Vacek Z, Riegert J, Šálek M (2021). Evaluation of spatio-temporal patterns of predation risk to forest grouse nests in the Central European mountain regions.
, aAnimals, 316.
Čabanová V, Tichá E, Bradbury RS, Zubrikova D, Valentová D, Chovancová G, Grešáková L, Víchová B, Šikutová S, Csank T, Hurníková Z, Miterpáková M, Rudolf I (2021). Mosquito surveillance of West Nile and Usutu viruses in four territorial units of Slovakia and description of a confirmed autochthonous human case of West Nile fever, 2018 to 2019.
, aEurosurveillance, 2000063.
Čížková D, Ďureje Ľ, Piálek J, Kreisinger J (2021). Experimental validation of small mammal gut microbiota sampling from faeces and from the caecum after death.
, aHeredity.
Deepak V, Maddock ST, Williams R, Nagy ZT, Conradie W, Rocha S, Harris DJ, Perera A, Gvoždík V, Doherty-Bone TM, Kamei RG, Menegon M, Labisko J, Morel C, Cooper N, Day JJ, Gower D (2021). Molecular phylogenetics of sub-Saharan African natricine snakes, and the biogeographic origins of the Seychelles endemic Lycognathophis seychellensis.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, aMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107152.
Dolinay M, Nečas T, Zimkus BM, Schmitz A, Fokam EB, Lemmon EM, Lemmon AR, Gvoždík V (2021). Gene flow in phylogenomics: Sequence capture resolves species limits and biogeography of Afromontane forest endemic frogs from the Cameroon Highlands.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, aMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107258.
Douda K, Haag WR, Escobar-Calderón F, Vodáková B, Reichard M, Chen X, McGregor M, Yang J, Lopes-Lima M (2021). Effects of in vitro metamorphosis on survival, growth, and reproductive success of freshwater mussels.
Biological Conservation
, aBiological Conservation, 108964.
Duľa M, Bojda M, Chabanne DBH, Drengubiak P, Hrdý Ľ, Krojerová-Prokešová J, Kubala J, Labuda J, Marčáková L, Oliveira T, Smolko P, Váňa M, Kutal M (2021). Multi-seasonal systematic camera-trapping reveals fluctuating densities and high turnover rates of Carpathian lynx on the western edge of its native range.
Scientific Reports
, aScientific Reports, 9236.
Dyková I, Žák J, Reichard M, Součková K, Slabý O, Bystrý V, Blažek R (2021). Histopathology of laboratory-reared Nothobranchius fishes: Mycobacterial infections versus neoplastic lesions.
Journal of Fish Diseases
, aJournal of Fish Diseases.
Dyková I, Žák J, Reichard M, Součková K, Slabý O, Blažek R (2021). Swim bladder as a primary site of mycobacterial infection in Nothobranchius ‘belly sliders’.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
, aDiseases of Aquatic Organisms.
Emmenegger T, Bensch S, Hahn S, Kishkinev D, Procházka P, Zehtindjiev P, Bauer S (2021). Effects of blood parasite infections on spatiotemporal migration patterns and activity budgets in a long-distance migratory passerine.
Ecology and Evolution
, aEcology and Evolution.
Eyer L, Svoboda P, Balvan J, Vicar T, Raudenská M, Štefánik M, Haviernik J, Huvarová I, Straková P, Rudolf I, Hubálek Z, Seley-Radtke K, De Clercq E, Růžek D (2021). Broad-spectrum antiviral activity of 3′-deoxy-3′-fluoroadenosine against emerging flaviviruses.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
, aAntimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, e01522-20.
Gajdárová B, Belotti E, Bufka L, Duľa M, Kleven O, Kutal M, Ozoliņš J, Nowak C, Reiners TE, Tám B, Volfová J, Krojerová-Prokešová J (2021). Long-distance Eurasian lynx dispersal – a prospect for connecting native and reintroduced populations in Central Europe.
Conservation Genetics
, aConservation Genetics.
Godoy RS, Weber V, Lanés LEK, Reichard M, Gemelli T, Hohendorff RV, Maltchik L (2021). Recognizing the enemy: do predator cues influence hatching in Neotropical annual killifish?.
Journal of Fish Biology
, aJournal of Fish Biology.
Gvoždík L, Boukal DS (2021). Impacts of predator-induced behavioural plasticity on the temperature dependence of predator–prey activity and population dynamics.
Journal of Animal Ecology
, aJournal of Animal Ecology.
Gvoždík V, Harca Z, Hánová A, Jablonski D, Pupins M, Čeirāns A, Paasikunnas T (2021). Two species of slow worm (Anguis fragilis, A. colchica) present in the Baltic region.
, aAmphibia-Reptilia.
Hánová A, Konečný A, Nicolas V, Denys C, Granjon L, Lavrenchenko LA, Šumbera A, Mikula O, Bryja J (2021). Multilocus phylogeny of African striped grass mice (Lemniscomys): Stripe pattern only partly reflects evolutionary relationships.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, aMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107007.
Harazim M, Piálek L, Pikula J, Seidlová V, Zukal J, Bachorec E, Bartonička T, Kokurewicz T, Martínková N (2021). Associating physiological functions with genomic variability in hibernating bats.
Evolutionary Ecology
, aEvolutionary Ecology.
Havlíček J, Riegert J, Bandhauerová J, Fuchs R, Šálek M (2021). Species-specific breeding habitat association of declining farmland birds within urban environments: conservation implications.
Urban Ecosystems
, aUrban Ecosystems.
Heroldová M, Šipoš J, Suchomel J, Zejda J, Jacob J (2021). Interactions between common vole and winter rape.
Pest Management Science
, aPest Management Science.
Heroldová M, Šipoš J, Suchomel J, Zejda J (2021). Influence of crop type on common vole abundance in Central European agroecosystems.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
, aAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 107443.
Hlubeň M, Kratochvíl L, Gvoždík L, Starostová Z (2021). Ontogeny, phylogeny and mechanisms of adaptive changes in evaporative water loss in geckos.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
, aJournal of Evolutionary Biology.
Hrazdilová K, Červená B, Blanvillain C, Foronda P, Modrý D (2021). Quest for the type species of the genus Hepatozoon phylogenetic position of hemogregarines of rats and consequences for taxonomy.
Systematics and Biodiversity
, aSystematics and Biodiversity.
Hrouda J, Brlík V (2021). Birds in power-line corridors: effects of vegetation mowing on avian diversity and abundance.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 21027.
Janík T, Peters W, Šálek M, Romportl D, Jirků M, Engleder T, Ernst M, Neudert J, Heurich M (2021). The declining occurrence of moose (Alces alces) at the southernmost edge of its range raise conservation concerns.
Ecology and Evolution
, aEcology and Evolution.
Jelínek V, Šulc M, Štětková G, Honza M (2021). Fast and furious: host aggression modulates behaviour of brood parasites.
, aIbis.
Jirků M, Lhotská Z, Frgelecová L, Kadlecová O, Petrželková KJ, Morien E, Jirků-Pomajbíková K (2021). Helminth interactions with bacteria in the host gut are essential for its immunomodulatory effect.
, 226.
Jurajda P, Streck G, Roche K, Janáč M, Jurajdová Z (2021). Impact of multiple stressors on the fish community pattern along a highly degraded Central European river - a case study.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20066.
Kejíková R, Rudolf I (2021). Borrelia miyamotoi - další emergentní patogen přenášený klíšťaty.
Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie
, 118-130.
Koleček J, Piálková R, Piálek L, Šulc M, Hughes AE, Brlík V, Procházka P, Požgayová M, Čapek M, Sosnovcová K, Štětková G, Valterová R, Honza M (2021). Spatiotemporal patterns of egg laying in the common cuckoo.
Animal Behaviour
, aAnimal Behaviour.
Komarova VA, Kostin DS, Bryja J, Mikula O, Bryjová A, Čížková D, Šumbera R, Meheretu Y, Lavrenchenko LA (2021). Complex reticulate evolution of speckled brush‐furred rats (Lophuromys) in the Ethiopian centre of endemism.
Molecular Ecology
, aMolecular Ecology.
Kornijów R, Dukowska M, Leszczyńska M, Smith C, Jeppesen E, Hansson L, Ketola T, Irvine K, Nõges T, Sahuquillo M, Miracle MR, Gross E, Kairesalo T, van Donk E, de Eyto E, García-Criado F, Grzybkowska M, Moss B (2021). Distribution patterns of epiphytic reed-associated macroinvertebrate communities across European shallow lakes.
Science of the Total Environment
, aScience of the Total Environment, 144117.
Krásová J, Mikula O, Šumbera R, Horáková S, Robovský J, Kostin DS, Martynov AA, Lavrenchenko LA, Bryja J (2021). The Rufous Sengi is not Elephantulus—Multilocus reconstruction of evolutionary history of sengis from the subfamily Macroscelidinae.
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
, aJournal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research.
Kumar SA, Albrecht T, Kauzál O, Tomášek O (2021). No evidence for trade-offs between lifespan, fecundity and basal metabolic rate mediated by liver fatty acid composition in birds.
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology
, aFrontiers in cell and developmental biology, 638501.
Lindner M, Verhagen I, Viitaniemi HM, Laine VN, Visser ME, Husby A, van Oers K (2021). Temporal changes in DNA methylation and RNA expression in a small song bird: within- and between-tissue comparisons.
BMC Genomics
, aBMC Genomics, 36.
Lisovski S, Neumann R, Albrecht T, Munclinger P, Ahola MP, Bauer S, Cepák J, Fransson T, Jakobsson S, Jaakkonen T, Klvaňa P, Kullberg C, Laaksonen T, Metzger B, Piha M, Shurulinkov P, Stach R, Ström K, Velmala W, Briedis M (2021). The Indo-European flyway: Opportunities and constraints reflected by Common Rosefinches breeding across Europe.
Journal of Biogeography
, aJournal of Biogeography.
Mari L, Daufresne M, Guillard J, Evanno G, Lasne E (2021). Elevated temperature and deposited sediment jointly affect early life history traits in southernmost arctic char populations.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
, aCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Mazzoleni S, Němec P, Albrecht T, Lymberakis P, Kratochvíl L, Rovatsos M (2021). Long-term stability of sex chromosome gene content allows accurate qPCR-based molecular sexing across birds.
Molecular Ecology Resources
, aMolecular Ecology Resources.
Meheretu Y, Granberg Å, Berhane G, Khalil H, Lwande OW, Mitiku M, Welegerima K, Goüy de Bellocq J, Bryja J, Abreha H, Leirs H, Ecke F, Evander M (2021). Prevalence of orthohantavirus-reactive antibodies in humans and peri-domestic rodents in Northern Ethiopia.
, 1054.
Mikula O, Nicolas V, Šumbera R, Konečný A, Denys C, Verheyen E, Bryjová A, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Bryja J (2021). Nuclear phylogenomics, but not mitogenomics, resolves the most successful Late Miocene radiation of African mammals (Rodentia: Muridae: Arvicanthini).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, aMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107069.
Mikula P, Valcu M, Brumm H, Bulla M, Forstmeier W, Petrusková T, Kempenaers B, Albrecht T (2021). A global analysis of song frequency in passerines provides no support for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis but suggests a role for sexual selection.
Ecology Letters
, aEcology Letters.
Moudrá A, Niederlová V, Novotny J, Schmiedová L, Kubovčiak J, Matějková T, Drobek A, Přibíková M, Stopková R, Čížková D, Neuwirth A, Michálik J, Křížová K, Hudcovic T, Kolář M, Kozáková H, Kreisinger J, Stopka P, Štěpánek O (2021). Phenotypic and Clonal Stability of Antigen-Inexperienced Memory-like T Cells across the Genetic Background, Hygienic Status, and Aging.
Journal of Immunology
, aJournal of Immunology.
Nečas T, Badjedjea G, Vopálenský M, Gvoždík V (2021). Congolius, a new genus of African reed frog endemic to the central Congo: A potential case of convergent evolution.
Scientific Reports
, aScientific Reports, 8338.
Nicolas V, Mikula O, Lavrenchenko LA, Šumbera R, Bartáková V, Bryjová A, Meheretu Y, Verheyen E, Missoup AD, Lemmon AR, Moriarty Lemmon E, Bryja J (2021). Phylogenomics of African radiation of Praomyini (Muridae: Murinae) rodents: First fully resolved phylogeny, evolutionary history and delimitation of extant genera.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
, aMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107263.
Nkrumah EE, Baldwin HJ, Badu EK, Anti P, Vallo P, Klose S, Kalko EKV, Oppong SK, Tschapka M (2021). Diversity and conservation of cave-roosting bats in Central Ghana.
Tropical Conservation Science
, aTropical Conservation Science, 19400829211034671.
Onditi KO, Demos TC, Kerbis Peterhans JC, Chen ZZ, Bryja J, Lavrenchenko LA, Musila S, Verheyen E, Van de Perre F, Akaibe BD, de la Sancha NU, Jiang XL (2021). Historical biogeography, systematics, and integrative taxonomy of the non-Ethiopian speckled pelage brush-furred rats (Lophuromys flavopunctatus group).
BMC Ecology and Evolution
, 89.
Ondračková M, Bartáková V, Kvach Y, Bryjová A, Trichkova T, Ribeiro F, Carassou L, Martens A, Masson G, Zechmeister T, Jurajda P (2021). Parasite infection reflects host genetic diversity among non-native populations of pumpkinseed sunfish in Europe.
, aHydrobiologia.
Oppermann R, Aguirre E, Bleil R, Calabuig JD, Šálek M, Schmotzer A, Schraml A (2021). A rapid method for monitoring landscape structure and ecological value in European farmlands: the LISA approach.
Landscape Online
, 12001.
Petružela J, Ribas A, Goüy de Bellocq J (2021). Mitogenomics and evolutionary history of rodent whipworms (Trichuris spp.) originating from three biogeographic regions.
, 540.
Petrželková KJ, Uwamahoro C, Pafčo B, Červená B, Samaš P, Mudakikwa A, Muvunyi R, Uwingeli P, Gilardi K, Nziza J, Noheri JB, Eckardt W, Ndagijimana F, Ssebide B, Okwirokello R, Nizeyimana F, Syaluha EK, Nzayisenga G, Flores Girón L, Bahizi M, Ntwari AE, Lukusa JP, Tumushime JC, Mangura D, Mapilanga J, Kalonji A, Aruho R, Stryková A, Tehlarová Z, Cameira R, Lowenstine L, Šlapeta J, Romportl D, Ferrari N, Cranfield M, Modrý D (2021). Heterogeneity in patterns of helminth infections across populations of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei).
Scientific Reports
, aScientific Reports, 10869.
Picman J, Honza M (2021). How strong are eggs of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus?.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20109.
Polačik M, Vrtílek M, Reichard M, Žák J, Blažek R, Podrabsky J (2021). Embryo ecology: developmental synchrony and asynchrony in the embryonic development of wild annual fish populations.
Ecology and Evolution
, aEcology and Evolution.
Pravdová M, Kolářová J, Grabicová K, Mikl L, Bláha M, Randák T, Kvach Y, Jurajda P, Ondračková M (2021). Associations between pharmaceutical contaminants, parasite load and health status in brown trout exposed to sewage effluent in a small stream.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
, aEcohydrology & Hydrobiology.
Rubáčová L, Čech P, Melišková M, Čech M, Procházka P (2021). The effect of age, sex and winter severity on return rates and apparent survival in the Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis.
, aArdea.
Rudolf I, Kejíková R, Vojtíšek J, Mendel J, Peňázziová K, Hubálek Z, Šikutová S, Estrada-Peňa A (2021). Probable overwintering of adult Hyalomma rufipes in Central Europe.
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
, aTicks and Tick-borne Diseases, 101718.
Seidlová V, Němcová M, Pikula J, Bartonička T, Ghazaryan A, Heger T, Kokurewicz T, Orlov OL, Patra S, Piaček V, Treml F, Zukalová K, Zukal J (2021). Urinary shedding of leptospires in palearctic bats.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
, aTransboundary and Emerging Diseases.
Seidlová V, Syrová E, Minářová H, Zukal J, Baláž V, Němcová M, Papežíková I, Pikula J, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Mareš J, Palíková M (2021). Comparison of diagnostic methods for Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae detection in salmonid fish.
Journal of Fish Diseases
, aJournal of Fish Diseases.
Shutt-Phillips K, Pafčo B, Heistermann M, Kasim A, Petrželková KJ, Profousová-Pšenková I, Modrý D, Todd A, Fuh T, Dicky J, Bopalanzognako J, Setchell JM (2021). Fecal glucocorticoids and gastrointestinal parasite infections in wild western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) involved in ecotourism.
General and Comparative Endocrinology
, aGeneral and Comparative Endocrinology, 113859.
Sillero N, Arenas-Castro S, Enríquez‐Urzelai U, Vale CG, Sousa-Guedes D, Martínez-Freiría F, Real R, Barbosa AM (2021). Want to model a species niche? A step-by-step guideline on correlative ecological niche modelling.
Ecological Modelling
, aEcological Modelling, 109671.
Simsek C, Corman VM, Everling HU, Lukashev AN, Rasche A, Maganga GD, Binger T, Jansen D, Beller L, Deboutte W, Gloza-Rausch F, Seebens-Hoyer A, Yordanov S, Sylverken A, Oppong S, Sarkodie YA, Vallo P, Leroy EM, Bourgarel M, Yinda KC, Van Ranst M, Drosten C, Drexler JF, Matthijnssens J (2021). At least seven distinct rotavirus genotype constellations in bats with evidence of reassortment and zoonotic transmissions.
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Sirima C, Bizet C, Hamou H, Červená B, Lemarcis T, Esteban A, Peeters M, Mpoudi Ngole E, Mombo IM, Liégeois F, Petrželková KJ, Boussinesq M, Locatelli S (2021). Soil-transmitted helminth infections in free-ranging non-human primates from Cameroon and Gabon.
Parasites & Vectors
, aParasites & Vectors, 354.
Smith C (2021). A warming Southern Ocean may compromise Antarctic blue whale foetus growth.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20114.
Smith C, Zieba G, Przybylski M (2021). Elevated temperatures drive the evolution of armour loss in the threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus.
Functional Ecology
, aFunctional Ecology.
Smolinský R, Hiadlovská Z, Martínková N (2021). Ectoparasite load increase in reproductively active sand lizards.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20128.
Sottas C, Schmiedová L, Kreisinger J, Albrecht T, Reif J, Osiejuk TS, Reifová R (2021). Gut microbiota in two recently diverged passerine species: evaluating the effects of species identity, habitat use and geographic distance.
BMC Ecology and Evolution
, 41.
Šálek M, Grill S, Riegert J (2021). Nest-site selection of an avian urban exploiter, the Eurasian magpie Pica pica, across the urban-rural gradient.
Journal of Vertebrate Biology
, 20086.
Šimková A, Janáč M, Hyršl P, Krasnovyd V, Vetešník L (2021). Vigour-related traits and immunity in hybrids of evolutionary divergent cyprinoid species: advantages of hybrid heterosis?.
Journal of Fish Biology
, aJournal of Fish Biology.
Škrabánek P, Martínková N (2021). Algorithm 1017: fuzzyreg: an R package for fitting fuzzy regression models.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
, aACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 29.
Těšíková J, Krásová J, Goüy de Bellocq J (2021). Multiple mammarenaviruses circulating in angolan rodents.
, 982.
Trnka A, Samaš P (2021). The use of social information about predation risk by foraging house sparrows: a feeder experiment.
Journal of Ethology
, aJournal of Ethology.
Trnka A, Fenďa P, Požgayová M, Procházka P (2021). Common generalist mites do not transmit from foster parents to brood parasitic chicks.
Journal of Zoology
, aJournal of Zoology.
Vanmechelen K, Meurs S, Zisi Z, Goüy de Bellocq J, Bletsa M, Lemey P, Maes P (2021). Genome sequence of ruloma virus, a novel paramyxovirus clustering basally to members of the genus Jeilongvirus.
Microbiology Resource Announcements
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Evoluční ekologie
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Strategie AV21
Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2021
Registrace na Zoologické dny 2020
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Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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Výzkumné směry
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Journal of Vertebrate Biology
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