The PLATOSPec project idea originated during a joint meeting of Tautenburg and Ondrejov 2-m telescopes groups in 2017. Since then, we started the search for an unused 1-2-m sized telescope. We found former 1.52-m ESO telescope at La Silla, Chile, which was idle since 2003. The discussion and feasibility of the projects started immediately and our science proposal was recommended by the ESO STC in 2018. We proposed the refurbishment project of the telescope and we entered into a design study phase for the PLATOSpec spectrograph.

In the 2019, the Academy of Sciecnes of the Czech Republic granted funding for the telescope refurbishment. In April 2020, the PROJECTSOFT company was selected in the open tender call for the telescope refurbishment project. The timeline of the telescope refurbishment is fixed now and if the circumstances permit, the telescope should be fully operational in late 2021.

Once the telescope is operational, a replacement spectrograph will be borrowed from the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, so that operations can start in early 2022. PLATOSPec should be delivered in the second half of 2023. Meanwhile, we are undergoing an external Design Review of the PLATOSPec spectrograph which should conclude in September 2020. The work on the front end of the telescope was kicked-off in May 2020. This time line holds as of June 2020 and it will be progressively reviewed and updated.