idvazba: 1903
šablona: stranka_novinky
čas: 6.5.2022 17:26:02
verze: 5054
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW
UCT Prague defended its second place among Czech universities and is ranked 373rd in the world.
For the second time in a row, UCT Prague defended its second place among Czech universities in the prestigious QS World University Rankings 2022. In the global competition, the university is included in the 373-376th ranking group.
The excellent result in the QS World University Rankings 2022 was most influenced by UCT Prague’s small student-to-academic instructor ratio. Individual support for education and the inherent involvement of students in the research process even earned UCT 26th place in the world and first in Czechia in this aspect of rankings system evaluation process.
“The third success in a row is, of course, a nice outcome of all the staff and students of our university. We strive to build a supportive and fair environment for everyone, where everyone can participate in scientific activities. But I understand that the ranking is just a number. It is more important that we work on ourselves and continue to improve,” said Pavel Matějka, UCT Prague Rector.
The international environment of the university, with a high number of students (by Czech standards) from abroad in recent years, contributed to the good ranking. The university has also recently attracted international academics who have linked their careers to UCT Prague. However, likely in part due to the pandemic situation as well, there was a year-to-year decline in this aspect of the university’s rankings in the system, which meant a fall by one place in UCT Prague’s overall rankings from last year’s 342nd place.
Other Czech universities were also successful in this year’s edition of the rankings. The largest Czech university, Charles University, placed in the 266-267 world ranking range. CTU Prague moved to the 403-406 ranking range; Masaryk University achieved 551-560; Palacký University in Olomouc, 601-650; and BUT Brno, 701-750. A total of 15 Czech universities were ranked.
The full list of rankings and a description of the QS methodology can be found on the QS World University Rankings 2022 website.
Update dated February 24, 2022: UCT Prague unequivocally condemns the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation that are being conducted against the sovereign and independent Ukrainian state, that are clearly in conflict with international law and which have already taken human lives.
UCT Prague does not agree with Russia’s current actions towards the Ukraine, which exacerbate the situation, violate democratic principles, and are a harbinger of vehement assault on humanity and freedom.
UCT Prague expresses its support for Ukrainian students and academic staff and is considering how to help them, for example, in the form of special scholarships.
We also express our support to Russian students and academics in Russia and other countries in their search for the truth within the universal concepts related to academic freedom. We do not agree that students and academics should become hostages to political situations.
International academic cooperation and mobility of students and academics help foster mutual knowledge and understanding of each other, reducing the risks of xenophobia and international strife.
UCT Prague’s Rector is in contact with other colleagues from the Czech Rectors Conference, whose opinion you can read here (in Czech).
Pavel Matějka
Rector, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Позиція Xіміко-технологічного університету в Празі щодо російської агресії
Оновлено 24 лютого 2022 р.: ХТУ Прага однозначно засуджує агресивні дії Російської Федерації, які проводяться проти суверенної, незалежної держави Україна, та які явно суперечать міжнародному праву і вже несуть відповідальність за людські життя.
ХТУ Прага не погоджується з нинішніми кроками Росії щодо України, які загострюють ситуацію, порушують демократичні принципи, та є передвісником насильницьких порушень людяності та свободи.
ХТУ Прага висловлює свою підтримку українським студентам та викладачам і розглядає способи допомогти їм, наприклад, у формі спеціальних стипендій.
Ми також висловлюємо підтримку російським студентам і вченим у Росії та інших країнах у їх пошуку істини в рамках універсальної концепції академічної свободи. Ми не згодні з тим, аби студенти та науковці стали заручниками політичної ситуації.
Міжнародне академічне співробітництво та мобільність студентів і науковців сприяють взаємному пізнанню та розумінню, зменшують ризики ксенофобії та міжнароднього розбрату.
Ректор Хіміко-технологічного університету в Празі контактує з іншими колегами з Чеської ректорської конференції, з думкою яких ви можете ознайомитися тут.
Pavel Matějka, ректор Хіміко-технологічного університету в Празі
Позиция ХТУ Прага к русской агреcсии
Актуализация 24. 2. 2022: Химико-технологический университет, Прага однозначно осуждает агрессивные шаги Российской Федерации направленные против cуверенной и независимой Украины, которые однозначно противоречат международному праву и на их совести уже человеческие жертвы.
Химико-технологический университет, Прага не соглашается с последними шагами Росии против Украины обостряющими ситуацию и нарушающими принципы демократии, которые являются предзнаменованием насильственного нарушения гуманности и свободы.
Химико-технологический университет, Прага заявляет поддержку украинским студентам и академическим работникам и обсуждает возможности как им помочь, например в форме внеочередных стипендий.
Мы заявляем поддержку также русским студентам и академическим работникам в России и в других странах при поиске правды в рамках универсального понимания академических свобод. Мы не согласны с тем, чтобы студенты и преподаватели стали заложником политической ситуации.
Международное академическое сотрудничество и студенческая и преподавательская мобильность содействуют взаимному сближению и уменьшают риск ксенофобии и международных раздоров.
Ректор ХТУ, Прага вступил в связь с коллегами из Чешской конференции ректоров. Её официальную позицию можно прочитать здесь.
Pavel Matějka, ректор ХТУ
On Friday, December 3, 2021, the Study in Prague university consortium organized an award ceremony for the extraordinary scholarships of prof. Miroslav Vlček. Among the scholarship recipients at the Prague City Hall Mayor's Residence was a student of UCT Prague – Ashley George.
Miroslav Vlček's scholarship is awarded to commemorate a professor and longtime vice-rector for external relations of the Czech Technical University in Prague, who established and developed the Study in Prague project between 2015-2019. The merger of 7 Prague public universities contributed to a higher internationalization of the university environment and attracted hundreds of international students to the Czech capital.
This prize is presented to international degree-seeking students that, in addition to their study obligations, contribute to sharing the good name of universities in Prague. As a student ambassador, Ashley has been a long-term partner of the International Department. She is not only a reference point for prospective students, but also helps with the organization of promotional events, and participates in the integration process of incoming international students.
Study in Prague
At UCT Prague
Do you also want to get an internationally recognized degree? The admission procedure for English study programs at UCT Prague is open from January 15 to February 28, 2022. Visit our website for more information.
At other universities
If you are also interested in other fields of study at Prague universities, refer to the Study in Prague website directly.
Photo credit: Zuzana Markéta Macková, AMU
Ivana Suchánková won the Czech part of the competition with her bachelor thesis Comparison of the ability of capsid proteins of selected flaviviruses to assemble nucleocapsid under in vitro conditions and will participate in the international WE Local conference in London.
SHE STEM Award is an award given by the Brno branch of the international non-profit organization Society of Women Engineers in cooperation with Honeywell spol. s r.o. The award is given to the authors of the best undergraduate theses prepared at technical universities in Czechia.
The competition is organized to promote outstanding achievements of girls and women in technical fields. It is part of the mission of the Society of Women Engineers, which annually recognizes the achievements of women and girls at all levels of their careers in technology.
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, a Czech-German partner group of the Department of Biomolecular Systems, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) started its activities at UCT Prague. UCT Prague’s Rector, Pavel Matějka, and MPICI’s Director, Peter Seeberger, also took part in the opening ceremony connected to a small symposium. The group, led by Dr. Petra Ménová from the Department of Organic Chemistry, will deal with organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and carbohydrate chemistry. In addition to financial support of 20,000 euros a year for five years, the partnership with one of Max Planck's institutes importantly brings with it the possibility of intensive scientific cooperation with a prestigious international institution and the development of student internships. “It is a first-class workplace with the appropriate equipment and know-how, where students experience working with the world’s best,” says Dr. Petra Ménová, whose research group currently has 10 students in various stages of study.
“We are working on several projects related to carbohydrate chemistry, with the main project focused on the preparation of lipid nanoparticles with a modified carbohydrate surface, which would allow targeted transport of CRISPR/Cas9 to hepatocytes, which has great potential for the treatment of hepatitis B,” adds Dr. Ménová, who did a postdoc at MPICI from 2014 to 2017. The group will also explore the synthesis of therapeutically useful oligosaccharides, such as vaccine antigens or lectin receptor ligands.
The Max Planck Institutes (associated with the Max Planck Society) have a program to support their alumni, the so-called Max Planck Partner Group. Applicants must meet a number of conditions, including returning to their own countries after working at an Institute, addressing related topics, and additionally being nominated directly by the Director of an Institute. “In my case, I was approached directly by Prof. Seeberger, saying that this program exists and that I should apply for it. I am very happy that I succeeded with my application, mainly because of my students, who have a chance to gain more insight, participate in prestigious projects, and strengthen their CVs,” says Dr. Ménová.
One of the hallmarks of the Lean Startup course at UCT Prague is learning from international experts. The most recent guest was Delana Mikolášová, who spoke about startup lessons from Israel.
Israel is recognized as a country with vibrant technology and startup ecosystem and impressive successes making frontline news despite being located in a less than friendly neighborhood.
Mrs. Mikolášová pointed out that the successes of the “Startup Nation” in recent years were substantial, in fact the investments in last year were the highest ever!
She named multiple factors of this success, including the often quoted IDF (military) service as a melting pot and source of connections; culture of chutzpah and celebration of courage, risk taking and making decisions.
Specific suggestions for Czech entrepreneurs included: be over-prepared for each meeting, understand the purpose and required outcome of each meeting and follow up quickly.
Delana Mikolášová is Scientific, R&D and Innovation Counsellor of the Czech Republic to Israel, working at the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Israel. Her mission is to focus on fields such as nanotech, biotech, IT and engineering, supporting strategic partnerships between Israeli and Czech institutions and representing Czech R&D.
She has graduate degrees in political science from Palacký University in Olomouc and has been a visiting student at Tel Aviv University.
We are excited to open the doors for UCT Prague students to help our community bring their solutions to market!
The course is supported by Deloitte Czech Republic and Impulse Ventures.
The School of Business of the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague offers programs in the field of education in the field of management, intended for a wider range of students, and programs aimed at closer integration of management disciplines with the fields of natural and technical sciences developed at the faculties of the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague. The activity of its faculty includes professional topics of a purely management focus as well as interdisciplinary topics, usually in cooperation with other departments. The School of Business thus educates graduates with a strong theoretical foundation, capable of applying their knowledge in practice.