
Eckhard Elsen: Energy and efficiency visionary with a penchant for computer methods


Basic research in physics often consumes a great deal of energy, but there are visionaries who have been pushing through plans for how to save energy in the largest experiments for years. The chairman of the FZU's International Advisory Board, particle physicist Eckhard Elsen, is one of them. The former research director at CERN is also behind the upgrade plans for the particle accelerator - the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider.

Karel Závěta – Gentleman Physicist


Karel Závěta was an important figure in condensed matter physics. 67 years ago, on the first of February 1956, he joined the then Institute of Technical Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, today called the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He began his scientific career in the Department of Magnetism led by J. Brož. He became involved in the study of ferrites and continued in this area in cooperation with S. Krupička. The topic of his doctoral thesis was the use of electric conductivity to measure the magnetocaloric effect. For several years he held the post of the Science Secretary of the institute.

I would love to fall inside a large black hole


Professor Veronika E. Hubeny, a leading expert on string theory and quantum gravity, says that rushing is not good for science, and might make us miss tremendous opportunities.  We interviewed the theoretical physicist from the University of California on the occasion of GRAVITY@PRAGUE 2022.