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18 Nov 20 - 2 Aug 24
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Combinatorial group

Upcoming events

14.11.2023: Talk entitled Graph Limits at Seminar KMA, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechia (J. H.) - GLaB

3.11.2023: Virtual talk entitled The cut norm and the weak* topology for graphons at Combinatorics Seminar, Duke University, USA (J. H.) - GLaB

Past events

24.10.2023: Talk entitled Random minimum spanning tree and dense graph limits at Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Heidelberg University, Germany (J. H.) - GLaB

13.10.2023: Talk entitled Flip processes dynamics on graphs through the lens of graph limits at Colloquium of the Department of Stochastic Informatics, Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy od Sciences, Prague, Czechia (J. H.) - GLaB

26.09.2023: Talk entitled Approximating fractionally isomorphic graphons at DMV 2023 Ilmenau, Germany (E. K. H) GLaB

15.9.2023: Invited lecture entitled Flip processes at the II. RandNET meeting, Prague, Czechia (J. H.) - GLaB

29.08.2023: Talk entitled Fractionally isomorphic graphs and graphons at Eurocomb 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (E. K. H) GLaB

14.07.2023: Talk entitled Characterising flip process rules with the same trajectories at LSE CGO Seminar, London, UK (E. K. H)GLaB

19-22.6.2023: Talk entitled Graph flip processes related to dynamical systems at the NORDSTAT 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden (M. Š.) - RDS

12-16.6.2023: Talk entitled Anticoncentration via the strong perfect graph theorem" at the High Dimensional Probability, Będlewo, Poland (T. J.) - RDS

10-13.1.2023: Małgorzata Sulkowska (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) visiting - RDS

Events marked with "- RDS" were (partially) funded by the project Random Discrete Structures from the Czech Science Foundation under the project number 20-27757Y.
Events marked with "- GLaB" were (partially) funded by the project Graph limits and beyond from the Czech Science Foundation under the project number 21-21762X.