Publication activity of the Institute of Philosophy
Results of the scientific publication activity of employees of the Institute of Philosophy are recorded in the ASEP Database (institutional repository of the CAS).
The database is searchable on the basis of various criteria (Institute AS CR, document type, year of publication, language, public sponsors, etc.). Coverage of collected records is since 1990.
ASEP Analytics system allows to create bibliographic, statistical and graphical outputs for institutes of the CAS, their departments and scientific researchers.
A1: Abstract from a journal
A3: Unpublished lecture (the most important lectures only, a maximum of 3 per year!)
B: Monograph (the book as a whole)
C: Proceedings paper (conference with international attendance)
D: Dissertation
E: Electronic document, audiovisual production
G: Conference proceedings with international attendance
H: Conference proceedings without international attendance
I: Internal print
J: Journal article
K: Proceedings paper (conference without international attendance)
L2: Specialized map
M: Monograph chapter
N: Newspaper article
O: Other results
R1: Review from a journal
T1: Translation from a journal
T3: Translation of a book
U: Organisation of an event (conference, workshop, exhibition)
Please send the completed forms to e-mail:
The data recorded in the ASEP database are the basis for the evaluation of CAS departments and for the annual export of part of the records to the RIV (Register of Information on Results) operated by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation within the IS VaVaI information system.
Full texts can be added to bibliographic records and since 2018 data records with datasets can also be created.
Detailed information on the ASEP database and related issues is available on the website of the Library of the CAS: