Past Events

P4F: Seeking 30 exceptional researchers for 2-year fellowships


FZU has just launched the first call of Physics for Future (P4F) MSCA COFUND Action designed for a new generation of physicists, allowing them to execute their own bottom-up research projects. P4F also offers an opportunity for an integrated blend of advanced scientific, transferable, and soft skill training. 

Olomouc mirrors are used to observe cosmic rays around the world


Mirrors from the Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacký University in Olomouc and the Institute of Physics (SLO) are a key part of several cosmic ray detectors located around the world. Petr Schovánek was at the very beginning of a number of important international projects in this field and continues to look for ways to improve, simplify and cheapen the production of mirror systems while maintaining their parameters.

NCC for MATCA has received the highest rating of the TA CR panel


The NCC for MATCA (National Centre of Competence for Materials, Advanced Technologies, Coatings and their Applications) co-financed with the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic’s (TA CR) state support within the National Centres of Competence Programme, has received the highest possible rating from the TA CR panel for the first phase of its existence lasting from 2019 to the end of 2022.

Dvořák Lecture by Marko Topič


In the quest for a sustainable and decarbonized future, renewable energy sources have emerged as the key pillars of modern energy systems. Solar photovoltaic offers a vision of a world powered by 100% renewable electricity, where access to electricity is universal. It plays a vital role in meeting various energy demands, from communication and transportation to heating and synthetic fuels. Marko Topič's lecture covered several topics related to solar cells and photovoltaics.

Miloš Lokajíček Jr.


Our friend and colleague, Miloš Lokajíček, PhD, CSc., long-standing staff member of the Division of Elementary Particle Physics at the Institute of Physics of the CAS, passed away at the age of 70 on Wednesday, June 14th. Miloš was involved in almost all the key experiments in which we participated and contributed significantly to them, especially in the field of acquisition and processing of experimental data.