Department of Dielectrics succeeded in FZU Photo Competition
John Mangeri and Alexey Bubnov succeeded in the FZU Photo Competition.
John Mangeri and Alexey Bubnov succeeded in the FZU Photo Competition.
On the 5th of November 2019, Lukáš Ondič received the Lumina Quaeruntur Premium awarded by the Academy of Sciences.
Dr. L. Ondic received the Visegrad Group Academies Young Researcher Award in Quantum Physics for his work on the diamond photonic nanostructures and for his accomplishments in the field of diamond color centers.
Photos of liquid crystals under a polarized microscope brought the second place to Vladimíra Novotná in the category of ‘Photogenic Science’.
The conference and workshop were focused on the latest discoveries in the area of crystal growth, epitaxy, characterization and applications.
Matěj Hývl from the Department of Thin Films and Nanostructures presented a contribution entitled “Nanoscale Study of the Hole-selective Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Using C-AFM Tomography“ for which he received one of the three awards for the best poster at the conference.
Nekvasil significantly contributed to knowledge in the area of solid states physics and supported conceptual and organized development of science in the Czech Republic
She is a Half Marathon runner and a scientist who explores processes in the quantum vacuum. Hedvika Kadlecová from ELI Beamlines Research Centre in Dolní Břežany has become one of the three winners of the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science.
The nomination for the annual Otto Wichterle Premium is intended for outstanding young scientists up to the age of thirty-five employed at the Academy of Sciences who achieved top results in their fields.