Past Events
New episode of the ninth series of Undistorted Science: solar energy, its future and the Pilatus project
The latest episode of the popular series Nezkreslená věda focuses on a key topic of our time – the photovoltaic harnessing of the Sun's energy.
Students came, saw and tasted... not only our great coffee, but also the diverse job opportunities at FZU
We experienced another successful participation in career fairs. This year we started on 4th April at the FJFI CTU at the proven event "Ulov mě na Jaderce" and continued on 24th April at "Dny firem na Matfyzu". In both cases, a considerable number of students, especially students of physics and mathematics who are already looking for job opportunities during their studies, arrived at the FZU stand. Together we discussed the possibilities of professional employment and the offer of internships at FZU.
Peter Higgs has died
Peter Ware Higgs, the British theoretical physicist known for his work on the Higgs boson and the Higgs mechanism, passed away on Monday 8 April at the age of 95.
The beauty of particle physics on 64 canvases. You can admire the exhibition for one more month at FZU
Visitors to the exhibition of works created during the inaugural January workshop of the BeInspired project for lower and upper secondary school students, which aims to bridge the worlds of science and art, will find themselves in an artistic world inspired by elementary particle physics.