Czech Archive (Archiv český) series
This editorial series ties into Bohemia’s oldest publishing project on critical historiography, founded by František Palacký in 1840. It focuses on making accessible documents of a non-literary nature, i.e. primarily official documentation, correspondence, and accounting or administrative sources.
This series is managed by the Center for Medieval Studies (František Šmahel and Robert Novotný).
Publications are in Czech, Latin, or German.

title | author | published |
Acta Correctoris cleri civitatis et diocesis Prage ... | Jan Adámek (ed.) | 10th December 2018 |
Codex Přemyslaeus | Ivan Hlaváček (ed.) | 21st December 2013 |
Nejstarší městská kniha táborská z let 1432–1452 | Alena M. Černá, František Šmahel (eds.) ... | 11th October 2017 |
Popravčí a psanecké zápisy jihlavské z let 1405-1457 | František Hoffman (ed.) | 2000 |
Prameny k dějinám Židů v Čechách a na Moravě ve st ... | Lenka Blechová, Eva Doležalová, Martin M ... | 10th August 2015 |