
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. V. Held, N. Mrkyvkova, Y. Halahovets, P. Nádaždy, K. Vegso, A. Vlk, M. Ledinský, M. Jergel, S. Bernstorff, J. Keckes, F. Schreiber, P. Siffalovic
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16 (2024) 35723-35731.
  2. G. Pica, R. Montecucco, A. Zanetta, A. Oranskaia, F. Faini, L. Pancini, N. Mrkyvkova, P. Siffalovic, P. Dally, V. Pirota, M. Ledinský, M. De Bastiani, S. De Wolf, F. Doria, U. Schwingenschlögl, G. Grancini
    Solar RRL 8 (2024) 2300681-.
  3. A. Sojka, P. Janíček, J. Zich, J. Navrátil, P. Ruleová, T. Plecháček, V. Kucek, K. Knížek, Č. Drašar
    Computational Materials Science 243 (2024) 113138(1)-113138(8).
  4. D. Glavan, R. Noris, T. Zlosnik
    Physical Review D 110 (2024) 125011-.
  5. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2931 (2024) 012017(1)-012017(6).
  6. Z. Remeš, N. Neykova, Š. Remeš, R. Novák, R. Kučerková, V. Jarý, J. Mičová
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2931 (2024) 012011(1)-012011(6).
  7. D. John, Z. Remeš, R. Novák, Š. Remeš, J. Volf, O. Babčenko, E. Ukraintsev, B. Rezek, M. Buryj
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2931 (2024) 012019(1)-012019(10).
  8. M. Sala, M. Orfano, V. Secchi, I. Mattei, N. Pianta, V. Zabloudil, C. Lowis, R. Kučerková, M. Nikl, F. Meinardi, E. Auffray, I. Villa, A. Monguzzi
    Advanced Functional Materials 2024 (2024) 2421434(1)-2421434(12).
  9. P. Bednyakov, P. Yudin, A. K. Tagantsev, J. Hlinka
    Physical Review B 110 (2024) 214107(1)-214107(8).
  10. D.D. Prester, J. Ebr, M. Gaug, A. Hahn, A. Babic, J. Eliášek, P. Janeček, S. Karpov, M. Kolarek, M. Manganaro, R. Mirzoyan
    Universe 10 (2024) 349(1)-349(18).
  11. K. Abe et al., CTA Consortium - z FZU, J. Blažek, J. Chudoba, L. Chytka, J. Ebr, P. Hamal, P. Janeček, J. Juryšek, D. Mandát, M. Pech, T. Tavernier, P. Trávníček, M. Vacula)
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (2024) 004(1)-004(103).
  12. S. Abe et al., The CTAO Consortium - z FZU, J. Blažek, L. Chytka, J. Chudoba, J. Ebr, P. Hamal, P. Janeček, J. Juryšek, D. Mandát, M. Pech, M. Prouza, P. Schovánek, T. Tavernier, P. Trávníček, L. Václavek, M. Vacula)
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (2024) 47(1)-47(44).
  13. R. Kocich, J. Kopeček, M. Marek
    Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 55 (2024) 579-587.
  14. S. Pathak, O. Stránský, J. Šmaus, J. Kopeček, J. Arackal Narayanan, J. Kaufman, L. Beránek, M. Böhm, J. Brajer, T. Mocek
    Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 9 (2024) 100151-1-100151-12.
  15. P. Federičová, A. Affolder, G.A. Beck, A.J. Bevan, Z. Chen, I. Dawson, A. Deshmukh, A. Dowling, V. Fadeyev, J. Fernandez-Tejero, A. Fournier, N. Gonzalez, L. Hommels, C. Jessiman, S. Kachiguin, Ch. Klein, T. Koffas, J. Kroll, V. Latoňová, M. Mikeštíková, P.S. Miyagawa, S. O`Toole, Q. Paddock, L. Poley, E. Staats, B. Stelzer, P. Tůma, M. Ullan, Y. Unno, S.C. Zenz, z FZU
    Journal of Instrumentation 19 (2024) 1-10.
  16. G. Laštovička-Medin, V. Backović, D. Karadzic, G. Kramberger, J. Kroll, T. Laštovička, J. Andreasson, M. Rebarz, from FZU J.Kroll)
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1066 (2024) 169635-.
  17. J. J. Mareš, V. Špička, J. Šesták
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry xy (2024) xx-yy.
  18. D. Dai, D. Siebenkotten, Z. Šobáň, A. Girnghuber, P. Krzysteczko, A. Hoehl, J. Wunderlich, B. Kaestner
    physica status solidi (a) 2400736 (2024) 2400736(1)-2400736(6).
  19. J. Fathi, A. Mašláni, M. Hlína, F. Lukáč, R. Mušálek, O. Jankovský, M. Lojka, A. Jiříčková, S. Skoblia, T. Mates, N. N. B. Jaafar, S. Sharma, D. Pilnaj, M. Pohořelý, M. Jeremiáš
    Fuel 368 (2024) 131692(1)-131692(12).
  20. P. Dehghan, M. Tabatabaee, S. Morteza Seifati, M. Kučeráková
    Journal of Coordination Chemistry 77(20-21) (2024) 2472-2486.
  21. L. Blanchet, C. Skordis
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 11 (2024) 040-.
  22. M. Bataki, C. Skordis, T. Zlosnik
    Physical Review D 110 (2024) 044015-.
  23. G. Sengor, C. Skordis
    Journal of High Energy Physics 02 (2024) 076-.
  24. Materials Advances 5 (2024) 8901-8908.
  25. Journal of High Energy Physics 01 (2024) 104-139.
  26. J. Raeymaekers, C. Sanli, D. Van den Bleeken
    Journal of High Energy Physics 05 (2024) 275-.
  27. Ceramics International 23 (2024) 1-9.
  28. L. Giuffrida, V. Istokskaia, A. Picciotto, V. Kantarelou, M. Barozzi, R. Dell Anna, M. Divoky, O. Denk, D. Giubertoni, F. Grepl, A. Hadjikyriacou, M. Hanus, J. Krasa, M. Kucharik, T. Levato, P. Navratil, J. Pilar, F. Schillaci, S. Stancek, M. Tosca, M. Tryus, A. Velyhan, A. Lucianetti, T. Mocek, D. Margarone
    Quantum Beam Science 8 (2024) 1-13.
  29. J. Liu et al., GRANDMA Collaboration, z FZÚ, M. Mašek, S. Karpov
    Astrophysical Journal 973 (2024) 1-21.
  30. I. Tosta e Melo et al., Z FZÚ, M. Blažek, M. Mašek, S. Karpov
    Astronomy and Astrophysics 682 (2024) A141(1)-A141(14).
  31. M. Wolf, P. Zasche, J. Kára, M. Zejda, J. Janík, M. Mašek, M. Lehký, J. Merc, A. Richterková, D. Hanžl, Z. Mikulášek, S. N. de Villiers, J. Liška
    Astronomy and Astrophysics 690 (2024) 1-10.
  32. T. Hussenot-Desenonges et al., GRANDMA Collaboration, z FZÚ, M. Mašek, S. Karpov, M. Blažek)
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (2024) 1-19.
  33. A. V. Bulgakov, Juraj Sládek, J. Hrabovský, M. I. Mirza, Wladimir Marine, N. M. Bulgakova
    Applied Surface Science 643 (2024) 158626(1)-158626(15).
  34. J. Hrabovský, L. Strizik, F. Desevedavy, S. Tazlaru, M. Kucera, L. Nowak, R. Krystufek, J. Mistrik, V. Dedic, V. Kopecky Jr., G. Gadret, T. Wagner, F. Smektala, M. Veis
    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 624 (2024) 122712(1)-122712(9).
  35. O. Gatsa, Shabbir Tahir, Miroslava Flimelová, Farbod Riahi, Carlos Doñate-Buendia, Bilal Gökce, A. V. Bulgakov
    Nanomaterials 14,365 (2024) 1-14.
  36. Pawan Suthar, František Trojánek, Petr Malý, T. Derrien, Martin Kozák
    Communications Physics 7,104 (2024) 1-7.
  37. M. Zukershtein, V. P. Zhukov, T. Derrien, O. Fedotova, N. M. Bulgakova
    Optics Express 32,7/25Ma (2024) 12882-12891.
  38. Vladimir P. Zhukov, N. M. Bulgakova
    Materials 17,1763 (2024) 1-10.
  39. S. Tahir, N. Shkodich, B. Eggert, J. Lill, O. Gatsa, M. Flimelová, E. Adabifiroozjaei, N. M. Bulgakova, L. Molina-Luna, H. Wende, M. Farle, A. V. Bulgakov, C. Doñate-Buendía, B. Gökce
    ChemNanoMat e202400064 (2024) 1-14.
  40. N. Y. Bykov, S. A. Fyodorov, A. I. Safonov, S. V. Starinskiy, A. V. Bulgakov
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2996 (2024) 120003-.
  41. Nanoscale Just (2024) Accepted-.
  42. K. Gáborová, M. Hegedüs, P. Levinský, F. Mihok, M. Matvija, K. Knížek, O. Milkovič, D. Vatraľová, J. Hejtmánek, K. Saksl
    Inorganics 12 (2024) 334(1)-334(13).
  43. A. Thomas, D. Pohl, A. Tahn, H. Schlörb, S. Schneider, D. Kriegner, S. Beckert, P. Vir, M. Winter, C. Felser, B. Rellinghaus
    submitted to Phys. Rev. (po vydání zkontrolovat přesný název časopisu).
  44. A. Markou, J. M. Taylor, J. Gayles, Y. Sun, D. Kriegner, J. Grenzer, S. Guo, W. Schnelle, E. Lesne, C. Felser, S. S.P. Parkin
    Applied Physics Letters 125 (2024) 022402(1)-022402(7).
  45. Quench switching of Mn2As
    submitted to Phys. Rev. B
  46. S. Beckert, R. Schlitz, G. Skobjin, A. Baďura, M. Leiviskä, D. Kriegner, D. Scheffler, G. Sala, K. Olejník, L. Michez, V. Baltz, A. Thomas, H. Reichlová, S. T. B. Goennenwein
    submitted to Phys. Rev.B
  47. M. Drimmer, S. Telkamp, F. L. Fischer, I. C. Rodrigues, C. Todt, F. Křížek, D. Kriegner, Ch. Müller, W. Wegscheider, Y. Chu
    The performance of superconducting microwave circuits is strongly influenced by the material properties of the superconducting film and substrate. While progress has been made in understanding the importance of surface preparation and the effect of surface oxides, the complex effect of superconductor film structure on microwave losses is not yet fully understood. In this study, we investigate the microwave properties of niobium resonators with different crystalline properties and related surface topographies. We analyze a series of magnetron sputtered films in which the Nb crystal orientation and surface topography are changed by varying the substrate temperatures between room temperature and 975 K. The lowest-loss resonators that we measure have quality factors of over one million at single-photon powers, among the best ever recorded using the Nb on sapphire platform. We observe the highest quality factors in films grown at an intermediate temperature regime of the growth series (550 K) where the films display both preferential ordering of the crystal domains and low surface roughness. Furthermore, we analyze the temperature-dependent behavior of our resonators to learn about how the quasiparticle density in the Nb film is affected by the niobium crystal structure and the presence of grain boundaries. Our results stress the connection between the crystal structure of superconducting films and the loss mechanisms suffered by the resonators and demonstrate that even a moderate change in temperature during thin film deposition can significantly affect the resulting quality factors.
  48. S. Telkamp, T. Antonelli, C. Todt, M. Hinderling, M. Coraiola, D. Haxell, Sofieke C. ten Kate, D. Sabonis, P. Zeng, R. Schott, E. Cheah, Ch. Reichl, F. Nichele, F. Křížek, W. Wegscheider
    accepted in Advanced Electronic Materials
  49. R. Král, L. Fortin, P. Zemenová, M. Akouibaa, M. Poupon, A. Nicaise, J.P. Šafrata, D.D. Šafrata, J.M. Chevalier, J. Houdková, P. Jiříček, M. Lachkar & B. El Bali
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2931 (2024) 012022(1)-012022(13).
  50. I. Dankovsky, E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov, S. Ramazanov, A. Vikman
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (2024) 09-047.