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První přístup do VO33

připravit tabulku do databáze

v bashi:
cat ../Documents/chr*.txt > all.rmsk.txt
mysql -h charon danpan_l1 < chr10_rmsk.sql
v mysql:
alter table chr10_rmsk rename repeatmaker
load data infile "/mnt/cora/Projects/Dan/L1_Human/WS/all.rmsk.txt" into table repeatmasker;

alter table l1 add ervlength int(10) unsigned (genoEnd-genoStart) after genoEnd;
update l1 set length=(genoEnd - genoStart);
select bin, repName, genoName, genoStart, genoEnd, strand, (genoEnd - genoStart) as len from repeatmasker 
where (genoEnd - genoStart) > 5000 and 
order by genoName limit 5;

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