Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



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Micieta K. (1980): Pocty chromozomov niektorych druhov rodu Juncus L. na Slovensku. (Chromosome numbers of some species of Juncus L. from Slovakia.) -   Biologia, A (Czechoslovakia) 35(4): 293-297.

Micieta K. (1983): Contribution to the chromosome numbers of some species of the genus Juncus L. in Slovakia. -  Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 18(2): 195-198.

Micieta K. (1983): Juncus thomasii Ten. : novy druh slovenskej flory. (Juncus thomasii Ten. : a new species of the Slovakian flora.) -  Preslia 55(4): 367-369.

Micieta K. (1983): Karyotaxonomical studies in the Juncus bufonius aggregate in Slovakia. -  Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 18(3): 329-331.

Micieta K. (1984): Juncus alpino‑articulatus Chaix in Vill. in der Slowakei. -  Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot., 31: 53-60.

Micieta K. (1990): Vyhynul Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. ex Hoffm. na Slovensku. (Is Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. ex Hoffm. extinct from Slovakian flora?) - Biologia, A (Czechoslovakia) 45(9): 719-722. 

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Muller R. (1975): Die Juncaceen in Sudhessen und ihre Rolle in odenwalder Osterbrauchtum. - Hess. Flor. Briefe 24(1): 9-13.

Murray N.A., Johnson D.M. (1987): Taxonomic notes on Juncus pelocarpus s.l. (Juncaceae). - Contrib. Univ. Mich. Herb. 16: 179-187.



Published Work and List of samples

Main topics of interest and Onging Projects

Phylogeny Conclusion

Group Participants

Juncaceae Literature