Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



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Nelson E.C. (1993): Corkscrew rush (Juncus effusus L. forma spiralis (J. McNab) Hegi) (Juncaceae) in Ireland and Britain. - Watsonia 19(4): 275-278.

Newell R.E., Newell R.B. (1994): Juncus caesariensis Coville (New Jersey rush) in Nova Scotia, Canada. - Bartonia no.58: 121-124.

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Nilsson O., Snogerup S. (1971): Drawings of Scandinavian plants: 50-54. Juncus L. - Bot. Notiser 124(2): 179-186.

Nilsson O., Snogerup S. (1971): Drawings of Scandinavian plants: 60-64. Juncus L. - Bot. Notiser 124(4): 435-441.

Nilsson O., Snogerup S. (1972): Drawings of Scandinavian plants: 65-80. Juncus L. - Bot. Notiser 125(1): 1-8, (2): 131-138, (3): 203-211.

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Nordenskiöld H. (1949): The somatic chromosomes of some Luzula species. - Bot. Not., Lund, 81-92.

Nordenskiöld H. (1951): Cytotaxonomical studies in the genus Luzula. I. Somatic chromosome and chromosome numbers. - Hereditas, Lund, XXXVII.

Nordenskiöld H. (1953): Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Luzula. - Proc. 7th. intern. bot. congr. Stockholm (1950) p. 282-283.

Nordenskiöld H. (1954): A cyto-taxonomic investigation into the campestris-multiflora-complex of the genus Luzula. - VIII. Congr. Int. Bot. Rapp. et Cornm. 9,10: 80-81.

Nordenskiöld H. (1955): The effect of X-ray treatment in dormant seeds of Luzula pallescens and L. capitata. - Ann. Roy. Agr. Coll. Sweden, 22: 257-267.

Nordenskiöld H. (1956): Cytotaxonomical studies in the genus Luzula. II. Hybridization experiments in the campestris-multiflora complex. - Hereditas, Lund, 42: 7-73.

Nordenskiöld H. (1957): Changes in somatic chromosome patterns in root tips of X-ray-treated Luzula. - Ann. Roy. Agr. Coll. Sweden 23: 273-289.

Nordenskiöld H. (1957): Hybridization experiments in the genus Luzula III. The subgenus Pterodes. - Bot. Not., Lund, 110(1): 1-16.

Nordenskiöld H. (1961): Modes of species differentiation in the genus Luzula. - in Rec. Adv. in Bot. pp. 1469-1473   Univ. of Toronto Press Canada.

Nordenskiöld H. (1961): Tetrad analysis and the course of meiosis in three hybrids of Luzula campestris. - Hereditas 47: 203-238.

Nordenskiöld H. (1962): Studies of meiosis in Luzula purpurea. - Hereditas 48: 503-519.

Nordenskiöld H. (1963): A study of meiosis in the progeny of X-irradiated Luzula purpurea. - Hereditas, Lund, 49: 33-47.

Nordenskiöld H. (1964): The effect of X-irradiation on diploid and polyploid Luzula. - Hereditas, Lund, 51: 344-374.

Nordenskiöld H. (1966): Cytogenetic studies in the genus Luzula in New Zealand. - New Zealand J. Bot., Wellington, 4: 185-195.

Nordenskiöld H. (1969): The genus Luzula in Australia. - Bot. Notiser, Lund, 122: 69-89.

Nordenskiöld H. (1971): Cytologiska och taxonomiska studier inan Luzula campestris Komplexet. - Svensk naturvetenskap 1971: 170-174.

Nordenskiöld H. (1971): Hybridization experiments in the genus Luzula: 4. Studies with taxa of the campestris-multiflora complex from the northern and southern hemispheres. - Hereditas, Lund, 68(1): 47-59.

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Noronha-Wagner M. de (1949): Subsidio para a estudio citologico de genero Luzula DC. (1). - Genetica Iberica, Madrid, Vol. 1(1): 59-67.

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Novikov V.S. (1975): Novyi vid roda Juncus L. iz Afghanistana. (A new species of Juncus L. from Afghanistan). - Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol. 80(3): 130-132.

Novikov V.S. (1977): Juncus membranaceus Royle (Juncaceae) novyi vid flory SSSR. (Juncus membranaceus Royle (Juncaceae) a new species in the flora of the USSR) - Bot. Zhurn. 62(1): 85-86.

Novikov V.S. (1979): Kratkii obzor vidov roda Juncus L. rasprostranennykh v srednei Azii. (Synopsis specierum generis Juncus L. ex Asiae Mediae.) - Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 15: 77-93 (1978 publ. 1979).

Novikov V.S. (1980): Rod ozhika. -  In Biol. flora Mosk. obl. Moskva. no.5: 74-93. Abstr. in Ref. Zhurn., Biol., 6(2): V36 (1980).

Novikov V.S. (1981): Novyi vid sitnika iz mongolii i Yakutii. (A new species of the genus Juncus from the mongolia and Jakutia.) - Byull. Mosk. Obshch, Ispyt. Prir. Biol. 86(5): 103-104.

Novikov V.S. (1982): Obzor vidov roda Juncus L. (Juncaceae) na Dal'nem Vostoke SSSR. (Synopsis specierum generis Juncus L. (Juncaceae) in Oriente Extremo URSS.) -  Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 19: 52-61.

Novikov V.S. (1985): Juncaceae. In: Sosud. Rast. Sov. Dal. Vostoka 1: 79-88.

Novikov V.S. (1985): Novyi vid sitnika iz aziatskoi chasti SSSR i Mongolii. (A new species of the genus Juncus from the Asiatic part of the USSR and Mongolia.) -  Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol., 90(5): 109-111.

Novikov V.S. (1989): Dva novykh vida sitnikovykh (Juncaceae) s Kavkaza. (Two new species of Juncaceae in the Caucasus.) - Byull. Mosk Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol. 94(1): 110-112.

Novikov V.S. (1990): Konspekt sistemy roda Juncus L. (Junaceae). (Synopsis of the genus Juncus L. (Juncaceae).) - Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol. 95(5): 111-125.

Novikov V.S. (1990): Konspekt sistemy roda Luzula DC. (Juncaceae). (Synopsis of the genus Luzula DC. system  (Juncaceae).) - Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol. 95(6): 63-70.

Novikov V.S. (1990): Novye dlya flory Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR vidy roda Juncus (Juncaceae). (The species of the genus Juncus (Juncaceae) new for the flora of the Azerbaijanian SSR.) - Bot. Zhurn. 75(1): 101-103.

Novikov V.S. (1990): Rod Luzula DC. (Juncaceae) vo flore Azerbaidzhana. (Genus Luzula DC. (Juncaceae) in flora Azerbaidzhaniae.) - Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 27: 17-21.

Novikov V.S., Gubanov I.A. (1987): Rod Juncus L. (Juncacae) v Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respublike. (Genus Juncus L. (Juncaceae in Republica Populari Mongolia.) - Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 24: 56-72.

Novikov V.S., Gubanov I.A. (1989): Rod Luzula (L.) DC. (Juncaceae) v Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respublike. (Genus Luzula (L.) DC. (Juncaceae) in Republica Populari Mongolia.) - Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 26: 29-38.

Novikov V.S., Tikhomirov V.N., Shilov M.P. (1985 ): Juncus bulbosus L. (Juncaceae) vo flore Srednei Rossii. (Juncus bulbosus L. (Juncaceae) in flora Rossiae Mediae.) -  Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast., 22: 68-71.

Nuet i Badia J., Panareda i Clopes J.M. (1993): Flora de Montserrat: volum 3. - Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1993 205p.

Nyárady E. I. (1966): [red.] Flora Republicii Socialiste Romania. - XI. Bucuresti p. 876.



Published Work and List of samples

Main topics of interest and Onging Projects

Phylogeny Conclusion

Group Participants

Juncaceae Literature