Group members:
Josef Humlíček, Dominik Munzar, Václav Holý, Karel Navrátil, Jan Fikar, Adam Dubroka
Main Research Subjects:
• Development of the theory of nucleation of semiconductor nanostructures during epitaxial growth.
• Theory of x-ray scattering from self-organized nanostructures.
• Studies of local chemical composition in quantum wells, wires and dots in IV-IV and III-V heterostructures.
• Strain in nanostructures, electron states in strained heterostructures.
• Connection of absorption and luminescence in quantum wells and superlattices.
• Polarization dependence of the optical and photoluminescence spectra.
• Intrinsic superlattices in layered HTSC cuprates.
• Optical response of cuprate/manganite heterostructures, where superconductivity and magnetism coexist/compete at the nanometer scale.
Selected Specific Equipment:
The group is equipped with a variety of optical spectrometers covering a wide spectral range from far-infrared to ultraviolet. Several home-built ellipsometers operate from mid-infrared to ultraviolet; two of them use multichannel detectors and optical fibres, allowing fast in-situ measurements. Optical spectroscopy can be performed in the temperature range from Liquid He to about 1100 K. A hot/wall epitaxial reactor can be used to grow simple layered structures.
Research-grade AFM is used to monitor the surface morphology. The X-ray labs are equipped with high-precision diffractometers, partly capable of measurements at elevated temperatures. X-ray reflectometers working at grazing incidence are used to study very thin layers in the heterostructures and the quality of their interfaces.
Additional recent selected publications by group members:
• G. Springholz , V. Holý, M. Pinczolits, and G. Bauer: Self-organized growth of 3D quantum dot crystals with fcc-like vertical stacking and tunable lattice constant, Science 282, 734 (1998).
• V. Holý, U. Pietsch. and T. Baumbach: High-Resolution X-Ray Scattering From Thin Films and Multilayers, (Springer-Verlag,Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1999).
• V. Holý, G. Springholz, M. Pinczolits, G. Bauer: Strain induced vertical and lateral correlations in quantum dot superlattices, Phys.Rev. Lett. 83, 356 (1999)
• M. Meduňa, V. Holý, Roch T., Bauer G., Schmidt O.G., Eberl K., Diffuse x-ray reflectivity from self-assembled ripples with superimposed roughness in Si/Ge superlattices, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 17, 480-486 (2002)
• Munzar D., Bernhard C., Holden T., Golnik A., Humlíček J., Cardona M., Correlation between the Josephson coupling energy and the condensation energy in bilayer cuprate superconductors, Physical Review B 64, 024523 (2001).
• Bernhard C., Holden T., Humlíček J., Munzar D., Golnik A., Klaeser M., Wolf Th., Carr L., Homes C., Keimer B., Cardona M., In-plane polarized collective modes in detwinned YBa2Cu3O6.95 observed by spectral ellipsometry, Solid State Communications 121, 93 (2002).
• Boris A. V., Munzar D., Kovaleva N. N., Liang B., Lin C. T., Dubroka A., Pimenov A. V., Holden T., Keimer B., Mathis Y-L., Bernhard C., Josephson Plasma Resonance and Phonon Anomalies in Trilayer Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10, Physical Review Letters 89, 277001 (2002) .
• Munzar D., Holden T., Bernhard C., Approximate tight-binding sum rule for the superconductivity-related change of c-axis kinetic energy in multilayer cuprate superconductors, Physical Review B 67, 020501 (2003). |