The Institute was created in
1962 from the Department of Plant Physiology and the Department of
Phytopathology of the Institute of Biology of the Czechoslovak Academy of
Sciences. In 1990, it was divided into two independent units: The Institute of
Experimental Botany in Prague and Olomouc and the Institute of Molecular Plant
Biology in České Budějovice.
The principal fields of
scientific work in the Institute consist of plant genetics, physiology and
biotechnology. In the field of genetic research, the Institute carries out work
on induced mutagenesis and DNA repair, induction of genetic variability in
tissue and cell cultures in vitro and the molecular genetics of pollen.
Physiological subjects include adaptation and acclimation mechanisms of
photosynthesis, hormonal and ecological control of plant growth and
development, the mechanisms of action of growth regulators, physiology of plant
viruses and plant pathophysiology.
For actual information, please see the
new web sites www.ueb.cas.cz
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