
List of laboratories


Isotope Laboratory
Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Laboratory of Cell Biology
Laboratory of Cytoskeleton
Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology
Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Laboratory of Plant Morphogenesis
Laboratory of Mutation Genetics
Laboratory of Signal Transduction
Laboratory of Stress Physiology
Laboratory of Plant-Pathogen Interactions and Experiment Station Střížovice
Laboratory of DNA Repair
Laboratory of Growth Substances
Laboratory of Virology
Plant reproduction laboratory

Isotope Laboratory

Centre:  Krč
Head:  prom. chem. Josef Holík
Phone:  (420) 241 062 381
Fax:  (420) 241 062 150
E-mail:  holik@biomed.cas.cz
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Laboratory of Pollen Biology

Centre:  Lysolaje
Head:  RNDr. David Honys, PhD.
Phone:  (420) 225 106 450
E-mail:  honys@ueb.cas.cz 
WWW page of the laboratory

Laboratory of Cell Biology

Centre:  Lysolaje
Head:  RNDr. Viktor Žárský, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 225 106 457
(420) 225 106 458
E-mail:  zarsky@ueb.cas.cz
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Laboratory of Cytoskeleton

Centre:  Olomouc – Sokolovská
Head:  Doc. RNDr. Pavla Binarová, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 585 228 521
(420) 585 228 522
Fax:  (420) 585 228 523
E-mail:  binarova@biomed.cas.cz
WWW page of the laboratory

Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds

Centre:  Lysolaje
Head:  RNDr. Milena Cvikrová
Phone:  (420) 225 106 409
E-mail:  cvikrova@ueb.cas.cz
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Laboratory of Signal Transduction

Centre:  Lysolaje
Head:  RNDr. Jan Martinec, CSc.
Phone: (+420) 225 106 416
E-mail:  martinec@ueb.cas.cz 
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Laboratory of Stress Physiology

Centre:  Karlovka
Head:  RNDr. Naďa Wilhelmová, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 224 310 109
E-mail:  wilhelmova@ueb.cas.cz  
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Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants

Centre:  Lysolaje
Head:  RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 225 106 429
E-mail:  zazimalova@ueb.cas.cz 
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Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry

Centre:  Olomouc – Sokolovská
Head:  Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Doležel, DrSc.
Phone:  (420) 585 205 852
Fax: (420) 585 205 853
E-mail:  dolezel@ueb.cas.cz 
WWW page of the laboratory

Laboratory of Mutation Genetics

Centre:  Karlovka
Head:  RNDr. Tomáš Gichner, DrSc.
Phone:  (420) 224 310 109
E-mail:  gichner@ueb.cas.cz
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Laboratory of Pathological Plant Physiology

Centre:  Karlovka
Head:  RNDr. Lenka Burketová, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 224 310 108
E-mail:  burketova@ueb.cas.cz 
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Laboratory of Plant-Pathogen Interactions

Centre:  Pernikářka
Head:  Ing. Miloslav Juříček, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 220 303 847
Fax:  (420) 233 339 412
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Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies

Centre:  Ruzyně
Head:  RNDr. Tomáš Vaněk, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 233 022 479
Fax:  (420) 233 022 416
E-mail:  vanek@ueb.cas.cz 
WWW page of the laboratory

Experiment Station Střížovice

Centre:  Pernikářka
Address:  Experiment Station Střížovice, 463 45 Pěnčín u Liberce
Phone:  (420) 485 177 430
Fax:  (420) 485 177 430
Head:  Ing. Jaroslav Tupý, DrSc.
Phone:  (420) 220 303 848
Fax:  (420) 233 339 412
E-mail:  tupy@ueb.cas.cz
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Laboratory of DNA Repair

Centre:  Karlovka
Head:  RNDr. Karel Angelis, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 224 322 603
(420) 224 317 189
E-mail:  angelis@ueb.cas.cz
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Laboratory of Growth Substances

Centre:  Olomouc – Joint Laboratory IEB AS CR and Faculty of Life Sciences Palacký University
Head:  Prof. Ing. Miroslav Strnad, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 585 241 064
(420) 585 222 487
(420) 585 228 521
(420) 585 228 522
Fax:  (420) 585 221 357
E-mail:  strnad@aix.upol.cz
WWW page of the laboratory

Laboratory of Virology

Centre:  Karlovka
Head:  RNDr. Noemi Čeřovská, CSc.
Phone:  (420) 224 310 108
E-mail:  cerovska@ueb.cas.cz
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