A particular achievement of the EMS Applied Mathematics Committee has been so far the establishment of a series of summer schools in applied mathematics (ESSAM), that are organized yearly under the EMS banner.
Initially there was a school organized by IMPAN in Bedlevo and one organized by CIME  that take place every year. In 2010, a summer school in biomathematics joined ESSAM. It is organized every year by the ESMTB (European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology). A summer school in mathematical finance is organized by the Institut Louis Bachelier. Two new ESSAM schools were created in 2015. In 2016 and 2017, the number of ESSAM was 7 and 4 (see list below). In 2018, there were 3 ESSAM but lot of events were organized within the framework of Year Mathematical Biology. It was then decided by the EMS Applied Mathematics Committee to increase the number of ESSAM : 8 in 2019 and 13 in 2020. The Guidelines from 2010 of this series of summer schools are recalled below.


The 13 ESSAM 2020 are listed in chronological order


1. CEMRACS 2019 - Geophysical Fluids, Gravity Flows

Date : 15 July - 23 August 2019
Place : CIRM, Luminy (near Marseille), France
Website : http://smai.emath.fr/cemracs/cemracs19/

2. CIME 2019 Applied Mathematical Problems in Geophysics

Date : 1-5 July 5, 2019
Place : Cetraro (CS), Italy
Website : http://php.math.unifi.it/users/cime/Courses/2019/course.php?codice=20194

3. European School on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows

Date : 26-31 May 2019
Place : Kácov, Czech Republic
Website : http://essam-maff.cuni.cz/

4. 7th gravitational flows and natural risks Summer school (GdR EGRIN)

Date: 24-27 juin 2019
Place : Lioran, France
Website : http://gdr-egrin.math.cnrs.fr/confs.php

5. 12-th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics

Date: 2-6 september 2019
Place : Padova, Italy
Website : https://events.math.unipd.it/ESSFM/

6. African Mathematical workshop on Optimization 2019

Place : Zululand, South Africa
Date : 11-15 november 2019
Website : to be communicated later. Contact : Tilahuns@unizulu.ac.za

Summer School on Algebraic Geometry towards applications
(TAGSS 2019)

Place : ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Date : 1-5 July 2019
Website : http://indico.ictp.it/event/8695/overview

Summer School on reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics

Place : SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Date : 8-12 July 2019
Website : https://indico.sissa.it/event/34/overview

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1. 2018 is the Year of Mathematical Biology

Please consult the specific web page for informations and the list of events organized on this topic.


2. CIME-EMS ESSAM - The Mathematics of Mechanobiology

Lectures: * A. De Simone (SISSA, Italy), Cell motility and locomotion by shape control * A. Quarteroni (MOX-Politecnico Milano, Italy), Mathematical and numerical models for the cardiovascular flow * B. Perthame (Univ. Paris 6, France), Transport equations in biology * L. Truskinovsky (Ecole Politechnique, Paris, France), Optimality and criticality in biological systems Time and place: The school will be held on 27-31 August 2018, in Cetraro (Italy). Web: http://php.math.unifi.it/users/cime/Courses/2018/course.php?codice=20184

3. ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Course Directors: Charles University in Prague. Lectures: * Roland Becker (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France) * Eduard Feireisl (Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Czech Republic) * Nicholas J. Higham (The University of Manchester, UK) * Françoise Tisseur (The University of Manchester, UK) Time and place: The school will be held between May 27 - June 1, 2018, in Kacov (Czech Republic). Web: http://essam-masc.cuni.cz/

4. 11-th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics

Minicourses: *Aurélien Alfonsi (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) and Serigo Pilido (ENSIIE): New advances in affine process: simulations and rough models * Dylan Possamaï(Columbia University) and Stéphane Villeneuve (Toulouse School of Economics): Contract Theory: incentive policy and applications to financial regulation Time and place: August 27 - September 1, 2018, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau. web: http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/~euroschoolmathfi18/


1. ESSAM School on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows

Course Directors:  Charles University in Prague.

* Dominic Breit (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom)
* Yann Brenier (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
* Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin (University of Maryland, USA)
* Christian Rohde (Universitat Stuttgart, Germany)


Time and place:The school will be held between May 28th - June 2nd, 2017, in Kacov (Czech Republic).

2. ESMTB-EMS & DSIN Summerschool on Mathematical Neuroscience

Course Directors:  Jacob Østergaard, Susanne Ditlevsen.

* Stephen Coombes (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)
* Alex Roxin (CRM, Spain)
* Eva Löcherbach (Université Cergy-Pontoise, France)
* Patricia Reynaud-Bouret (University of Nice, France)


Time and place:The school will be held between June 26th-30th, 2017, in Copenhagen (Danemark).

3. European Summer School in Financial Mathematics

Course Directors:  Bruno Bouchard, Stefano De Marco, Martin Keller-Ressel, Mathieu Rosenbaum, Nizar Touzi.

* Jim Gatheral
* Johannes Muhle-Karbe
* Mathieu Rosenbaum
* Walter Schachermayer


Time and place:The school will be held between 28th August - 1st September 2017, Dresden (Germany).

4. CIME-EMS Summer School in Applied Mathematics: "Splines and PDEs: Recent Advances from Approximation Theory to Structured Numerical Linear Algebra"

Course Directors: T. Lyche ( Univ. Oslo, Norway), C. Manni (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata, Italy), H. Speleers (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata, Italy).

*A. Kunoth, Univ. Koln, Germany: Adaptive multiscale methods for the numerical treatment of PDEs
*T. Lyche, Univ. Oslo, Norway: Basics on splines with a special focus on local refinement
*S. Serra-Capizzano, Univ. Insubria, Italy: GLT matrices and spectral symbol: a mathematical environment for spectral analysis and fast solvers for linear systems arising from the discretization
*G. Sangalli, Univ. Pavia, Italy: Isogeometric analysis: foundations, developments and applications

Time and place:The school will be held between July 3 - July 7, 2017, in Cetraro (Italy).


1. ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Course Directors:  Charles University in Prague.

* Peter Bastian (IWR, University of Heidelberg)
* Joerg Liesen (Technical University of Berlin)
* Jan Mandel (University of Colorado at Denver)
* Richard Katz (University of Oxford)

Time and place:The school will be held between May 29th - June 3rd, 2016, in Kacov (Czech Republic).

2. EMS-ESMTB Summer School “Mathematical Modeling of Tissue Mechanics”

Organizers: Andreas Deutsch, Roeland Merks and Vitaly Volpert.

School Format:
The school will focus on hands-on group work, with participants focusing on one out of five biological problems. The mornings will start with plenary lectures that will showcase exemplary stories that have combined mathematical modeling and experimental biology, as well as discuss a number of mathematical methods in-depth. The lectures will cover a range of topics, including, but not limited to: vertex-based models, cellular automata models, cellular Potts modeling, partial-differential equations, and hybrid individual-based and continuum approaches.

TEAM A: Spatial effects in the pathogenesis of blood cancers, including leukemia
TEAM B: Modelling pigment cell interactions in zebrafish skin patterns
TEAM C: Modeling of cell-cell signaling in discrete cell lattices with reaction-diffusion systems
Team D. Zebrafish epiboly and formation of compartments in 3D tissues: coupling mechanical behavior and gene regulation

Time and place: The school will be held between 25th-29th July 2016 at the Lorentz Center, Oort-Leiden.

3. EMS-ESMTB Summer School “The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2016: Structured Populations”

Course Directors:  Mats Gyllenberg, Eva Kisdi, Francesca Scarabel.

* Mats Gyllenberg (University of Helsinki): Dynamics of structured populations
* Hans Metz (University of Leiden): Adaptive dynamics in structured populations
* Reinhard Bürger (University of Vienna): Population genetics of spatially structured populations
* Hisashi Inaba (University of Tokyo): Infectious diseases in structured populations
* André de Roos (University of Amsterdam): Population and community ecology of ontogenetic development

Time and place: The school will be held between 21st-28th August 2016 at the Linnasmäki Congress Centre in Turku, Finland.

4. European Summer School in "Modelling, Analysis and Simulation: Crime and Image Processing"

This summer school will combine a traditional research school that introduces the participants to a mathematical topic of current interest with a typical modelling week where they are exposed to a specific real-world case-study problem which they model mathematically during several days of group work. In this summer school we focus on the topics crime and image processing which are attracting a lot of attention both from the point of view of mathematical research as well as from real-world applications, but where both sides are rarely taught together. Two types of techniques will be taught for each topic, one based on partial differential equations (PDEs) and the other on a discrete approach such as networks. These techniques involve data modelling and processing aspects, which are rapidly growing in their importance for industrial and applied mathematics. Case study problems will be chosen to allow for the application and combination of both types of techniques. The intention is to provide the participants with knowledge of multiple approaches and how they can be combined to address complex modelling problems in several application areas. Due to the intensive group supervision requirement in the project phase, the research school is limited to about 30 participants, which will be split into groups for each of the case-studies with 5-6 members. The lectures and practicals will be held entirely as single session events so that the participants get exposed to all application areas and techniques.

Course Directors:  Andreas Muench, Jared Tanner, Gitta Kutyniok, Barbara Wagner.

* Andrea Bertozzi (Department of Mathematics, UCLA, USA)
* Mason Porter (Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK)
* Gabriel Peyré (CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France)
* Carola Schönlieb (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)

Time and place:The school will be held between July 4th - July 8th, 2016, in Oxford (UK).

5. European Summer School in Financial Mathematics

Course Directors:  Y. Kabanov, A. Muravlev, M. Zhitlukhin, A. Shiryaev, P. Tankov.

* Financial markets with arbitrage: by Kostas Kardaras (London School of Economics) and Johannes Ruf (University College London).
* Numerical methods for nonlinear problems: by Bruno Bouchard (University Paris Dauphine) and Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris).

Time and place:The school will be held between August 29th - September 2nd, 2016, in Pushkin (Russia).

6. European Summer School in Data Science

Course Directors:  Michał Bojanowski.

* Tomasz Szapiro (SGH)
* Witold Rudnicki (ICM UW)
* Szymon Jaroszewicz (IPI PAN)
* Piotr Guzik (GetInData / Allegro)
* Piotr Dendek & Michał Oniszczuk (ICM UW)

Time and place: The school will be held between 28th November - 2nd December, 2016, in Warsaw (Poland).

7. CIME-EMS Summer School in Applied Mathematics: "Singular Random Dynamics"

Course Directors: Franco Flandoli (Univ. di Pisa, Italy), Massimiliano Gubinelli (IAM, Bonn, Germany), Martin Hairer (Univ. Warwick, United Kingdom).

*Massimiliano Gubinelli, IAM, Bonn, Germany: Applications of controlled paths to problems in stochastic analysis
*Martin Hairer, Univ. Warwick, UK: Stochastic PDEs and Renormalisation
*Panagiotis Souganidis, Univ. Chicago, USA: Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations and conservation laws with rough time signals and applications
*Nikolay Tzvetkov, Univ. Cergy-Pontoise, France: On Hamiltonian partial differential equations with random initial conditions

Time and place:The school will be held between August 22 - August 26, 2016, in Cetraro (Italy).

Former ESSAM Schools 2008-2015


  1. NN (here, organizing entity) has agreed to organize every year a Summer School in Applied Mathematics in the framework of EMS Schools in Applied Mathematics. The organization (place, format, topic etc.) should be aimed at outlining uniformity and common identity of the Schools of the series. 
  2. EMS agreed to support the School organized in 2008 through its contract with the EU and under the rules of such contract. 
  3. EMS will help NN in fund raising for supporting the Schools that will be planned and organized for the years to come. 
  4. Participation of young researchers from European and Mediterranean countries will be stimulated and whenever possible and needed- supported. 
  5. NN agrees that the planning of future Schools will be done in cooperation with EMS, through a contact person that will be indicated by the EC of EMS. 
  6. EMS and NN consider as a priority the goal that the Schools keep a high scientific level and focus on topics of relevant impact. 
  7. All information concerning the Schools should include the EMS logo and indicate that they are organized by NN in the series of EMS Schools in Applied Mathematics. The above applies to the publications possibly originated by the School (lecture notes, proceedings). 
  8. EMS will devote particular attention in promoting the Schools through its publications and in helping dissemination of the relevant information. 
  9. NN will provide EMS with a report on each School of the series.

  10. The program committees of the organizing institutions usually incorporate a representative of the EMS Applied Mathematics committee for the planning of future schools and to certify their scientific level and the fulfilment of the EMS requirements. One of the achievements of the Applied Mathematics committee so far has been the establishment of European Summer Schools in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM), organized on a permanent basis in the framework of EMS.