Transnational Activities
- The ECMI is a large group of European mathematical institutes and some industrial centers which aim to offer their knowledge and expertise to European industry.
- The Erasmus Mundus consortium MATHMODS coordinates the action of 5 european universities to offer an advanced MSc course in Mathematical modelling in engineering.
- The French-Spanish school Jacques-Louis Lions in numerical simulation in physics and engineering takes place every 2 years. The 2014 version of it can be viewed at the address Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering.
- The DFG research center Matheon (Berlin) has regular relations with foreign centers having the same research goal, like MASCOS in Australia, the ICM in Poland and the CMM in Chile.
- The Cemracs (Centre d'été Mathématique de Recherche Avancée en Calcul Scientifique) takes place every year for several weeks. Very innovative event, which is a mixture of a summer school and a research center on industrial problems tractable in the 5 weeks of the Cemracs.
At first it was only french, but lately it has been co-organized between people of two countries.
Many of our transnational activities take place thanks to bilateral agreements between european funding agencies and ministeries. We cannot list here all those possibilities, but for instance at the French level, all those programmes can be found at the websites of the Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) and the CNRS European Affairs website.
Please if you have information about other similar sites in other european countries, please send an email to the chair of the committee